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Everything posted by EastCoastBtm

  1. Here is some of my research (with embedded links in the 'Option'): Douche- Option 1 - Handheld, battery powered, no shower connection Option 2 - The classic silicone manual 'bulb' Option 3 - Shower hose with multiple attachments - Holy hell, does this wash dishes, bleach my whites, and get me pregnant? Option 4 - Simple shower attachment - I do have a hose I'm leaning towards Option 3 for optionality! The Drain- I'm just not having any luck with searches on Amazon. I just want something I can pop on and off when I need to.
  2. Moving into a new place and need to set the shower up for.... bottom preparedness ...any advice on what to buy? Would also like a.... easy to remove and replace drain cover to help..... do everything in the shower. Links to Amazon/Home Depot/Whatever appreciated!
  3. Interesting.... what do you consider the appropriate rate?
  4. He's back!? His profile was expired for weeks.
  5. Starting to see this in some provider ads......
  6. I could... need to invest in a 'swimming shirt'.... I just have anxiety about being seen with my shirt off in public.
  7. Long walks aren't in the cards....yet. Ankle surgery in early June...I can walk for 10 minutes before pain sets in and the swelling starts. Peloton bike appears to be doable, but that is a few weeks until the movers are scheduled. I get winded with light movement so I supposed I could start with some good ol' calisthenics and stretching. I've made plans with some providers for September. I think I need to get realisic..... Its not going to happen because I'm in horrible shape cardiowise. I get light headed. I need to seriously re-evaluate.
  8. How 'fit' do you think I need to be before considering lipo or 'simple lipo'? Is there a difference? I'm totally depressed about my body; I was never 'ripped' but had my athletic phases through almost all of my 20s, most of my 30s, and a few good years in my 40s. As I approach 50, I have ankle and shoulder injuries that won't make cardio easy as it once was. I look at myself in the mirror with utter disgust and self-loathing. I would love to 'jumpstart' my physical and mental issues with a quick fix. I know, I know.... there aren't any real quick fixes that don't have consequences, but just looking for something to get me out of sadness.
  9. https://www.menshealth.com/fitness/a37081725/christopher-meloni-interview-law-and-order-organized-crime/
  10. HUNG TOP - Loves to fuck and get sucked Knows how to use it Aggressive, slightly dom, but affectionate - Use me hard, then hold me Avg to decent to athletic body Verbal, engaging, playful 25-50 yo
  11. Don't make broad generalizations about 'all gay people' or you are just perpetuating the same problem but in reverse. I came out at 20yo and didn't meet many bisexuals. It took time and experience and meeting people to gain a greater appreciation for the full spectrum of humanity sexuality. We older gay and bisexual men may be frustrated with the alphabet soup of the modern sexual spectrum, but it is just a continuation to change society to accept that sexuality and gender go far beyond the binary definitions foisted on humankind by cis gender, straight white men. Show some compassion and empathy. The fact that you are here shows you are a thoughtful human. Even this dialogue makes me question myself... Am I looking for a gay community or for a community of the like-minded? I gave up Catholicism for lent one year and never went back.... A joke, but it did leave a void. Maybe I should explore secular humanism instead of the LGBTQ community.
  12. Where are you? I'm about to move to the semi-far suburbs of Philadelphia after a year plus with Mom in rural NC. I'm really going to have to try hard to connect with any gay people.
  13. I've gained 20 pounds during COVID by the scale and mostly entirely in my belly/stomach (by my assessment/looks in the mirror). I'm meeting with a plastic surgeon next month. May start with fat freezing. I'll do some Botox again, dermabrasion... never tried fillers... I'm never going to return to my muscle boy days; too many injuries. My new plan is to try to get to lithe and lean - tons of cardio and low calorie diets. I'm coming off a year of an ankle injury recently repaired via surgery. Recovery is slow and frustrating. I'm hoping a bit of 'light work' can jump start me in a better direction. I hate what I see in the mirror after a shower. Greatly appreciate this great advice. Thanks to all who have taken the time to answer.
  14. https://rent.men/XLLeeRoy
  15. Reeeeeeeally? It's OK for certain transactions, motivations and relationships to be based on looks, physical appearance and age, but not others? But maybe you're right... Or maybe not....
  16. Well we all know people only spend time with @Benjamin_Nicholas because of his glowing personality.....so there's 'that'.
  17. Why does everything need to end in a fairytale conclusion? How about just helping a friend and fellow human being?
  18. I get it... but people do have relationships with escorts.... including friendships. My 'regular' guy had a horrible year... I have advanced him 3 weekends and he's giving me an extra day each weekend.... why? I trust him...and he certainly has his issues/problems....but if I lose the money.... my life isn't over. I let a younger guy live with me for 6 weeks with the hope of sex and it didn't happen.... I wasn't crushed by it... I just threw him out on the street for a few hours so I could get laid.....but all the talks, dinners, chats, and movie nights on the couch were awesome until he got on his feet and moved out. If @7829V let a Wall Street dude move in with him temporarily.... sex could happen..... or he could have a breakdown and go on a coke binge..... Are we disparaging his judgement as well the young guy with 'problems? If he feels like he can handle this and feels like he may enjoy it, I say LET HIM. Younger people need help sometimes especially if they are gay and have bad family relationships.
  19. Or if you do do it.... Start with only committing to a 'trial run'.... and then you guys should take a break..... he stays with you for X weeks and then an equal amount of weeks apart after that..... then have dinner and discuss.
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