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  1. Love
    Alex93108 got a reaction from + keroscenefire in Off the clock time. How best to handle?   
    So an update
    What he essentially gave me was an overnight plus almost two days. Lots of off the clock time. I just went with the flow .  He spent the day at my hotel hanging out at the pool . Before dinner we even went to the local mall, and did a bit of shopping, but I wasn't pressured into buying him anything. It was all quite lovely and nothing bad happened. At the end of the day it boils down to chemistry and trust. There was lot of that.
    I haven't had that many overnights but what truly makes a great overnight is having a provider who can fill in the gaps, keep up the pace and essentially keep me the client entertained and delighted throughout. I was tired the first night, which he respected, but when morning came he made sure that I wasn't bored.  I am by nature a very accommodating/compromising  person, and I was interested in what he wanted to do as well, which was odd, because he was very much focused on my needs, what made me happy, what I wanted to, even during the off the clock hours. I wanted this to be something he enjoyed as well, even though it was about me, I wanted him to enjoy himself.  I think he appreciated that. 
    For me, a mark of a good relationship / connection, it the ability to hang out with someone with gaps in the conversation/ long moments of comfortable silence. There was lots of that.  At breakfast, after  a long period of silence, he asked me what I was thinking. I said to him. "I must be incredibly lucky to be here with you - at this very moment".   His smile back could melt anyones heart. 
    I made a promise to see him again soon. It was incredibly gratifying and healing to have this gorgeous, handsome and cute Latino boy spend two days with me, plus and overnight.   
  2. Love
    Alex93108 got a reaction from Strafe13 in Off the clock time. How best to handle?   
    So an update
    What he essentially gave me was an overnight plus almost two days. Lots of off the clock time. I just went with the flow .  He spent the day at my hotel hanging out at the pool . Before dinner we even went to the local mall, and did a bit of shopping, but I wasn't pressured into buying him anything. It was all quite lovely and nothing bad happened. At the end of the day it boils down to chemistry and trust. There was lot of that.
    I haven't had that many overnights but what truly makes a great overnight is having a provider who can fill in the gaps, keep up the pace and essentially keep me the client entertained and delighted throughout. I was tired the first night, which he respected, but when morning came he made sure that I wasn't bored.  I am by nature a very accommodating/compromising  person, and I was interested in what he wanted to do as well, which was odd, because he was very much focused on my needs, what made me happy, what I wanted to, even during the off the clock hours. I wanted this to be something he enjoyed as well, even though it was about me, I wanted him to enjoy himself.  I think he appreciated that. 
    For me, a mark of a good relationship / connection, it the ability to hang out with someone with gaps in the conversation/ long moments of comfortable silence. There was lots of that.  At breakfast, after  a long period of silence, he asked me what I was thinking. I said to him. "I must be incredibly lucky to be here with you - at this very moment".   His smile back could melt anyones heart. 
    I made a promise to see him again soon. It was incredibly gratifying and healing to have this gorgeous, handsome and cute Latino boy spend two days with me, plus and overnight.   
  3. Agree
    Alex93108 reacted to irfy in London recommendations   
    I agree with you about Brazilians, in London find them very hit & miss, more miss if I'm honest so I avoid hiring them, whereas when I was in Brazil they were fantastic. At the risk of generalising I think they have a different mindeset when in Europe, shame as there are some very attractive Brazilian guys  advertising in London, but I just find it risky hiring them.
  4. Like
    Alex93108 got a reaction from + BenjaminNicholas in Getting shredded to 15-18% body fat?   
    Thank you!
    I've had many junk trainers at Equinox ( pretty boys with insta accounts) . They even have a group one which is drool worthy. 
    I did get real results with a remote trainer based in LA  that came recommended to me, but got bored of the workouts.
  5. Like
    Alex93108 reacted to Winky in Getting shredded to 15-18% body fat?   
    On the diet side:
    Weight loss is simple math. Drop 500 calories a day, you'll lose 1 lb a week.
    You don't have to change what you eat, just how much. You can eat the same number of meals a day, just smaller portions.
    OR you can stop drinking and stop snacking. That would probably get most people there.
    Finally, eat slower. It takes time for the stomach to tell the brain it's full, so if you eat fast you don't get the message in time.
  6. Like
    Alex93108 reacted to + BenjaminNicholas in Getting shredded to 15-18% body fat?   
    Correction: Hire an APPROPRIATE trainer for your goals. Like some here, don't just hire 'pretty' guys that you're attracted to.
