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411 on Collegeboyfl in Atlanta

Paul FL

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  • 2 weeks later...

Did you have any trouble connecting with him. I text him a while back on his old number and got no response. He now has a new number and I have text that with no response so far… ??

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  • 1 month later...

He is visiting New Orleans this weekend and, so far at least (6 hours), no response to my text either.  I gave it a small percentage chance that he would respond based on the previous post on this thread, and I feel certain he’ll live up to my expectation of a non response.  Nevertheless, I’ll make another post on this thread if he does respond.

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After some time, I got a private l message from someone who had seen him & highly recommended him.  So, I Text him again after no responses. I told him he came highly recommend and I would love to meet him. He responded quickly and asked who had recommended him. I gave him the screen name of the person bc naturally I didnt know their real name. No more responses after that brief question…. After time went by, I tried one more time and he responded and said Thanks but he was going to pass. 
I’m not sure how he chooses who he does and doesn’t see? Obviously it’s 100% his right and choice to see who he wants…. Just don’t understand why have the RM ad if he’s going to reject seeing people without a conversation or any pics / info exchanged. I’d love to see him but not going to happen. 🙅‍♂️ 

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On 6/19/2024 at 6:29 PM, jusmeinbr said:

He is visiting New Orleans this weekend and, so far at least (6 hours), no response to my text either.  I gave it a small percentage chance that he would respond based on the previous post on this thread, and I feel certain he’ll live up to my expectation of a non response.  Nevertheless, I’ll make another post on this thread if he does respond.

Hello. To answer your question, I chose not to respond as we spoke previously when I was in New Orleans, and you were very impatient. When my profile indicates that I’m not even arriving to town for several days, a few hours for a reply back is not unreasonable.


Had I’d already been in town, marked as “available now”, and you were looking to meet that day, I would have responded right away. 

This is simply something part time for me when out of town. I don’t go “on tour”, and when I travel I’ll meet 1-2 people in a city to supplement some of my travel expenses. I will respond at my earliest convenience and be selective about who I meet. Cheers!

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On 6/19/2024 at 7:15 PM, Owen FL said:

After some time, I got a private l message from someone who had seen him & highly recommended him.  So, I Text him again after no responses. I told him he came highly recommend and I would love to meet him. He responded quickly and asked who had recommended him. I gave him the screen name of the person bc naturally I didnt know their real name. No more responses after that brief question…. After time went by, I tried one more time and he responded and said Thanks but he was going to pass. 
I’m not sure how he chooses who he does and doesn’t see? Obviously it’s 100% his right and choice to see who he wants…. Just don’t understand why have the RM ad if he’s going to reject seeing people without a conversation or any pics / info exchanged. I’d love to see him but not going to happen. 🙅‍♂️ 

Hello to you also. I remember this as well. You contacted me from another state, and said you wanted to fly and visit me. With my schedule, it’s simply not feasible for me to coordinate such an arrangement. I am only looking to meet someone already in town or will be in town in one of the cities I’m in at the same time. I kindly told you I would pass. 

have a great day

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7 hours ago, Collegeboyfl said:

Hello to you also. I remember this as well. You contacted me from another state, and said you wanted to fly and visit me. With my schedule, it’s simply not feasible for me to coordinate such an arrangement. I am only looking to meet someone already in town or will be in town in one of the cities I’m in at the same time. I kindly told you I would pass. 

have a great day

Thanks for the explanation! Maybe it will work out someday 

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21 hours ago, Collegeboyfl said:

Hello. To answer your question, I chose not to respond as we spoke previously when I was in New Orleans, and you were very impatient. When my profile indicates that I’m not even arriving to town for several days, a few hours for a reply back is not unreasonable.


Had I’d already been in town, marked as “available now”, and you were looking to meet that day, I would have responded right away. 

This is simply something part time for me when out of town. I don’t go “on tour”, and when I travel I’ll meet 1-2 people in a city to supplement some of my travel expenses. I will respond at my earliest convenience and be selective about who I meet. Cheers!

You and I have NEVER spoken; furthermore, I have never corresponded with you period prior to earlier this week!

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9 hours ago, azdr0710 said:

welcome to the forum @Collegeboyfl ......professional and to-the-point replies.....thanks for checking in.......

Perhaps you won’t find it so “professional” when someone falsely accuses you of engaging in a telephone conversation which never transpired and based on that nonexistent phone conversation references you as “impatient.”

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22 hours ago, Collegeboyfl said:

Hello to you also. I remember this as well. You contacted me from another state, and said you wanted to fly and visit me. With my schedule, it’s simply not feasible for me to coordinate such an arrangement. I am only looking to meet someone already in town or will be in town in one of the cities I’m in at the same time. I kindly told you I would pass. 

have a great day

I certainly can’t speak to any communication you had with him, but you and I absolutely 100 percent NEVER engaged in any correspondence with one another until earlier this week when I sent a brief and polite text.  I have been at this 21 years, and NO provider has ever accused me of being “impatient” either in private to me or publicly as you have now done, and for that false statement to be made about me from someone who would be unable to substantiate any communication to me and only one polite text from me is very disheartening.

