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Other than Dancers from some of the clubs(i.e. Gaiety, Montreal Strip Clubs, etc...) every escort I have hired had been reviewed on this site.

I have been hiring for slightly over a year and actually got the nerve to start hiring by viewing this site. I've lost track of exactly how many I've hired (more than a dozen) and I've only had one that was not up to par as such. I did try to hire one guy that was mentioned by someone here but not reviewed...he was a No Show... learned my lesson. I can honesty say that I've had the time of my life this past year and have had the best SEX of my life from the Guys I've met on this site. I've had several repeats even though I do not hire in my Hometown. I always check several reviews before I hire and I have learned by now that several reviewers have similiar taste in men as myself. So if I see one of those guys have reviewed an Escort I am thinking of hiring, it sort of gives me extra confidence in the review and a green light to set up a date.

Maybe I am just Lucky (sorry that's someone else on here) but I have had excellent dates with the Guys I've hired here and most have actually exceeded my expectations.

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VaHawk I have had mixed experiences with escorts who have positive reviews. I tend to feel the safety issues is deminished when hiring a guy with many reviews though what he delivers is another story :( .


What I have done the past 5 or 6 months is pay more attention to the reviewer. There are a small group of guys who seem to appreciate the same type of escort that I do. These men usually are right on the mark (pun intended) when writing reviews. Therefore, if an escort has 10 reviews and none are from one of the small group of clients I have faith in, I will usually pass. With that said every once in a while I feel it's important to take a chance :) .


I do miss the good ole days of hiring guys off the streets in Hollywood though.




if you want it


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I use the reviews as a winnowing device. I am much more sensitive to negative reviews than positive reviews. I probably would not ire someone with a negative review or pattern of negative reviews, but I find most positive reviews to be over the top. Sometimes, I don't recognize the body descriptions of the guy reviewed when I meet him, but I suppose beauty is in the eye of the beholder. That said, on a few occasions I have found that reviews match my own experience with an escort in an almost uncanny fashion. For a couple guys, the description of idiosyncratic sexual reactions like noises etc so matches my own experience that it makes my experience with the escort seem less personal.

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I look at the reviews as mostly entertainment, not verified information. Cetainly a escort with reviews given by 'this is my first review' folks get tossed right out, all B.S. self-promoting blah blah.

In my two years of cruising this M4M ER I had one decent encounter out of 5 that I've hired, not a good track record.

There is nothing better than seeing them person to person like the old days prior to hiring...

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>What I have done the past 5 or 6 months is pay more

>attention to the reviewer. There are a small group of guys

>who seem to appreciate the same type of escort that I do.

>These men usually are right on the mark (pun intended) when

>writing reviews. Therefore, if an escort has 10 reviews and

>none are from one of the small group of clients I have faith

>in, I will usually pass. With that said every once in a

>while I feel it's important to take a chance :) .


I have a similar experience and recently have been taking into consideration not only the reviews but the people who are submitting them. I would say that probably 90% of the escorts I have hired were previously reviewed. Early on when I first started hiring escorts there was a low percentage of successes. I attribute this to not being as clear as I should in communicating my desires and expectations, as well as not studying the reviews better (and the people doing the review). I am very cautious of reviews when there are only first timer reviewers giving glowing reports. I also am better at understanding my own expectations and matching up with what an escort seems to good at based on their reviews. Sometimes I just want a quickie and other times I want to spend time with the escort (dinner, show, etc). Understanding if an escort is the type of guy who likes to get to know someone and not rush into things is important. At the end of the day, the reviews are only a guide and some good (not necessarily long and drawn out) communication by phone/email to understand each others expectations/requirements is key to a successful time.


And then there is always the situation where someone will have such high standards and expectations that no one will be able to live up to them. Take an objective look at how realistic yours are.

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>Although I have a lot of experience with "street" and

>"club" hustlers, I have been hiring escort only since spring

>of this year.


Could the excitement of picking someone up in a bar or on the street make the encounters better for you. Maybe planning ahead and having it happen over the phone is so vanilla that there is no thrill?



> but so far I have been totally disappointed in my encounters.... I >have yet to encounter one who has performed up to my >expectations based on his reviews


I'm curious about what has gone wrong. I've had very good luck using this site to help find worthwhile escorts.



