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If It's Sunday...

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If it's Sunday.....it's meet last night. I was hoping that would have read... "meat last night."


It didn't.


I finally conjured up the courage to venture into Wilton Manors (George's Alabi) last night by cab from the beach and somewhere late in the evening, there, I was asked to leave. I asked why, and the guy asking me to leave refused to tell me why he was asking me to leave. I pressed him for a reason as to why and the only thing he would tell me is if you don't leave, I will call the cops.


I have never been asked to leave anywhere, ever before. In 60 years of life. Ever.


Yes, I was more than likely over-served. Before arrival and during. But, if anything, I'm (at least to my knowledge) a friendly and cuddly mess.


Should I have not at least been given a reason as to why I was being asked to leave?


Knowing me, the way I know myself, tells me this morning that I am going to over-think this and somehow ruin my time here.


Knowing me, the way I know myself, tells me this morning that I have some ownership in this, but I have nothing to learn from this as the person asking me to leave refused to provide me a reason as to why.


I just want to move on from this and simply not ponder upon it any longer as to the whats and whys.


But it's personal because it's about me and me being asked to leave a place which I was in.


Should I try and call George's Alabi later today and attempt to seek answers as to who asked me to leave and why?


Nevermind, I've already answered that question. No, I wont.


Right now, I feel the best thing for me is to not explore this any further and to block it from any further consideration. It was simply a night out in a bar. Then again, I was asked to leave. That troubles me.

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First of all you should have gone to the boat parade...;) or to the Boardwalk (much more accommodating there). I tried to tell you...lol...That being said, part of me agrees that you should quickly let it go, especially since you admit to taking some ownership in this, which leaves me to believe that somewhere in the night, you perhaps acted a little inappropriately. Go have a nice breakfast by the pool at the RP, it's Sunday Funday there, and shake it off.


If that doesn't work, go back again tonight early, before it gets crowded, have one drink with the bartender, and be charming and calm, tip well, and then ask if he would get the manager. Relate the story to the manager, exactly as you have here, calmly and in a matter-of-fact sort of way, admitting to him that it was partially your fault.. (no drama).. and see what he says. My guess is that he will apologize and you will feel better, and the situation will be resolved, and then you can go enjoy the rest of your trip. Whatever you do, don't sulk. It's gorgeous outside.

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leave the scab alone. you already sound like the type who nit picks


if you were drunk before you got there, this is the kind of thing you might have expected to happen. if the courage to go to a strip bar comes from a bottle, perhaps you should rethink tactic. being drunk doesn't make anyone the best version of themselve

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I can understand your concern. Not know why is hurtful if you have never been asked to leave a bar. Bigvalboy always gives good advice, and I agree with him here. Forget about it, annoy the weather, and go somewhere else tonight. Ft. Lauderdale is full of great gay bars, and Georgie's Alabi doesn't even have strippers! LOL Go out tonight to Boardwalk, or Johnny's, or Swinging Richards and have some fun!

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Just forget about it! My theory is a place can only be bad once. You have the choice to never go back or give it another chance. Do remember the Bars carry heavy liability insurance and have to protect their livelihood, they are not sure if you drove but if you have a wreck in most states a bar can be libel for over serving .

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Right now, I feel the best thing for me is to not explore this any further and to block it from any further consideration. It was simply a night out in a bar. Then again, I was asked to leave. That troubles me.


There's definitely merit in learning from the situation and just moving on, but it sounds like you are looking for some resolution and closure.


But first some tough love... you mention that you were "more than likely over-served." Putting it that way is a nifty little face-saving device, but hey, presumably you ordered those drinks and you made the choice to drink them. You have complete ownership over that. By serving you, the bartender is just doing what you the customer has asked, but only to a point - it sounds like eventually someone made the decision to stop serving you. Likewise, although you describe your drunk self as a friendly and cuddly mess, that's still a mess and can be disruptive to the other patrons and the business, not to mention a liability. You know why you were told to leave, so don't try to absolve yourself of responsibility by focusing on them not telling you why you had to leave.


Having said that, I get the sense you want closure on this and don't want this to cloud the rest of your trip. So I'd suggest what BVB suggests, but with one variation. Go back tonight, early and sober, ask if the bartender or the manager from last night is there, and then apologize to them for your behavior. Don't ask them why you were asked to leave, just own it 100% and apologize to the staff. They may offer you an explanation at that point, or maybe they won't, but go in there just knowing you are going to make things right. You'll feel much better, and can put the thing behind you at that point.


Then for the rest of your trip, live and learn! You say this is the first time ever you've been asked to leave a place, so I'm gonna venture this was a one-off vacation indulgence rather than an ongoing issue. But so it doesn't happen again, before going out on the town and having drinks be sure to eat a good solid meal (not just appetizers), and alternate your alcoholic drinks with non-alcoholic cokes or club sodas. Tip the bartenders well, eventually they'll probably start giving you the club sodas on the house. And don't over-rely on liquid courage... going into a gay bar in an unfamiliar place can be scary for sure, so just take a deep breath and think of it like jumping in a chilly swimming pool: a little intimidating at first, but once you get in the water is fine and you can enjoy yourself. You can do it, and have a good time with no regrets.

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Should I try and call George's Alabi later today and attempt to seek answers as to who asked me to leave and why?



Rather than agonize over what you did wrong, why not just assume your friendly, cuddly self was too much of a babe magnet, and some jealous old regular turned you in? http://www.boytoy.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif




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I am not much of a partyer, but I have been thrown out of bars at least twice and out of wh0rehouse in Mexico once. I think you should go back and get the details to fill in the blanks in your version of the story. If that does not make it a good story, embellish and serve at the next Daddy's get together.

And should we meet there, I personally guarantee that I will try my best to get you thrown out of whatever bar we are gracing with our patronage. Do not regret this incident, revel in it. Don't make it a habit, but allow yourself the freedom to be a bit of a bad drunk every 60 years or so.


Ironic that wh0re is one of the few words editted out of a site dedicated to the procurement and enjoyment of the practitioners of the world's oldest profession.

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