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I am going to make two concluding observations about this thread because I believe that I have authoritatively shot down the notion that this young man and I ever engaged in communications at all in the past.

Number one: his profile indicates that he apparently changed his mind about visiting New Orleans this weekend, and it presently shows that he is in Denver, Colorado. I make that notation simply so anyone looking at this thread sometime in the future will be aware of that fact.  Perhaps his travel plans were “up in the air,” and I was used as a mere scapegoat in his false allegation about me when, in reality, the fact of the matter is that he abandoned a planned trip to New Orleans which he posted to his ad.

Number two: this young man took out his ad on December 27, 2023. Accordingly, that leaves less than a six-month period at which he alleges that he has visited New Orleans, and I was “impatient“ with him on that visit.  The reality is that I have engaged in communication with only two providers in calendar year 2024 (and none the last four days of calendar year 2023).

Those two providers are him (by way of that polite text earlier this week) and Dimitryy.  As I have documented in another post, Dimitryy and I have met three times this year.  Those three times included me twice making a 19-hour round-trip to Birmingham while he was visiting there (early April and mid May).  I plan to continue meeting with him whenever he is within a 10 hour or so drive from New Orleans.

I wish the very best to this young man, not only in this venture, but in whatever career path he ends up taking outside of this arena. Nevertheless, I do not feel he will achieve it within this arena by making the sort of false allegation that he  made about me.


Edited by jusmeinbr
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This isn’t even worth responding to. In your own words, you only gave me 6 hours to respond before you jumped on this forum to talk about me. Please don’t contact me again. I’m not going to go back and forth with you over this.

On 6/22/2024 at 5:48 AM, jusmeinbr said:

I am going to make two concluding observations about this thread because I believe that I have authoritatively shot down the notion that this young man and I ever engaged in communications at all in the past.

Number one: his profile indicates that he apparently changed his mind about visiting New Orleans this weekend, and it presently shows that he is in Denver, Colorado. I make that notation simply so anyone looking at this thread sometime in the future will be aware of that fact.  Perhaps his travel plans were “up in the air,” and I was used as a mere scapegoat in his false allegation about me when, in reality, the fact of the matter is that he abandoned a planned trip to New Orleans which he posted to his ad.

Number two: this young man took out his ad on December 27, 2023. Accordingly, that leaves less than a six-month period at which he alleges that he has visited New Orleans, and I was “impatient“ with him on that visit.  The reality is that I have engaged in communication with only two providers in calendar year 2024 (and none the last four days of calendar year 2023).

Those two providers are him (by way of that polite text earlier this week) and Dimitryy.  As I have documented in another post, Dimitryy and I have met three times this year.  Those three times included me twice making a 19-hour round-trip to Birmingham while he was visiting there (early April and mid May).  I plan to continue meeting with him whenever he is within a 10 hour or so drive from New Orleans.

I wish the very best to this young man, not only in this venture, but in whatever career path he ends up taking outside of this arena. Nevertheless, I do not feel he will achieve it within this arena by making the sort of false allegation that he  made about me.



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On 6/22/2024 at 7:48 AM, jusmeinbr said:

I am going to make two concluding observations about this thread because I believe that I have authoritatively shot down the notion that this young man and I ever engaged in communications at all in the past.

Number one: his profile indicates that he apparently changed his mind about visiting New Orleans this weekend, and it presently shows that he is in Denver, Colorado. I make that notation simply so anyone looking at this thread sometime in the future will be aware of that fact.  Perhaps his travel plans were “up in the air,” and I was used as a mere scapegoat in his false allegation about me when, in reality, the fact of the matter is that he abandoned a planned trip to New Orleans which he posted to his ad.

Number two: this young man took out his ad on December 27, 2023. Accordingly, that leaves less than a six-month period at which he alleges that he has visited New Orleans, and I was “impatient“ with him on that visit.  The reality is that I have engaged in communication with only two providers in calendar year 2024 (and none the last four days of calendar year 2023).

Those two providers are him (by way of that polite text earlier this week) and Dimitryy.  As I have documented in another post, Dimitryy and I have met three times this year.  Those three times included me twice making a 19-hour round-trip to Birmingham while he was visiting there (early April and mid May).  I plan to continue meeting with him whenever he is within a 10 hour or so drive from New Orleans.

I wish the very best to this young man, not only in this venture, but in whatever career path he ends up taking outside of this arena. Nevertheless, I do not feel he will achieve it within this arena by making the sort of false allegation that he  made about me.


oh my stars 

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On 6/19/2024 at 5:29 PM, jusmeinbr said:

 so far at least (6 hours), no response to my text either.


On 6/22/2024 at 4:48 AM, jusmeinbr said:

I believe that I have authoritatively shot down the notion that this young man and I ever engaged in communications at all in the past.


though there are certainly THREE sides to every story, credibility is somewhat strained here.......you did communicate with him, though there doesn't seem to have been a reply back to you......

