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Escorts, do you really love it?

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I am an extremely interesting person. I am highly educated, articulate, with many varied interests. I am also elderly and not much to look at. I haven't the slightest doubt that every single "gorgeous" escort that I've been with or will be with is only with me for the money. I couldn't even get these guys when I was younger, let alone now. Yet, I see on so many threads, the assertion by some fine escorts that they really love what they do. What is it that you love? Do you love the sex? Do you love making your clients feel good? What and why?? I'm guessing that you'll say in some way that it fulfills you. In what way? I'd love to be convinced that my time with an escort is not just money to them, but, as I've said, I'm pretty sure that it is.

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To me you have already answered the question yourself. I really do love what I do, I really enjoy making other people happy and feel good. Having a guy like yourself smile and look at me, thank me and tell me how much they have enjoyed our time is extremely fulfilling for myself. I do enjoy the sex too, sex is fun. It feels good. (I am sitting on an Accela train back into Boston while I write this, not sure if it is the vibrations or what I am writing about but I totally have a rager here.) At least that is me anyway. I think sometimes I am also a little turned on by being paid too.

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Hey Unsub,


Thank you for your question, which no doubt must have been difficult to write in such a candid way. I really appreciate your willingness to expose yourself with so much vulnerability, so I am going to try to answer as honestly and openly as you asked.


I love people. But I don't like people superficially, the way you would be able to know them in a cocktail party. I like to really know people, they inner workings, their dreams, fantasies, fears, hopes. I love to be able to meet people when we are at our most vulnerable, naked, open, wanting to be satisfied. When I am given the gift of someone's vulnerability I love to honour it with my careful ministrations, and almost always this loving care is rewarded by more openness, by a thankful presence. I find this kind of interaction incredibly rewarding, and I am always left feeling better because of it.


We live in a society in which sex and vulnerability are huge taboos, especially when it comes to gay sexuality. Most of us have layer upon layer of sexual shame, guild and uncertainty about our sexual desires and needs, and even if it's paramount to our overall health that we fulfill these needs, most of us fail to do so and live a life of repression, which in time bleeds into all areas of our lives. The first thing that I adore about this profession is when I have the feeling that I am helping someone (and helping myself) to relax during sex, when the big weight and stress related to it dissolves into a playful ease. When I see that delicious expression behind my client's eyes, that look that says "Oh, yes, it's supposed to be fun!" then I am left with a intense feeling of satisfaction. To be honest, though, sadly not every session gets to that point, and with some clients, even if I have met them for years I have not yet reached that point; however, the process of creating the safe space so that this transformation can happen is exciting and fun.


Some of my clients feel, even if it almost always untrue, that they cannot have sex with people unless they pay. I can only imagine the frustration that this touch deprivation could feel like, and again, when I put myself at their service, when I see that look of satisfaction, the pleasure of being touched attentively, lovingly, carefully, when I see in their eyes the excitement of having a perfectly available body, a body they they believe would not be available for them otherwise, and they abandon into the pleasure of the moment, I get an incredible rush and sometimes I would not, for the life of me, choose to be in any other place than that.


I have a lot of training in different therapeutic disciplines and Psychology. Sadly, the prospect of meeting with a client to talk for one hour and then talk one hour next week, hoping that one day he will have some sort of epiphany is as boring as watching paint dry. I prefer to use all my expertise and knowledge, all my experience, my personal energy and sexuality to achieve the same -if not better results, with a more hands on approach. If I leave my client more relaxed, more comfortable with who he is, more satisfied, then I am left with an intense professional sense of a job well done.


Also, yes, sex, for the most part feels really good. But this is not the reason for which I go to work. Sometimes the sex part of the appointment ends up being more like a training session, teaching my client ways in which he can become a better lover, more confident, more aware of what is happening. Sometimes this is not possible, and my client leaves after a long session, still entirely unaware that a blow job should be given with his lips, not his teeth. When this happens, I am left satisfied if I know I did everything in my power to make the situation better.


I love traveling and my other professions would not allow me neither the spending money nor the time to go travel as much as I do. With some clients I have experienced outrageous luxury that otherwise I would have only imagined. This can be really exciting!


I love interesting people. I love intelligent people with lots of experience and lots to say about the world. You sound like a dreamed dinner companion. I really enjoy intelligent, well educated, interesting people, and I find that this work puts me in touch with many of them, and puts me in touch with them in a way that our contact is always intense, very personal, intimate and genuine. I can't think of another line of work in which I would have the chance to get in such close proximity with so many fascinating people.


