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R.I.P. Buster (Boo-boo): May 5, 2000 to February 27, 2012

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It was harding deciding which baby Beagle to choose among all the pups that were scattered on the ground before me. Each of them yelping, whimpering and stumbling over one another because somehow, I really feel they knew that the now was the chance to shine and sparkle for the prospective owner towering above them. I remember just how difficult it was distinguishing one from the other or which one was a boy or which was a girl. Which one did I want? Which one had the best markings? Which of those adorable bundles of love would be coming home with me to take part in it’s first family Sunday dinner at my parents house almost 13 years ago this coming May, 2012.


The decision was hard. There were just too many! They were too cute! Too adorable...


The debate was on and somehow I had worked myself up.


Then… out came the last pup in all his glory. He whimpered the most. He pushed his way through the other pups and like the under dog he appeared to be, the runt of the group, he stood proud on top of my shoe, eyes fixed on mine, he whizzed. And as quickly as the debate started, it ended with me kneeling down to pick up my very first dog that wasn’t a family pet. He wasn’t shared between roommates, significant others or friends.


I became a father that day. :)


For days I debated what to call my new puppy and he didn’t make it any easier in trying to think of one. Oh he was into everything and that nose, that Beagle nose of his led him on his path of destruction, mischievous behavior, attacks on the cats and all the rabbits within the reach of his stubby and clumsy paws. I thought maybe Gizmo but he didn't really resemble a Gremlin. I thought about a more human like name such as Fred or Bob but those just didn't seem to fit this swirling puppy in my life at that time. More days went by and I found myself calling him "little bastard" though people were asking what to call him.


I finally came up with Buster (still not sure how or really why that name landed in my head but it did and it stuck) which fit him perfectly and with the appropriate name came the most colorful, varied and interesting personality I had never seen before even in my history of many past family dogs. Buster EXPLODED those months afterwards and those months turned into years a deeply rooted bond that only a man and his dog can understand and appreciate.


Last night was a very special and momentous time for not just myself but for my long time companion and well known friend, Buster. Last night, February 27th at 8:23PM CST, my most lovable Buster peacefully passed away in my arms surrounded by those who loved him very dearly only hours after I arrived back in town from my trip in DC. Everything happened so quickly that other than the obvious, there wasn’t much that could be done for him. It was just too sudden. Too fast for us to save him and save him in a way that he would lead a good quality of life and not be hampered by complications. Simply put. His body wasn't strong enough but JUST strong enough that he waited for me to arrive which was and will always be thankful for and point to that as a testament to how strong our bond was. A man and his dog. THIS man's bestest friend.


To my little Buster I say go forward little man and don't look back because Daddy will be okay and I'm smiling at you every moment of the day in my head and in my dreams. But don't forget about me when my time comes and when it does, I look forward to be reunited with you, yet again in another life. I've never had a friend like you and I know that I won't again but I take comfort in knowing that I had so much time with such a special guy such as yourself. Somewhere in the Universe our two stars were meant to ride high in the sky together so look for me because I'll be looking for you. So many people have sent in the most beautiful cards, short letters of goodbye, flowers and plants for you, little man. I have been touched at just how many people have always remembered you and the last couple of days, they've been thinking of you and honoring your absence in our lives. You really were something, buddy! You really were and that shows by just how many condolences we've received.


I love you, Boo-boo!


See you in my dreams, little man.


<kiss kiss>



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That was a wonderful and moving tribute!! Romann, many here as I do, feel the loss and sadness that you are feeling today. I can't even begin to imagine what that day will be like when my little girl is gone. Today my heart and prayers are with you my friend. May God forever grant you the peace and memories of your beloved companion....Be well, BVB

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I'm sorry for your loss, Romann. I only met Buster a couple of times a few years ago now, but he seemed like a great dog. The first time I met you (my second ever escort experience, which was incomparably better than the first), I came over to your apartment in Dallas. We were sitting on your couch talking, and Buster jumped in my lap. He was a friendly little guy. I remember the smile on your face as we talked about our dogs, and I knew right away that you were a good guy. Thanks for sharing your eulogy, and I hope you get at least a little comfort from sharing your thoughts and reading the comments here.

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Dear Romann,

Although I don't kow you I can tell by your words what kind of man you are. Your post actually brought me to tears as I remember when my dog passed away. Not a day goes by that I don't think of her.

Buster was very lucky to have someone who loved him as much as you. I hope one day, like me, you will find the strength to bring love to another animal.

Until then my thoughts and prayers are with you.

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Romann -- truly a beautiful and touching tribute to your good and loyal friend and companion. I know what he meant to you and I grieve with you but celebrate his life and what he did mean. As with Miaguy, I am sitting here in tears reading your eulogy to Boo-Boo. Be strong and know that your many friends are here for you if you need us.


To Buster: thank you for all you were to our friend. You truly had a remarkable gift and you shared it so freely. Rest now, til you re-united with Romann. And then you can cross the rainbow bridge together.

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Hi Romann,


Sorry to hear about Buster. I know how much he means to you as a friend and companion. I think as you remember that day you met, you should know that your lives together were meant to be as they were. That love will never go away or diminish..


with love,


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I am terribly sorry to hear about Buster. I can empathize, as my cat Willy collapsed in my lap last week (he's recovered) and my cat Hillary passed away a few years ago. You will never forget Buster, but it gets easier to cope every day. My heart goes out to you.

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Dear Romann,


Thanks for sharing the beautiful tribute to your beloved Buster. Anyone who had the opportunity to witness the interaction between the two of you knew instantly how strong of a bond there was. You were indeed best friends and I know that your loss leaves a huge hole in your heart, but cherish the many happy memories that you have. We will all miss your little Boo.


Hugs from all of us

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My sympathy to you, Romann, and sharing your grief is a very special act that will help you deal with the loss of such a great friend and companion. While there may never be another "Buster", I hope you will consider finding another dog on which you can lavish your affection and love. You are such a class guy, so hope you will find another to help ease the pain and grief.


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I feel lucky to have met Buster so can imagine how blessed you were to have shared so many years with such a loving pup.


While he no doubt had some thing special in the first place I am certain that his energy, and love was also a reflection of your affection, good nature, and responsible parenting.


Buster was so friendly, and full of energy, that it seems unbeleivable he would be gone.


I'm very sorry that you lost such a charming roommate, great dog, and good friend.

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I had a beagle for 15 years & was devestated when it was time to put her down...

My condolences go out to you. Think of the time you had together & how much more RICHER your life was because of Buster.

BEAUTIFUL tribute... Thanks for sharing with us.

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that was a very moving tribute. i am very saddened by what has happened. buster was very much a one-of-a-kind friend. you both took care of each other in good times and in bad ones. he will be missed but his spirit will live on in your words and memories.

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oh my gosh - Romann - i am so sorry for your loss. it's weird because just the day before he passed, we were in dc and you were showing me his picture. he was so cute!


i know how hard it is to lose a dog... baby, my thoughts are with you.

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Sorry to hear about the loss of your pet. Sadly, they are only with us for a short period of time but their memory lives on... Hang in there buddy, you have a lot of support on this site.


I enjoyed reading all the replies in this thread. You guys are the best!

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