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The P.P.I.E.W. (Practically Perfect In Every Way) Club


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here's the legendary Muscle Beach with Mike Betts and Rick Wolfmier...... thanks to @TruthBTold @g56whiz @easygoingpal for the reference.....not crystal clear, but not bad......the pornhub clip is clearer, but somewhat distorted (squeezed a bit), so will also post it......wow, they just don't make 'em like this anymore.....




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here's the legendary Muscle Beach with Mike Betts and Rick Wolfmier...... thanks to @TruthBTold @g56whiz @easygoingpal for the reference.....not crystal clear, but not bad......the pornhub clip is clearer, but somewhat distorted (squeezed a bit), so will also post it......wow, they just don't make 'em like this anymore.....





I used a couple of programs (Downie 4, on the mac, and handbrake), to save the video and play around with it. I can report that the pornhub version is 474x480 pixels (extended with black bumpers on either side to 853 x 480 to make it appear widescreen, and if I use handbrake to stretch it to 640 x 480 it seems to match the first version. Downie costs around $20, and handbreak is free.

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Easygoingpal gave us a torso shot of this amazing physique back on March 5th. Me being a leg man, I couldn't resist sharing this shot of his magnificent thighs, which are balanced with beautifully symmetrical calves, all cloaked in the perfect amount of manly hair. They almost take me past the tattooing. :p:p:p



I think he is going to be a classic. I'm guessing that being blessed with great genes and the proper exercises to make sure all muscles are symmetrically balanced are the result of this Hercules/Adonis of a man!

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