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Hiring in Puerto Vallarta


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  • 8 months later...

I've never been to Puerto Vallarta, but you can find some current information at


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Glad that I could be of some assistance; for over the many years that I have been at this form (its predecessor's as well as this one, many men have contributed information that has immensely helped me during my travels and beyond.

Edited by Axiom2001
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 3/13/2023 at 7:53 PM, andymn said:

Looking for all your do’s and don’t’s hiring. Top tips? Things to avoid? 

PV has become a destination for foreign providers (non-Mexican) catering to visiting tourists.  Most of the those visiting providers bring their home country rates with them - and it tends to influence the overall rates in PV, meaning rates are higher than you would expect.  In that situation, I’d go for the locals.  All depends on want you want tho - if there is a visiting American provider that you can’t resist, be ready to pay US rates.

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14 hours ago, SouthOfTheBorder said:

PV has become a destination for foreign providers (non-Mexican) catering to visiting tourists.  Most of the those visiting providers bring their home country rates with them - and it tends to influence the overall rates in PV, meaning rates are higher than you would expect.  In that situation, I’d go for the locals.  All depends on want you want tho - if there is a visiting American provider that you can’t resist, be ready to pay US rates.

On the flip side, I did manage to find one European escort visiting Puerto Vallarta.  I offered to meet him at the local rate, and had a fantastic session with him.  He did give me a discount for paying in US dollars instead of Pesos (I was going to pay him in Pesos by default, but he asked for a lower amount in US Dollars so it would be easier to take back to Europe with him).  So, beware of what @SouthOfTheBorder says because it is true that there are many American and Canadian escorts who travel to Puerto Vallarta and advertise high US rates.  But you can sometimes strike gold by offering local rates to those who are visiting Puerto Vallarta for the season.

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1 hour ago, Vegas_Millennial said:

On the flip side, I did manage to find one European escort visiting Puerto Vallarta.

the average one-hour European rate is 150euros, give or take 50 in some circumstances.  The US one hour rate is more like $300, give or take 50.  I’d pay equivalent of 150euros in PV - I wouldn’t pay $300.  Obviously an individual choice tho. 

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A little off topic, but...

I've been going to PV for years.  This last trip was the first time I was disappointed in the whole PV experience.  The town has changed a lot and in my opinion for the worse.  I guess I am getting old and am looking for different travel experiences.  

But I am glad to know that people can go for their first time and have a great visit.

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35 minutes ago, MikeThomas said:

I've been going to PV for years.  This last trip was the first time I was disappointed in the whole PV experience.  The town has changed a lot and in my opinion for the worse.

agree - it’s basically a circuit party now w overpriced everything by Mexican standards.  It’s still beautiful during winter, but full of everything I generally want to get away from.  

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4 hours ago, MikeThomas said:

A little off topic, but...

I've been going to PV for years.  This last trip was the first time I was disappointed in the whole PV experience.  The town has changed a lot and in my opinion for the worse.  I guess I am getting old and am looking for different travel experiences.  

But I am glad to know that people can go for their first time and have a great visit.

I would agree.  MX isn't stupid...  They know who's coming and who's spending money.  

Like Cancun and Cabo before it, it's becoming less authentic Mexico.  The gueros don't seem to know or care, by the looks of it.

It's why I tend to stick to CDMX, Monterrey, Guadalajara, Merida, Guanajuato, Oaxaca and Puebla.  

When I leave the States, I want feel like I've left the States.

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  • 5 months later...

Im going to PV next month. Had a reservation at Mercurio, but! oh well. Trying to find something else now, but cant decide where to stay. Basically its a sexcation so might stay close to bars/clubs. Blue chairs looks bad, but location looks nice. Recommendations? Doesnt have to be clothing optional, but want a nice pool/not far from beach/adults only/potential hookups at the hotel/close to bars and clubs.

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23 hours ago, rockstrongo said:

Im going to PV next month. Had a reservation at Mercurio, but! oh well. Trying to find something else now, but cant decide where to stay. Basically its a sexcation so might stay close to bars/clubs. Blue chairs looks bad, but location looks nice. Recommendations? Doesnt have to be clothing optional, but want a nice pool/not far from beach/adults only/potential hookups at the hotel/close to bars and clubs.

Oh no!  Thanks for your post, or I would not have known Hotel Mercurio suddenly closed.  I have/had reservations for this winter.  I'll need to try to get this squared away with my credit card company.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I’d stay at Casa Cupula. You can meet the best go go boys who work the pool parties (introduce yourself to Lalo the promoter). The hotel is away from the bars but they’ll drive you to the clubs and you can just Uber back easily. There’s no qualms about bringing guys home and it’s a nice property with kind gay employees. The owner was nice too, he gave me all kinds of helpful tips for having fun in PV! 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was in PV last year. I made the mistake of trying to bring an escort (US$75 an hour) to the All-Inclusive where I was staying. After I paid for his day rate, everything went well, but there was an awkward moment during registration when he had to give his personal information.

He stayed for another two hours and hung out with me off the clock. We had a meal together at one of the AI’s restaurants and a couple of drinks at the beachside bar.

Edited by alrajee
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