Edited by azdr0710
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3 hours ago, Collegeboyfl said:

This isn’t even worth responding to. In your own words, you only gave me 6 hours to respond before you jumped on this forum to talk about me. Please don’t contact me again. I’m not going to go back and forth with you over this.


Then why'd you respond?

Yeah, I'm man enough to ADMIT I got on this forum to state fact!  You may not have liked the fact, but you do not deny that it is fact!  You, on the other hand, decided to fabricate a conversation that never transpired, nor are you even now suggesting that it did ever transpire, but you simply want to fold the tent and declare it, "not worth responding to!" 

Giving you the benefit of the doubt that you did in fact change your travel plans, was it really overly burdensome to merely send a quick text saying, "Thanks for the text, but it turns out I'm going to Denver rather than New Orleans?" 

I too had travel plans and in fact was out-of-state yesterday; however, I actually would have postponed that had there been a realistic chance that I thought a meeting was possible for which we may both enjoy.  That is why I tried to get SOME response from you in order that I could solidify MY OWN plans for the weekend.  I am going to reproduce the totality of that text sent to you, which represents 100% of the correspondence between us in our entire lifetimes:

Sent on Wednesday, June 19, 2024 @ 1:42 p.m. (only 49 hours before my planned departure for Texas unless something positive developed from the outreach):


Hi.  I like your RM ad.  Here is the link for mine which spells out all I seek:

<link supplied>

Let me know if you may want to hook up while you're in NO this weekend.



It's a mere common, professional courtesy to let someone know something changed or even, "We're not a good match," which is a perfectly acceptable reply and one I've expressed appreciation for with other providers (see the 5th post on this thread): 

I have never "contacted" you again (and have no interest or intention of doing so in the future), but let me educate you a little.  You do not tell me what I will and won't do when it comes to this forum!  If you wish not to go "back and forth," the ball is in YOUR court to not respond!



Edited by jusmeinbr
typo and segment added
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1 minute ago, azdr0710 said:



though there are certainly THREE sides to every story, credibility is somewhat strained here.......you did communicate with him, though there doesn't seem to have been a reply back to you......

If you mean my credibility, you are most welcome to decide whom you deem credible and whom you do not!

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I think @jusmeinbr responses say a lot about himself. I’m just looking for casual fun encounters. I don’t have as much time invested into this as he does. It’s not a profession or business for me by any means.

If I didn’t respond to a text, I just didn’t respond. It’s not that serious, and I really don’t owe much more of an explanation than that. 

If you’d like to sit on here and write these novels, that’s your prerogative.

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39 minutes ago, Collegeboyfl said:

I think @jusmeinbr responses say a lot about himself. I’m just looking for casual fun encounters. I don’t have as much time invested into this as he does. It’s not a profession or business for me by any means.

If I didn’t respond to a text, I just didn’t respond. It’s not that serious, and I really don’t owe much more of an explanation than that. 

If you’d like to sit on here and write these novels, that’s your prerogative.

I knew you couldn't resist!! 

You certainly don't owe any more explanation other than that.  What's interesting is that, according to your theory, what one should do is wait until a provider is actually in the city before initiating contact (and to carry it to your stated extreme have put out the "available now" green light).  

Well, that sort of defeats the whole purpose of you even divulging travel plans, no?  After all, had you not listed New Orleans as a place you were visiting this weekend, I never would have initiated contact, no?

The reality is that you never would have responded, and that's just fine (apparently that would have matched the pattern on the post right above my original post). 

What happened, though, is that someone obviously sent you a link via text to this thread and likely introduced you to the whole existence of this community.  So, once you saw the post, it was at that point you decided to make a statement on the matter.

I promise you that if you'd said, "Look, I chose not to reply," (which you did) and ended the sentence there, you would not have heard another word out of me on this forum.

Instead, you decided, of your own volition, to state a reason why you "chose" not to reply.  In stating that reason, you manufactured a completely false narrative to which you've yet to provide any explanation for whatsoever, nor or you now even denying that the narrative was false. 

Nobody suggested that this is a "business or profession" for you, but that doesn't mean the typical prospective client is just going to let you say whatever you want to say irrespective of how false that statement is.

That's a practice you may wish to curtail in whatever business or occupation you do want to make for your daily grind after graduation (and I know you'll graduate at or near the top of your class because your grammar and punctuation skills are stellar) and for the remainder of your life, which is, in all likelihood, going to be 70 - 75 years in your case.  For me, it's much shorter, but I've had a great life whether it ends tomorrow or 25 years from now (about the max I can possibly hope for). 

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1 minute ago, BuffaloKyle said:

There is one thing I would suggest from reading everything in this thread. I'd put right in your ad @Collegeboyfl something along the lines of that you usually have limited availability and that you will only get a reply back from a text inquiry if you are indeed available. Just my thought. 👍

Thank you.  I think that's great advice and, perhaps, coming from someone other than me, maybe it may be taken with the goodwill that I know you want it to be taken.

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