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Posts posted by HoleTrainer

  1. Don’t forget that plenty of guys out there are into bigger guys too, including some escorts.

    One of my best friends is also an escort.  We go drinking together on our off time.  He loves bears and will usually be checking out one of the guys with the biggest belly in the room and telling me how hot he is.  (Sometimes I agree, sometimes not, as I’m more face-oriented.) He’d probably be more likely to hook up with a bigger guy for free than anyone else.  Just because that’s his preference.

    So my point is, guys who are bigger, don’t assume that all escorts are just being nice and putting up with you non-judgementally.  Plenty of us actually think you’re hot and that your body is a great body.  Being in this line of work tends to really open up our minds and teach us that all kinds of people can be very sexy.  Not everyone but a lot of us.

  2. I get almost all of my new clients from Rentmen right now, but it’s also the only paid ad that I’m currently running.  I do occasionally get a new client from Recon... although it’s a bit rare for it to happen, I’ve also noticed that all of them turned into solid regulars.

    I’ve gotten clients off grindr in the past.  When they delete(d) my profiles, I just make/made a new one with a new email address.  I often use(d) the exact same headline and photo as all of my previous profiles so that whoever had been chatting with me previously would be able to find me again pretty easily.  For some reason grindr never IP-banned me, so I was able to continuously do this account cycling for some period of time when I was getting clients off of there.

    I’ve seriously considered posting on RentMasseur since my service is very similar to a massage in vibe and isn’t full service.  However I’m about as busy as I can handle right now between my regular clients and RentMen.  I’ll probably pop an ad on there and give it a try once business hits a lull, which it is bound to eventually.

  3. Rates in this industry have been long overdue for a raise for a very long time.  Escort rates did NOT rise with inflation.  Anyone who is increasing their rates suddenly may have simply realized that they are LONG overdue to give themselves a raise and have had a realistic conversation with themselves about how much they need to charge for it to feel worth their while.

    I do really agree with the sentiment also that many clients take rates way too personally.  Although I would be more likely to negotiate with an old regular the old fashioned way over a rate increase than to draw a hard line in the sand, ultimately, asking a regular to pay a new rate is a relationship-preserving move. After some time receiving a new rate from other clients, seeing someone at a lower rate can start to feel bad, like we are doing the same amount or more work for less money every time we see them, which is a feeling that adds up over time even if we brush it off at first.  Clients who pay the new rate grow with us and allow us to grow as individuals and professionals just like in any other line of work where someone would advance and get raises.

    The observation about supply and demand is also VERY real!  My minimum session fee starts at $400 now myself, and I can’t tell you how downright furious some guys get with me after I quote them!  Furious and abusive!  They take it SO personally that I charge what I do and unleash a barrage of insults about how I’m not “worth” that much or how stuck up I must be.  Really- they are taking it way too personally when it’s literally an issue of supply and demand.  I was charging less just 4-6 months ago and I was WAY busier than I actually wanted to be.  To the point where I would ignore good inquiries because I was worn out and the money didn’t feel worth the effort that day... I needed days off.  Now I charge more and my calendar fills up sufficiently at this rate to satisfy both my available time/energy and my financial needs.  Simple supply and demand.

  4. Definitely both.  Personality is important, AND a client who genuinely wants to please me will generally understand that I am here, at least in significant part, for the money, and demonstrate generosity accordingly.  Not everyone can afford to tip hundreds, but all my favorite clients definitely tip something and some of them buy me gifts as well.  Personally, my parents were extremely stingy with me to the point of neglect, so my buttons get deeply pressed in a very good way by generosity.  But of course personality also matters.  Most guys who choose to voluntarily give me cash or gifts have great personalities tho.  Generosity is a very sexy quality.

  5. LOL someone please forward these to the multiple strangers who went into an absolute rage over text/messenger this week when I quoted my rates to them 😂

    In all seriousness, this escort(/agency) is smart tho and I bet he does very well.