I am a very curious man. The theme of sexuality fascinates me beyond words. I love to understand what makes us tick, and why we all have such different triggers, fantasies, turn ons, and repulsions. Throughout my escorting years I have been exposed to the most interesting fetishes and incredibly new, exciting and sensual situations that otherwise I may have never experienced. I have learned so much about my own sexuality and broadened my register in surprising ways. I feel now like a very well oiled machine that responds well in most situations and I have been given by the profession a really nice ease and relaxation about sex that allows me to forget the technical side and fully abandon into the pleasure. It's not a bad perk, I think.


Lastly, and this is not more or less important than the other elements, I love to be in a profession that supports a healthy lifestyle, that gives me a lot of time for other pursuits, that forces me to stay healthy, strong, emotionally sane. I love to be able to make money doing what I am passionate about and I adore the fact that I can travel anywhere and take my business with me. If I take care of myself I am taking care of my business, which most of the times, in other professions is exactly the opposite.


I hope this can give you insight at least into the way I see my work. I know as a fact that there are a few other escorts who share many if not all the things that I mentioned, and I am sure there is much more to be said.


Yes, this is my work. Probably had you not found my ad and called me to book a session, chances are that we may have never had the chance to be intimate with one another, but that doesn't mean that meeting you is not exciting, fulfilling, fascinating and sensually satisfying for me.


It is true that some escorts bite the bullet and lay there thinking of England, bidding their time, tolerating their client's presence thinking of the money they will make, but there are also many escorts out there for whom meeting you is a wonderful gift. I believe that the real secret to being happy hiring escorts lies in learning to differentiate between those two.


Here's to hoping that soon you will understand how delicious it's for us to meet you!

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I am an extremely interesting person. I am highly educated, articulate, with many varied interests. I am also elderly and not much to look at. I haven't the slightest doubt that every single "gorgeous" escort that I've been with or will be with is only with me for the money. I couldn't even get these guys when I was younger, let alone now. Yet, I see on so many threads, the assertion by some fine escorts that they really love what they do. What is it that you love? Do you love the sex? Do you love making your clients feel good? What and why?? I'm guessing that you'll say in some way that it fulfills you. In what way? I'd love to be convinced that my time with an escort is not just money to them, but, as I've said, I'm pretty sure that it is.


You DO realize that TOTAL honesty could make them look very bad? So I wouldnt expect them to answer anyway except that they Love what they do, are "people persons", love meeting new people and interracting with them in a way that makes THEM happy and feel good about themselves, etc, etc.... You will undoubtedly get the Safe, politically correct response. If any escort answered that they did it for the MONEY, i would crap my pants....

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Well said (as USUAL!) Juan!

For me, the work I do hits me on a few levels:

First, it strokes my ego having people wanting to spend time with me & be willing to pay for it as well, BUT that is merely a "by product" of the whole escorting experience for me. (Like getting paid to sing/act).

Secondly, I find it INCREDIBLY gratifying when a potential or regular client confides a "secret" turn on or fetish in me & I'm able to make it a reality...I guess it's the trust factor.

I get asked often (after a session) about what got me into this line of work...Most guys are expecting the typical responses: I was abused, I have a drug problem, etc..My reply is ALWAYS the same: "I do it because I LOVE what I do"...(and, no...none of the above happened to me..I've just ALWAYS been a horndog!).

The initial meeting of a client...that moment when the clothes come off sparks fly, right down to the pillow talk afterwards.

When this can be spun off into a regular client basis, to ME it's like seeing an old friend each time we get together..and the sex gets HOTTER!

Being a "working boy" has opened MANY doors for me & I've gotten the opportunity to see the world, as well as get to know some very interesting people..What's NOT to love about it?

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Well said (as USUAL!) Juan!

For me, the work I do hits me on a few levels:

First, it strokes my ego having people wanting to spend time with me & be willing to pay for it as well, BUT that is merely a "by product" of the whole escorting experience for me. (Like getting paid to sing/act).

Secondly, I find it INCREDIBLY gratifying when a potential or regular client confides a "secret" turn on or fetish in me & I'm able to make it a reality...I guess it's the trust factor.

I get asked often (after a session) about what got me into this line of work...Most guys are expecting the typical responses: I was abused, I have a drug problem, etc..My reply is ALWAYS the same: "I do it because I LOVE what I do"...(and, no...none of the above happened to me..I've just ALWAYS been a horndog!).