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I appreciate everyone's advice on this, and I guess it will take time to learn which reviewers to trust. I have always stated my stats and just exactly what I am interested in both the initial contact and in followup emails and phone conversations. I don't feel my expectations are unreasonable when someone advertises as a top and expectations are clearly discussed more than once and then when he shows up he can't even get it up. If I am booking just a two hour session, then I am doing so 95% for sexual reasons. If I find someone whose company I feel certain I would enjoy in other ways, then the sexual part is secondary to me and then I would book for a weekend session and have done so.


I will follow yours and everyone else's excellent advice in the future to see how it goes. I will not however, either compromise myself or lower my expectations below what has been thoroughly discussed and arranged. In my opinion, in this type of situation, a truly professional escort would be concerned about pleasing his client.

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The reviews do affect my hiring habits. Not overly, but I do try to be aware of them when a guy catches my eye.


Thanks to the reviews, I've met some wonderful guys I otherwise wouldn't have had reason to consider. In one case, the kid absolutely rocked my world and I ONLY knew about him from a review here. He wasn't advertising in the local paper at all.


I can honestly say I've never had a bad experience sticking with the good reviews, but I still take them with a grain of salt.


I still hire occasionally outside the reviews and have had mostly good experiences. Perhaps being a moderator here has finely tuned my bullshit meter, perhaps I'm just naturally a good judge of character, but I seem to be able to pick out the "good guys".


But that bullshit meter also kicks in even with guys that have great reviews. I recently said no to an otherwise pleasant guy when he revealed his "taxicab fare" pricing scheme, ending at three times the going rate. After that exchange, I realized that none of his glowing reviews mention his fees.


The reviews are a helpful tool, but they can't be trusted blindly.

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I just got off the plane from my trip to Atlanta. I would say of the three escorts I booked for that trip from reviews here, I am one for three. The first was a no show. In the spirit of fairness, early on I had given the incorrect date but in followup mails had corrected that and the escort had confirmed the new date. His cell phone was not working and he claimed in an email two days prior to the appointment that he couldn't get through on my cell. I then mailed him with my real name (he already knew the hotel) but come the day and time , no escort. I sent a mail the next day mainly to express my disappointment and the impression that the reviews indicated he wasn't a flake. Well today I got a mail from him saying because the number of my cell phone didn't work, he had no way to contact me. I guess my real name and hotel phone weren't good enough. Anyway, no harm no foul. The second guy was really nice and very attactive, but the encounter seemed to be about what I would do for him. I didn't mind so much but there was no interest in his part to play with me. The third guy was great. A real winner. One of the guys who posts here had told me in a private message that this guy was good. I agree. I may write a review of my time last night. The no show I won't identify except by private message. He claims in his mail today that he is no longer escorting and that he doubts that I will find an ad for him anywhere so I will let it go. The second guy, it could have been chemistry so I won't name him either. But I learned an important lesson as others in this thread have pointed out. The reviews can be misleading if your tastes differ from the reviewer.

This trip hasn't soured me on the process, but I will probably lay low for a while.


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For ad rian and glutes, I too have usually found that escorts whose appearance is praised to the skies in reviews here seem only average-looking to me. I don't know whether that means my standards are higher than others', but if they are so what? I'm the one wbo's paying and if I can't get what I want, why pay? I have noticed there are a few posters here who will always blame the client for any disappointment that occurs, but I just ignore them. I am not going to let someone who wasn't there tell me he knows more about what happened during one of my appointments than I do.

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I can tell you this site peaked my interest over a year ago I started with Stef from Vegas who since has stepped down, then moved on to Vegas Boy Dave also from the famed city and he was a real keeper met him last year this time in Vegas and then moved on to over 5 times this year with him. WDW, Vegas in April, Cruise for my Birthday, Houston for his Bday and now I hope to Vegas again. He is the consumate escort and friend and buddy all wrapped into one. Then also from the good reviews on here tried Adrian and Blake in Orlando with Dave while in WDW. What fun we had, decided I liked them as well and got together two more times in MD with them. Saw on this site Athan and Kristian and wow they both sounded hot but nothing like meeting them in person and real life and having some fun for Dave's Bday. Also while there took some ideas from a local guy (Houston Bonfires) and tried Tony Ryan and Jason who is a Massuer. Don't know if I would have had as much fun without the input or contact from this site. Have become friends and aquantices with lot's of the guys. Anyhow I think I owe all this to HOOBOY and the site for helping me to meet these wonderful guys. BTW did I tell you while in Houston I got to meet the great and Powerful OZ, got to sneak behind the curtain and what a treat that was. Thanks Hooboy for all you do. HUGS Chuck