    The truth is that some percentage of clients doesn’t care about the price tag at all.  And will readily pay almost anything you ask for.  Yes including $1500.  I’ve had clients of means *voluntarily* send me $1500 at once just for talking to them.  Or send me $500 out of the blue when we aren’t even talking.  And besides them, an even larger percentage of the population has the means to save up for something if/when they truly want it.  The $1-2K price tag on an iPhone doesn’t stop hourly workers from buying them, for example.  People figure out how to make something work financially if they want it badly enough.

    One man’s ‘meh’ is another man’s “GOTTA HAVE IT!”  Never underestimate the power of having a specific niche 😎


  6. Apologies for the provocative title, but this article is a fascinating and valuable read...



    "While Western headlines focus on Coinbase going public, Tesla buying billions of dollars’ worth of Bitcoin and tech bros getting fabulously rich, there is a quiet revolution happening worldwide. Until now, governments and corporations have controlled the rules of money. That is changing.


    "To learn more, the author spoke to Bitcoin users in Sudan, Nigeria and Ethiopia, three countries with a combined population of 366 million, well in excess of the number of individuals living in the United States."

  7. I think things have changed from many years ago. Salons and masseuses and escorts have basically had forced closures for most of the past year. I don't see many owners turning away tips now. A lot of people are tipping extra to help make up for the loss in income. I'm personally tipping anyone who gives me a personal service that involves risky contact/exposure anywhere between 30-110% right now. I'm vaccinated but I just believe that anyone doing this type of risky work deserves it right now.


    I'm not saying I expect my clients to tip me this way. But since we are busy comparing this industry to other industries...

  8. I'm usually up or awake at 6am. Lay around in bed til 7 if I'm having an especially lazy morning. Extended alone time in the morning is my jam. I love to drink tea, listen to music, clean my house, update my ads/profiles, schedule appointments, research something new, read a book, listen to a podcast, or plan a trip in the early morning hours. They are my most productive hours, and I love to spend them with myself and organizing my affairs. I'm not usually great at being social with other people super early in the mornings, but I can arrange to turn it on early with advance notice since I'm always awake early anyway. My ideal meeting times are like 10am-6pm. After 6pm I generally wanna eat dinner and go to bed by like 9pm. Again, I can arrange to keep myself turned on and ready to stretch holes until later in the evening with advance notice. But when guys text me at 9:30pm asking me if I'll come over at 11... no, sorry hon. No can do. Daddy needs his sleep!!

  9. Unfortunately most of them simply don't save money...


    Frankly, when I was escorting in my twenties, I wasn't even convinced I would still be alive in a decade, much less in retirement age. We have sex work criminalization and a host of popular media that loves to portray dead sex workers, along with police that label murders of sex workers as "no human involved" to thank for that, I think. And I wouldn't be surprised if that's a common sentiment amongst sex workers in their 20's. At least a few of my friends have agreed with me that they didn't save either because they felt this way.


    Not to put a damper on the vibe or anything. Now that I'm in my early 30's and have been doing this work sucessfully and safely for over a decade, I don't feel the same way anymore. I save for my future and have a Roth IRA myself now. But it wasn't the right advice that I was lacking in my 20's. It was security and the belief that I would continue to live for a typical lifespan after being inundated with a lot of media and legal conditions that suggested otherwise.

  10. If crypto is safer for the underground economy, then it’s value is inherently at risk to government intervention.


    Oh, I absolutely agree about this. And it was a huge concern of mine up until about 6 months ago. At this point, tho, there are far too many rich and powerful individuals and institutions involved in crypto for it to seem likely to me that the US government will outlaw it. We all know that financial institutions have an extraordinary amount of control over US financial policy. And even if the governement(s) do overreach, I see a mere suppression of the price due to over-regulation (yes this would mean a crash) and not a curtailing of the asset class. But it's like you said, we will see what happens. My financial plan is only 5-10 years in crypto anyway and then planning to put at least half of what I have by then into real estate. I think that major world powers like China and the US seem to be trending toward embracing crypto tho, and looming world powers like India who have cut off it's peoples' access to Bitcoin due to social facism will see themselves fall behind globally as a result of this decison and other related political decisions. But we will see.