The initial meeting of a client...that moment when the clothes come off sparks fly, right down to the pillow talk afterwards.

When this can be spun off into a regular client basis, to ME it's like seeing an old friend each time we get together..and the sex gets HOTTER!

Being a "working boy" has opened MANY doors for me & I've gotten the opportunity to see the world, as well as get to know some very interesting people..What's NOT to love about it?[/QUOTE]


There are several things I can think of right off the bat, but since I am NOT an escort, what i think is not at issue here. I am sure its also different for a guy if escorting is his mAIN occupation, or if its a sideline only. Certianly the dynamics and considerations would be different. If at the end of the day you are happy and fulfilled and can pay your bills, thats all that really matters.

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While I agree with jj that the escorts who respond are likely to say they love what they do for a myriad of reasons (including those provided by Phil and Juan), I don't assume that such responses are disingenuous or convey less than the whole truth. I think that the escorts who participate in this forum likely view escorting as a chosen career and they are, therefore, likely to enjoy the job. I'm sure many of them genuinely enjoy feeling like they help others and that they enjoy sex. Although money may be a motivating factor in that an escort can often earn more money in his chosen trade than he might be able to earn in another profession (especially when considering the limited tax liability), that doesn't mean the escort doesn't sincerely enjoy his job. I chose a fairly lucrative profession and the earning potential was a factor that I considered, but I still enjoy my chosen profession and receive fulfillment from it. I assume the escorts who view their job as a career feel similarly.

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While I agree with jj that the escorts who respond are likely to say they love what they do for a myriad of reasons (including those provided by Phil and Juan), I don't assume that such responses are disingenuous or convey less than the whole truth. I think that the escorts who participate in this forum likely view escorting as a chosen career and they are, therefore, likely to enjoy the job. I'm sure many of them genuinely enjoy feeling like they help others and that they enjoy sex. Although money may be a motivating factor in that an escort can often earn more money in his chosen trade than he might be able to earn in another profession (especially when considering the limited tax liability), that doesn't mean the escort doesn't sincerely enjoy his job. I chose a fairly lucrative profession and the earning potential was a factor that I considered, but I still enjoy my chosen profession and receive fulfillment from it. I assume the escorts who view their job as a career feel similarly.


Yes tom, BUT an escort cant really rest on his laurels. As Trends come and go and tastes change his earning potential can become less stable, meaning he needs to work harder at bringing in the same amount of income. Also economic instability is always a factor. WILL guys pay $300 an hr. YES there will always be those handful of clients that WILL, as for them, money is not an object, but I suspect those clients are in the minority. I do give escorts credit for what they do. I couldnt fake "amore" with a guy I find totally unnattractive, nor would I be able to make hIM feel good about himself. I believe people are BORN to do certain things in life. Escorting does require a certain mind AND skill set.

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What's NOT to love about it?[/QUOTE]


There are several things I can think of right off the bat, but since I am NOT an escort, what i think is not at issue here.


Personally I find this fascinating and I think it would be fun to hear what you think. Maybe some of us will address what you believe to be the downside of the profession but as long as you keep hinting at some mysterious knowledge that you have about us and what we really, really feel about our work, then you are just staying in the realm of conjecture, and it's not really helpful.


Right off the bat I can share the less exciting parts of my practice:


Safety. Physical safety issues when we constantly expose ourselves to situations that can be potentially threatening, and our health safety, which regardless of how careful we are and how dutiful we are when practicing safer sex, we are always exposing ourselves to stuff. We have to go the extra mile to make sure that we don't take unnecessary risks. It takes its toll to be constantly managing potential risks in your head.


It's hard to plan things, as my schedule changes unpredictably. It is almost impossible for me to balance escorting with other professions, but since it is proving to be profitable and satisfying, I am willing to give escorting a few years.


It can be exhausting, both physically and emotionally. Especially sometimes after a long engagement, after such intense presence, I need a lot of down time to get into my own natural rhythms. Since I am escorting I am less social.


It provides an uneven income and it demands a constant effort to administer funds wisely. Like every self employed person, and escort has to be clever with money.


It uses a lot of my sexual energy, which I could use with my beloved, or on my own. I have to work very carefully to make sure that I keep a good balance with the two. I know in my case I would be a healthy escort only if those two are balanced. (Yes, sometimes I just want to stay in bed with my love and fuck for three days in a row, and sometimes because of work, this is impossible, but the same thing would happen if I had to go to the office or the hospital to work.)


