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Seeking arrangements success!


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I meant lots of new boys signing up because they're bored. I've been trading messages and texts with a handful.


The Colombians from Colombia approaching me...I dunno. But it does suck that the phone app no longer allows you to read the full profile. So no one knows I am looking for locals only

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sorry to revive this old, derailed thread...


I decided to re-join for a couple of months since my messages were piling up from cute guys. Definitely lots of twinky boys in my area signing up. With school being basically over I think lots of them are bored. Also seems to be a lot of Colombians approaching me for some reason

No apologies, it’s a great thread!


It’s no secret I’m a fan of seeking. And yes you’re right...there have been lots of new message/profiles from twinky boys, and yes more Colombians too!


But I’ve found the quality, seriousness, and follow through to be much flakier with this recent “Covid crop” ? Many, many more straight out asking for cash, “platonic/online only”, etc. While there is a plethora of new profiles, there is also a substantial rise in profiles being blocked, deleted, removed sometimes before I even read their message to me. Whether the missing profiles are due to admins, reporting, or whatever I don’t know but it’s way up.


The sad flip side is a few of my local regulars, or some that I was hoping to groom into regulars....are still online but geographically scattered to the four winds. Mainly because their schools closed if they returned home to family in distant states.


It can still be a productive and fun resource!

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Yeah I signed up again recently just for shits and giggles, and I’ve noticed a huge influx of messages from south American countries. Also, a lot of straight guys just looking to scam money out of you online. ?

I’m only looking for local too, so I’ve been having to sift through a lot.

There is a filter for your inbox that filters profiles by miles from your location. Works like maybe 50/50.

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Yeah, I use the filter and check the filtered outs occasionally. Works pretty well for me.


I've had a few that I've been messaging with a good bit. I took a couple of them to text messages after a couple of days so we could talk about particulars. One hottie and I negotiated for a bit. And then he told me that the amount I was offering was "much less" than some other guys were offering and that it wouldn't be "fair" to the others if he agreed to my offer. I didn't ask what they were offering but told him that he knows how to reach me if he changes his mind.


Another guy who is close-ish (about 35 mins away) seems to be agreeable. But we're basically in a holding pattern for the time being. One more guy I've been trading a lot of messages with but we haven't talked about money or activities other than saying we'd like to meet each other at some point. I'd say the number of attractive (to me) guys seems much higher and the messaging has been easy with most of them.


But there are a couple of were around for a few days and then haven't been back for a week or more. When it comes time to actually meet we'll see what happens.


For sure lots of South Americans in addition to the usual Europeans and Brits.

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Have eagerly lined up a few dates/trips for the summer to meet some of the lovely generous gents on Seeking. Sadly not many fellows on the site immediately around me in Florida right now.

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I did have a more general question.


Are guys on SA looking for a place to live? Or just regular meetups?


Some of us still live in condos.

They are looking for a wide variety of things, but at the end of the day it’s about compensation, whether it be tuition assistance, vacations, dinners & shopping, rent assistance or the widely preferred cash. Some, but not many, advertise as seeking a live-in arrangement.

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I did have a more general question.


Are guys on SA looking for a place to live? Or just regular meetups?


Some of us still live in condos.

I’ve rarely had any seeking guy looking for a place to live. Sometimes there are hints of this from messages from out of my area “travel to you...place to stay” but I avoid those 100%.

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Are guys on SA looking for a place to live? Or just regular meetups?


IIRC I met 5-6 guys through Seeking (Arrangements) who were looking for regular support and dates. In addition, I met 2 (separate) guys who wanted to move in at once.


As it happens, it worked well for me on both fronts. I was happy to be generous and had my needs met. I didn’t hesitate to set clear rules with the guys who came to stay, and I think that’s very important with young adults. I emphasised I was not their parent and it was an equal relationship where I would look after them as long as they took care of me in return.

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The former escort was...always sulky and insulting and it took over two years to get him to leave.


Your friend was a soft touch. Before a young man moves in with me, I’m very clear on how things will be and how I expect us both to have a good time together. If a young man as a house-guest is rude, I call him on it and remind him of my zero-tolerance for rudeness; unless I get an immediate apology, he has to pack his bags.


Over the years, I’ve found young men are a bit like dogs. They need to be house-trained and often they come to appreciate a disciplined approach.


This is a generalisation but IME I have found young Brazilians to be unfailingly polite and good house-guests. Australians are fun and friendly but can be rather entitled as house-guests; young Americans are similar but often demanding guests. Young Polish guys tend to be aware of the need to hold up their end of the bargain.

Edited by MscleLovr
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I value my solitude too much to ever consider a move-in.

I love being home alone!


I have too many censorious gay friends who would castigate me for living with a young man.


There is still a holier-than-thou group among the gay population. I have a gay brother that says “disgusting” when gay escorts are mentioned. Also, my best friend who has only acknowledged and discussed my bisexuality about two years ago, after 20 years of derision and snorts.

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I've been sadly disappointed in my recent SA interactions. Just so many scammers. It gets tiring. I did meet one local guy who is very nice and interesting to talk to, but he doesn't appear interested in any physical interaction. And one other boy I'm smitten with that I am trying to reel in, but his sister's BF has covid so the whole family had to quarantine for a couple of weeks. So we'll see if that ever works out.


A lot of guys in India for some reason these days in addition to all of the Colombians and Argentines.


It always seems the guys I am most interested in are far away. One hottie in Iowa that is my perfect physical type for example. I have been half considering taking a trip!


For some reason the website isn't working the last couple of days. I got bounced out yesterday and when I try to login it tells me that I need to do 2FA, but that it's not available so try tomorrow. Since the mobile app doesn't let you read much of a profile the website is useful

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My experience suggests posters and users frequently have unrealistic expectations


Perhaps. I certainly found that, of those young men that contacted me, several had inflated views of their worth. And indeed some also had high expectations. But I also found a few nice young men who were realistic and eager to be with an older man.


I think Seeking doesn’t work well for anyone looking for a quick date. If however, as an older man, you find younger men interesting and you are prepared to invest in a few dates first (ie if you value the BFE) there are some good-hearted young guys on Seeking.


After all, if you are an old man like me, it only takes one nice young guy to make you happy.

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Did anyone/everyone else’s Seeking app go defunct?? I knew a change was coming but didn’t expect the app to collapse. Have been thinking of making a new profile there anyway *sigh*

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I had stayed away for a year or so, decided to venture out again.. there were a lot of really young twinks, but if I was patient and used a filter, I found several quality young muscle boys. A few thought they were worth more than they were but a couple were dead on. And it's a pleasant diversion

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