  11. One of my clients asked me for a spanking just the other day and I gave him a good long one, first with a slow warmup and later with hard slaps that made him yelp! I loved grabbing his head by the back of his hair and holding him down by the small of his back while I did it. His ass had a beautiful warm cherry glow by the end. I don't explicitly advertise spanking and haven't done much over the last decade, but I was into it as an 18-20 year old, so I still remember how to give a good one. ;)

  12. I had a visiting international client buy me an iPhone from the duty-free store once in lieu of my appointment fee because I was living in India at the time and the iPhones were way cheaper at the duty free store in the airport than in the local shops... however after giving him specific instructions on which iPhone to buy me, he bought entirely the wrong one, so I ended up re-selling it (at a profit). LOL

  13. Y'all, we DON'T want legalization. We want decriminalization. Here's why:


    Legalization means that politicians and lobbyists get to decide the material conditions under which sex work is acceptable. It still places the police in charge of enforcing government regulations into compensated sexual relations between two private parties. Anyone who continues to work in ways that the government doesn't approve of would still be criminalized. This means that the most marginalized and vulnerable sex workers will still exist under criminalized conditions. For example, sex workers may have to pay to register an expensive license to work legally, pay for weekly "medical checkups" that do not actually accomplish anything besides a beaurocratic 'check mark' for the politicians, be banned from working if HIV+ (even if undetectable and using condoms or not performing penetrative sex), be banned from working together in groups, be banned from working in hotels, and much much more. Legalization opens the gateway for public control over who is allowed to do sex work and how, and impose expensive fees on sex workers. People who cannot afford those fees or who choose/need to work in alternate ways remain criminalized.


    Decriminalization means that sex work will no longer be considered a crime. There is nothing illegal about being paid for or paying for sexual labor, just like every other type of labor. Normal labor laws and taxation laws will obviously still apply just like with any other type of freelance worker. No additional laws needed to regulate our work.

  14. I’m confused. If you had a two hour session booked before he arrived in your city, why would he ask you to confirm the session once he arrived in town. I often see travelling escorts and book in advance. The appointments are firm in my mind and they never have let me down.


    While I think the way this escort reached out to the client asking for the confirmation lacked *tact* (if plans were firmly set already and the client was not wishy-washy about the booking when arranged in advance- then the escort needn't have mentioned any other clients vying for the calendar slot), it's EXTREMELY common for clients who book in advance of a traveling escort's arrival to flake on the sessions once we actually arrive into town. I greatly appreciate clients with your mentality toward respecting advance committments. However, I cannot even tell you the number of clients who book in advance with me, assuring me that our plans are firm and they'll be there, only to not even bother to put the appointment into their personal calendar. Then once we arrive in town, it's "oops! sorry I totally forgot and have a conflicting committment now, can't make it! maybe next time!" So there is extremely good and common sense reason for an escort to not assume that a client is actually going to follow thru on a scheduled appointment, especially if there has been no "excited to see you in a few days!!" type banter that indicates that the client is still committed. I'm not saying that's a client's responsibility or that it should even be necessary... just sharing FACTS about a touring provider's reality.

  15. Wow, being an owner of my own business, I can't really wrap my head around the idea that you don't tip the owner of an establishment. I got a 20 minute neck massage yesterday. I think the guy who gave it to me was actually the owner of the establishment (not sure- just a vibe I got). Everyone else was busy with a massage already, but they squeezed me in because I told them I had pulled a muscle and would appreciate ANY amount of attention to my neck. He only charged me $20 for that 20 minute massage, which was actually fantastic and did so much to provide me with a bit of relief until I could get a real massage scheduled. I tipped him another $20 on top of the massage price even tho I thought he was the owner. Why would I not tip just because he is the owner? A tip says- "I really appreciate your work- I understand you are charging market rate for this community but I think you deserve more and can afford to give it to you- Thank you for going above & beyond to accomodate me."