Jet lag. Constantly. It fucks you over.


You cannot let yourself go. There is a certain pressure to stay in a certain physical range, but in the en that is just good for me.


Yes, you come in contact with a lot of body fluids. Sometimes this is fun, sometimes is not so much. As any nurse will tell you, (And she is not trying to lie to you so that you give her all your money and become her sugar daddy) soon enough you get used to deal with it and it stops being difficult. Granted, sessions without certain body fluids are easier than sessions with them, but this is just another detail of our human machinery, and it is yet another way in which we both the client and I, are sharing our vulnerability.


And lastly, perhaps the worse of the things I am exposed to because of my work: Rudeness. There are a few people out there who still buy into the "you, cheap, disgusting ho who will do anything that I pay him to do" philosophy, and even if I never get to meet them, I have to every now and then answer the phone to them, answer an email from them, and I have to constantly keep screening people to make sure I don't come in unnecessary contact with people like that.


in other words: I am fine handling shit, but won't take shit from anyone.


I find it sad that you think we are all disgusted by you and still hire us. I can only imagine how much better your experience would be if you realized that we actually love our job. It's pretty fun, pretty cushy, pretty profitable, if we are intelligent with our funds and good at it, and on top of that we get laid! If you still think it is hard to believe we like it, then we must speak an entirely different language.


Nothing else to declare.

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Good points jj. We all know that there are economic pressures and that some guys are only in it for the money. My point was more that the escorts who read and contribute to this forum are likely guys who view this as a long-term career (relatively speaking) and that such guys are more likely to enjoy the job and be able to provide some good reasons for why they enjoy it (as a few already have). As to you original point that no escort is likely to respond stating that he doesn't enjoy it and/or only does it for the money, I'd be surprised if any escort posts that as much because I don't believe the ones who contribute here feel that way as because saying they don't enjoy it would adversely affect their financial interests.

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While I agree with jj that the escorts who respond are likely to say they love what they do for a myriad of reasons (including those provided by Phil and Juan), I don't assume that such responses are disingenuous or convey less than the whole truth. I think that the escorts who participate in this forum likely view escorting as a chosen career and they are, therefore, likely to enjoy the job. I'm sure many of them genuinely enjoy feeling like they help others and that they enjoy sex. Although money may be a motivating factor in that an escort can often earn more money in his chosen trade than he might be able to earn in another profession (especially when considering the limited tax liability), that doesn't mean the escort doesn't sincerely enjoy his job. I chose a fairly lucrative profession and the earning potential was a factor that I considered, but I still enjoy my chosen profession and receive fulfillment from it. I assume the escorts who view their job as a career feel similarly.


I happen to agree with you Tom as I do with Ace and Juan. Especially after having spent some time observing Ace and Nate and how they interacted in PS with so many people, not just the guys from Daddy's either. The seemed to genuinely enjoy meeting people from all walks of life. I have also had extended communications with members on this board about Juan also, now can that all be disingenuous, possibly, but I just don't personally believe that. I have watched Tyger interact with clients and to say that all of his actions are not genuine, I just can't believe that. I have received numerous emails from tyger that speak about a spiritual side of life, when never once did I ever hint that I had any intentions of hiring him. I think that there is a level of sincere interaction that you just can't or wouldn't hide if you did not honestly believe that inside.


With any profession, money is always a factor in ones consideration. That is a fair assessment. I don't fault an escort for that.

Do they do it just for the money, I have no doubt that some do, but I have met several escorts that still to this day keep in touch with me by phone or email when my days of hiring them are long gone. I think that escorts such as Ace and Juan and so many others that I have met are sincere when they say that they love what they do. Escorting is clearly not for everyone, but for those who have chosen this as a career and are successful at it, I just feel that a majority of those are genuine when they speak about their feelings toward clients. Maxwellissmart is an escort and has said many times that he does not judge his clients and really enjoys a majority of his clients, yet none of us know where he works out of or what his escort name is, so to me he is not here to advertise or to promote his business, so I think when he talks about his feelings, I feel that they are genuine.


Some in life look at the glass as half full and some look at it as half empty.