    Credentials matter. Consider females as well. This is about goals and pushing past plateaus, not fucking your help. 
  7. Like
    Alex93108 reacted to + muscleboyinsd in Getting shredded to 15-18% body fat?   
    Exercising consistently is important.  Set up 3 to 4 weight workouts that you can complete in 45 minutes.  Start with 15 minutes of cardio to get your metabolism and heart rate up.  Then hit the weights for 45 -- 4-5 exercises, with 4-5 sets of 12 for each exercise.  The 12 rep-count is on the high side, but it will teach your muscles endurance and strength.  Certain exercises will lend themselves to doing "arms separately" -- Ex. Curls.  Doing the arms separately lets you stretch out the set and get your heart rate up higher.  Stick with the same workout for a good amount of time (i.e. at least 4 weeks).  Don't "change it up" all the time.  Doing the same workout will help you have a feel for where you are at.  Whereas if you keep changing it, you will have no idea what progress you are making.
    Consistency in meals is also important (though possibly boring).  If you are eating consistently and working out consistently, then you can watch what happens to your body (shape, weight, fat levels, etc.) and make small changes to experiment and see what happens.
    Also, if you can stomach it, try doing fasted workouts first thing in the morning.  It takes some getting used to, but it will get your metabolism up first thing in the morning -- which will allow you to burn fat passively following the workout throughout the day.  And working out before you eat will teach your body to start burning fat for energy.
    If you really want to get into it, buy a heart rate monitor -- I like the Polar H10 chest strap.  But if that's inconvenient, you can try something like a Polar Verity Sense -- which is an armband.  The heart rate monitor will let you see how many minutes you spend in different heart rate zones.  If you can push yourself to stay in Orange zone (and eventually Red), you will really be burning a lot of calories!  And the heart rate recordings of your workouts motivate you to try to work harder when you look back at them.
    [Sorry for the long-winded reply.  I love working out and have been doing it for over 20 years now.]
  8. Thanks
    Alex93108 reacted to + BenjaminNicholas in Getting shredded to 15-18% body fat?   
    First, a shredded body is not 15-18% bf. It's really sub 10. That's when everything pops. 
    Shredded also means low water weight. 
    Bottom line, a great body is made in the kitchen. If you're not willing to go that far, I'd recommend intermittent fasting. The 16:8 method personally works well for me.
    Cardio 5x a week. Lighter weights, max reps. HIIT training. 
  9. Like
    Alex93108 got a reaction from Yale88 in Opinion please   
    There should be a comp make up session based on terms and conditions suited to you, including flying to your town, if appropriate, plus an upgrade or gift of some sort. A handwritten note to you apologizing, bordering on a love letter. 
    If the Four Seasons ran an escort business, that's how it would be done 
  10. Like
    Alex93108 reacted to MscleLovr in How to get providers to arrive on time   
    A date may prove expensive but it should certainly be very enjoyable. For it to start off badly is simply wrong.
    I never had the problem cited by @DrownedBoy but I’m a stickler for punctuality generally. So I admire the suggestion by @Rod Hagen to ask nicely for the companion to be on time…(using the white lie) because I have a visitor/tradesman coming over later.
    Now if only I could use a similar tactic with a very old friend who meets me for dinner in a restaurant and often arrives 1 hour late…
  11. Applause
    Alex93108 reacted to Rod Hagen in How to get providers to arrive on time   
    Just tell the provider that someone else, friend/electritian/whoever, is scheduled to be at your apartment/house 30 minutes or so after you two are supposed to be finished, so "PLEASE show up on time.  I'd hate for you to arrive, and then just have to turn around and leave because we won't have enough time to avoid the friend/electritian/whoever,. Thanks, very very very much looking forward to seeing you :-) "
    If your appointment is at night, it's more difficult.  Maybe tell him you have an early flight?
  12. Like
    Alex93108 reacted to Jamie21 in How to get providers to arrive on time   
    I try hard to be on time. If someone hires me I figure that they’re probably doing something else afterwards so they expect me to be punctual otherwise things will be rushed…and no one wants that.
    This discussion reminds me of a time I turned up an hour early to an appointment. The client had hired me to join his session with another guy he’d hired after they’d had an hour or so together….I was to be the extra ‘energy’ joining the session part way through. But I made a mistake with my reading of the clock and turned up an hour early! I waited in the hotel lobby until they were ready for me. I’m able to manage many things well (money, relationships, house etc) but managing time is the most challenging thing. So difficult!