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Hey fellow clients, how much do escort reviews on this site influence you as to who you decide to hire? If you have hired guys from this site based on the reviews, have you found the reviews to be accurate? This is not in reference to those escorts who post here regularly such as Rick, Franco, TomSans, Benjamin( :p ) and so on, who you can tell are all nice, totally professional guys based on their comments here, but to those who only have reviews posted here. Although I have a lot of experience with "street" and "club" hustlers, I have been hiring escort only since spring of this year. All of those I have hired so far (just five) have had good reviews posted here, but so far I have been totally disappointed in my encounters. Although all have been totally honest and trustworthy as far as safety. health, etc. is concerned, I have yet to encounter one who has performed up to my expectations based on his reviews posted here. Perhaps, I'm just having a run of bad luck, but I am beginning to believe I should just wave the white flag already and cancel my appointments with those escorts that I have already booked appointments with, for the rest of the year. I am fairly sure it is not a physical, hygenic or mental thing as I have no problems meeting and dating guys who are my peers (I am 50). I would never post an unflattering review of some guy, just because he did not deliver everything promised, but after going 0 for 5 at the plate, I am having second thoughts about that policy. I will most likely regret posting this when I see it later, but after tonight's adventure, I just needed to "blow off steam" and ask myself if I really need to pay $200+/hr to have some good looking young man leaving me feeling inadequate and blue.

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You are much too gracious to give all the credit to Stef, Dave, Adrian, Blake, Athan, Kristian, Tony and Jason. The really good part of all those meetings was that they too had the honor of your company. You have taken some undeserved abuse on this site lately and it's about time that someone blew your horn for a change (so to speak).


My experience in finding good escorts is the same as in every aspect of interpersonal relationships . . . you get out what you put in. What comes around goes around. You reap what you sew . . . enough already.


Do you get my point Chuck? You have great times with great guys because you are a great guy and I for one enjoy your posts and enjoy your appreciation of life. The pleasure in meeting you while you visited Houston was mine.


A fan,


Houston Bonfires:*

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Without having met Chuck (yet!), I have to agree with Houston (who is also a good guy himself). Both of you come across as such warm people with hearts in the right places. And I'm sure that if those 3 ways & 4 ways were successful, then yes, Chuck definitely has to take some credit for it! Derek & I look forward to our turn with the "King of the 3&4 Ways". }(

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For almost two years now, I have been hiring escorts. Almost all of them have reviews here, and all, except for about three, have satisfied me. Those who have not completely been up to snuff, I plan to try again, for a lot depended on ME in those situations.


I know one escort from San Francisco who has scorching reviews and has even been voted as one of the best in a book about escorts will never see my $$ or me again. I was completely disappointed; we met once; he did NOT do as his reviews stipulated; we HAVE NOT seen each other again and will NOT.


But initially, the reviews which I have read and the websites of some of the escorts have been the determining factors when I hire someone.

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I would just like to reiterate what's already been said. This site has been terrific in helping me find quality escorts, thanks Hoo. Before I knew anything about this site, I had some very bad experiences, such as: no shows, not getting what was promised, and false pics. Since I've used it I've had all great ones. I do my homework, I make several contacts with the escort, read the reviews carefully, comparing what the reviewer has to say and what i'm into and looking for. I truly believe there are a lot of honest and caring people doing these reviews and also the guys in these forums. Chuck, always like to read your posts. Thanks again HB for a great site and thanks to all of the contributors.

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Agreed. Of several escorts I have hired on the basis of positive reviews here about half have lived up to their reviews and the others have not. In particular I have found that several escorts whose appearance was praised to the skies seem just average looking to me. I don't know if that means my standards are higher than others but if they are so what? I'm the one who's paying, and if I can't get what I want then what's the point of shelling out the dough?


There are a few people here who will always try to blame any unsatisfactory encounter on the client. It's best to just ignore them. There is nothing you can learn from them except how to enjoy being ripped off.

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