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Juan, as has been stated MANY times on this site, different people hire for diff reasons. for me, personally I dont care if you are attracted to me or not. I am not looking for a BFE. when I hire, its specifically for an incredible body, a HUGE cock and a delicious ass, AND I am willing to pay for it. I am an easy client AND I always enjoy my experiences whetehr or not you truly liked me... Again as I am not an escort I cannot tell you what I think are the downsides to your profession. You have made your case perfectly clear and I wouldnt even think to dispute or argue any points you've made. Every escort i have ever known has always stressed the perks and glamour of escorting. GREAT.... Do I buy it 100% ? Not really, but so what ? . We ALL make our choices and live with the consequences of those choices. If the escort is happy, i am happy FOR HIM. Its a profession I wasnt cut out to do, and somebody HAS TO DO IT ..... .

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IMO they do it for 2 primary reasons. 1 the money 2. some like the feeling that comes from feeling desirably if feeds a need . But primarily the money most wont admit it because it would be career suicide but i doubt any would go near the guys that hire them if you took the money out of the picture

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IMO they do it for 2 primary reasons. 1 the money 2. some like the feeling that comes from feeling desirably if feeds a need . But primarily the money most wont admit it because it would be career suicide but i doubt any would go near the guys that hire them if you took the money out of the picture


Thank You !

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I've had guys over the years ask me why do I do massage. 2 reasons. 1. therapeutic massage. I suffered chronic pain in a car wreck. for 2 years and over 30 doctors and enough pain pills to make whitney houston proud nothing helped. then someone suggested deep tissue massage. I tried it a few times and no longer needed pain medications and it would buy me a couple of weeks of pain relief. I was looking to get into something medical related and decided too go with massage, With the hopes of helping others the way it had helped me. those in the end will always be the clients that matter most and the ones i'll always remember. 2. sensual or erotic massage. I do it strictly for the money and no other reason other than it allows me to stay in business for the clients that matter..

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Go to ANY club where B-list escorts give lap dances to supplement their income or A-listers make "special appearnaces", and watch the guys they stalk to get them to buy a dance. They are usually the least attractive guys in the crowd, and the ones that often are visible for throwing the MOST money around. Its quite obvious here what the motivation IS....and it isnt community service.

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IMO they do it for 2 primary reasons. 1 the money 2. some like the feeling that comes from feeling desirably if feeds a need . But primarily the money most wont admit it because it would be career suicide but i doubt any would go near the guys that hire them if you took the money out of the picture


Joseph, you take the money out of any picture and most people would not be doing what they are doing for a living..That is a no brainer, but I think that it is unfair to say that none of these guys would have sex with any of their clients if money was not involved. How is it possible that you can make such sweeping generalizations about the feelings of an entire population. It just does not make any sense. Every single person on this planet is different than the next, and to pretend that everyone reacts the same way is absurd.


But most importantly...how did things go today? and what did you learn about your problem....pm me!!

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Joseph, you take the money out of any picture and most people would not be doing what they are doing for a living..That is a no brainer, but I think that it is unfair to say that none of these guys would have sex with any of their clients if money was not involved. How is it possible that you can make such sweeping generalizations about the feelings of an entire population. It just does not make any sense. Every single person on this planet is different than the next, and to pretend that everyone reacts the same way is absurd.


But most importantly...how did things go today? and what did you learn about your problem....pm me!!



your right i reread what i said and it implies all. I restate it as the majority of their clients but im sure there's exceptions

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You DO realize that TOTAL honesty could make them look very bad? So I wouldnt expect them to answer anyway except that they Love what they do, are "people persons", love meeting new people and interracting with them in a way that makes THEM happy and feel good about themselves, etc, etc.... You will undoubtedly get the Safe, politically correct response. If any escort answered that they did it for the MONEY, i would crap my pants....


Do you think that there's an element of self-deception in all this??

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I doubt my doctor would do my prostate exam without the money. Judging by the other people in his waiting room, my guess he would not be looking to spend a lot of time with them either.

Those lawyers for Zimmerman in Florida, doubtful they would be going in the same neighborhood as him without the money. Ah the joy of janitorial work without the money. Money is a driving force. It just isnt the only driving force for most people, escorts included. In addition, you can love your job and not love every aspect of every encounter.