  13. Like
    Alex93108 reacted to dbar123 in Off the clock time. How best to handle?   
    I see a younger provider who bikes with me off the clock. I pay for lunch though. It’s not a big deal unless you make it one.
  14. Like
    Alex93108 got a reaction from GTMike in Off the clock time. How best to handle?   
    I think we should not delude ourselves in thinking that this could  turn out to be just like Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman . That only happens in the movies .
    My line in the sand is :  At best it’s lovely but for me personally I would not want it to turn into a seeking arrangement situation, which some people might be open to ,  I’m in my mid 40s i might think differently about this when I am older. 
    I think everyone ( if presented with this situation) should figure out before hand what their boundaries are and not be deluded that it could turn into Pretty Woman . 
    I am super comfortable with this now  
  15. Like
    Alex93108 reacted to Jamie21 in Off the clock time. How best to handle?   
    It’s like going for a walk without a map. You might end up somewhere lovely, you might end up lost and waste a lot of time. Just be aware that when you embark on the journey that it could go anywhere so have low expectations, high curiosity and an open mind. 
  16. Agree
    Alex93108 reacted to maninsoma in Off the clock time. How best to handle?   
    Nowhere did I suggest indulging in a "Pretty Woman" fantasy.  I wrote about developing a friendship, not a romantic relationship.
  17. Like
    Alex93108 got a reaction from CastaDiva in Off the clock time. How best to handle?   
    Best explanation I have heard so far.  Spot on
  18. Haha
    Alex93108 reacted to + Lucky in Opinion please   
    Are you sure?

  19. Haha
    Alex93108 reacted to guru68 in Opinion please   
    If they did, would they call it "Men for all Seasons?"
  20. Agree
    Alex93108 reacted to pubic_assistance in Off the clock time. How best to handle?   
    Limited but think about what would make YOU smile if the shoes were on the other foot. Young people like to feel special.
    Some will abuse that.
    Others will not.
    They all will feel it out to see what they can get
    Find a line in the sand but don't be cheap.
  21. Agree
    Alex93108 got a reaction from pubic_assistance in Off the clock time. How best to handle?   
    Good point with "shopping". I'll be leaving my credit cards in the hotel then, and carrying limited cash on me. Apple pay can be turned off
  22. Thanks
    Alex93108 got a reaction from pubic_assistance in Off the clock time. How best to handle?   
    Best explanation I have heard so far.  Spot on
  23. Applause
    Alex93108 reacted to pubic_assistance in Off the clock time. How best to handle?   
    "Off the clock" is usually somewhere between pay 4 play and sugar daddy time.
    Plenty of women expect to have dinner paid for and when a gentleman makes frequent dates, the occasional gift comes into play.
    There are lots of young men who miss their parents caring for them / feeding them and buying them gifts. So a mature companion who makes them feel special in this way is merely an extension of childhood pleasures.
    Go with the flow. You don't always need cash to feel special but gifts are appreciated.
  24. Like
    Alex93108 got a reaction from GTMike in Off the clock time. How best to handle?   
    I thought I would post this to the forum, just to make sure I am handling this correctly.
    There's a provider ( who does not live in my home city) but rather a city I plan to be travelling to soon who I have met before for a long session. We got on well together immensely, and since he enjoys my company, he offered to spend time with me ( off the clock) , beyond our session. He just wants to hang out, talk to me, and be in my presence, and spend a leisurely day in his town doing activities we both enjoy. It's incredibly flattering that this beautiful boy, 15 years younger than me, wants to do this.
    1) My first reaction was to confirm that this offer was indeed "off the clock".  It was.  I even went on to define when the clock starts and when its off 
    2) I assume there would be a general expectation that I would pay for meals etc, and purchases made while we were together off the clock which I am fine with. I don't anticipate anything bad to happen. 
    3) I have suspicion a larger tip than normal is expected of from me, which I don't mind. For a guy that hardly tips, the last time I met him, he actually told me "Jetlow - you gave me too much money".   I never thought I would hear a provider tell me that.  I actually enjoyed my time with him as well, we had such great chemistry, but I am all to conscious that this is a provider / client relationship.
    I just want to make sure I am being fair to him.   If anyone has pointers of how to best handle off the clock situations, I would appreciate it.   I think I am being fair and proper to him, which is what I would like to do. 
  25. Thanks
    Alex93108 reacted to Jamie21 in A place to talk about the clients.   
    Hi @jetlow I just checked your rating. You’re a 9. Well done. 
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