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IMO an escort saying he does it for the money would be total and utter devastation to the clients on this website that believe that their escort is their best friend and that the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus are real. Yes I do think escorts do it for the money and I don't begrudge them for that at all. I also fail to see what benefit saying that to the general public would be, for anyone. Look at this board like a potential job interview. When you are asked "What's your biggest weakness (for example) how many of you go off on yourself to the interviewer with nothing but honesty. The smart ones , if not all, will say something like "I get so involved with my work that sometimes I forget to take my break". Would you really tell the interviewer that " I am lazy, not a team player, and I will be late 3 times a week".


I also think what escorts do is amazing. No way in the world could I be intimate with someone who I wasn't attracted to and unlike many of the professional escorts on this board, I can not easily find something to be attracted to with everyone. I think escorts have to deal with more crap then most of us could imagine. I also think they are very highly compensated for for the difficult job they do. I also think that there are reasons some escorts do what they do besides the money. I am sure some do get pleasure from making others happy. I am sure some like the attention and admiration some clients shower upon them. I am sure there are several other reasons that I can't even imagine.


I also think there is a difference between loving what you do and hating what you do. I would suppose many escorts might not hate what they do. Some do hate what they do. But the good ones are the ones that will at least make you feel like they enjoy what they do. What possible benefit could you derive knowing your favorite escort dislikes what he is doing when you have felt great every time you have gotten together previously?

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IMO an escort saying he does it for the money would be total and utter devastation to the clients on this website that believe that their escort is their best friend and that the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus are real.


I think sometimes I am also a little turned on by being paid too.


I love to be able to make money doing what I am passionate about


First, it strokes my ego having people wanting to spend time with me & be willing to pay for it as well, BUT that is merely a "by product" of the whole escorting experience for me. (Like getting paid to sing/act).


These are literal quotes from the three escorts who responded to this thread.


The three of them said that the monetary element is a big plus. (I thought it was clear that it is a job, not some kind of community service. I don't know why this would be surprising at all.)


I may be wrong, but I assure you that no clients have experienced utter devastation after having read these responses. It is obvious, it is our work, we do this to make money. It would be strange to say otherwise, but when someone tries to say that "all escorts' (or even the majority) are in it just because of the money and that we are a group of self-serving, lying, two-faced businessmen, I have to say that maybe they are not seeing the whole picture.


Many people do their jobs only to get money, but those people rarely excel at what they do. It is my conviction that only those who are passionate about what they do, only those who love their job and try to take it to new levels are truly successful at what they do.


Trying to say otherwise, in my personal opinion would be shortsighted and prejudiced, but you know, I could be wrong.


We are all entitled to our opinion and I think we have been generous sharing them here.

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IMO they do it for 2 primary reasons. 1 the money 2. some like the feeling that comes from feeling desirably if feeds a need . But primarily the money most wont admit it because it would be career suicide but i doubt any would go near the guys that hire them if you took the money out of the picture


Sorry, Joe. That may be why you are in the business but it doesn't hold true for everyone. I absolutely love my career and I get paid to do it. Do I do it just for the money? No, I don't. If I did, I wouldn't last very long in the biz, just as I imagine most escorts wouldn't last if ALL they pursued was the almighty dollar.


The attitude you and JJ have created for yourselves regarding hiring and being hired for sensual aspects works for you and allows you to function in that arena. It is, however, a grave mistake to think that either viewpoint is a prevalent attitude. I can always tell when a masseur is more about the business than about connecting with a human being. I'm not asking for a new friend or a BFE with escorts or masseurs but I enjoy the chance to meet and connect with new people and I look for ones who do the same. Any person working just to earn a paycheck is painfully obvious, no matter what their field.



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These are literal quotes from the three escorts who responded to this thread.


The three of them said that the monetary element is a big plus. (I thought it was clear that it is a job, not some kind of community service. I don't know why this would be surprising at all.)


I may be wrong, but I assure you that no clients have experienced utter devastation after having read these responses. It is obvious, it is our work, we do this to make money. It would be strange to say otherwise, but when someone tries to say that "all escorts' (or even the majority) are in it just because of the money and that we are a group of self-serving, lying, two-faced businessmen, I have to say that maybe they are not seeing the whole picture.


Many people do their jobs only to get money, but those people rarely excel at what they do. It is my conviction that only those who are passionate about what they do, only those who love their job and try to take it to new levels are truly successful at what they do.


Trying to say otherwise, in my personal opinion would be shortsighted and prejudiced, but you know, I could be wrong.


We are all entitled to our opinion and I think we have been generous sharing them here.


You are remarkable and articulate, Juan. I do feel much better about the whole issue. Thank you.

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