    I completely understand if someone needs to save carefully to afford an escort's rate, or lives on a fixed income and already has to stretch their budget to hire, that they might not be able to afford to tip, btw. I don't expect tips for my work. But I don't undertand the sentiment of not tipping a business owner. Business owners usually put in tons of extra work behind the scenes that they don't get compensated for and if you have a truly exceptional experience at their hands, they are often responsible for making it possible in every possible way, with countless unpaid hours. The massage parlor owner may be an extra $20K in debt right now due to pandemic closures. Of course I'm going to tip because he did a great job and I can!

  16. as a medium of exchange, MasterCard/Visa and Venmo are much more efficient.


    As an escort, I can say that mediums such as Mastercard/Visa, Venmo, and banks, are not secure for my use purposes. Efficiency is not the only relevant parameter to consider. All the aforementioned institutions can close my account at any time and keep my funds, sometimes indefinitely. Cryptocurrency provides both security and privacy under the best of circumstances. Not all cryptos are secure, private, AND efficient. However, many cryptos offer at least a couple of these features, and as blockchain and crypto technology improves, more and more options will develop that meet all of these needs. As for the claim that credit cards and Venmo are more efficient, I also tend to disagree. When I accept a deposit with Bitcoin, the value is truly mine in less than an hour generally. No one can ever take it away from me. I hold those coins now. With CCs or Venmo, the processing company truly owns that value for much longer than an hour. I don't actually receive those funds for days afterward. Venmo has instant deposit as an option, but you'd better BET they will reach into your bank account and take the money back after giving it to you if they change their mind about it.


    fiat currency has the backing of a taxing authority with good faith and credit that gives it value


    Good faith in fiat currency and the authorities that back it has been waning for a very long time. It's not sustainable for currency to have its value dictated at the whims of whatever political party happens to be in control at the time. And leaves a lot of room for dangerous political manipulation. In India, the ruling party devalued almost all paper currency in the entire country overnight as a way to kneecap their political opponents (most election funding comes from black market cash) after converting their black market cash into real estate and other assets in advance of the announcement, then sold it to the Indian people as being a patriotic move to fight against criminals laundering. I lived there at the time and experienced the reality of everyone's money suddenly becoming worthless at the whims of politicians. The multi-hour lines at every ATM in the entire city. Taxi drivers and street hawkers who live hand to mouth, without work for days/weeks because no one had any cash. Not saying that this specific situation is the entire problem with fiat currency. But just a poignant example of why people have lost faith in the current system and are moving on to something better- currency that runs on technology instead of politics.

  17. I'm so ready for clients in this industry to be ready to move to crypto. On the escort side, a lot of us have been using Bitcoin to pay for our ads for a while already. A client sent me a few hundred dollars worth of Bitcoin as a deposit in 2017 that's worth over 2K now. No complaints on my part!! ;)

  18. Dogecoin is a joke…it wasn’t institutional buying that made it go up 12,000%


    so, my advice TODAY is that you figure out where your exit point is…because selling early is the only way one makes money in a bubble. I won’t predict days, weeks, or years….but the reckoning will come.


    Dogecoin IS a joke AND a bubble. Bitcoin and Ethereum are the future of global finance. People invested in Dogecoin DO need to figure out their exit point because it intentionally is designed to have no scarcity. Not all cryptos are created equal.

  19. Y'all are a little behind the times with your objections to crypto. These are arguments that held water just a few years ago, but are irrelevant today. The institutional adaptation of crypto means that it is here to stay. It is simply new technology that y'all do not understand. Spend some time researching seriously TODAY and you will see what I mean. Some of you seem like you haven't thought critically about this topic since 2018.

  20. I thought about writing several paragraphs but I thought I'd be creative and list my honest reflections on how different tip amounts make me feel (for reference my base rate is anywhere from 300-700/hr, and maybe about 50% of my clients tip regularly)


    10-20 = a sweet gesture / it's the thought that counts!

    40-60 = aww shucks, thank you *blush*

    70-150 = beaming with pride for hours at a job well done & deeply appreciated

    200-300+ = head over heels, deeply appreciative, reminded how much I love my job, mental note to look for ways to go above and beyond for this client in the future

  21. I'd estimate around 10 hours per week spent communicating with time wasters. Would actually be a lot higher, but I'm pretty good at identifying more than half of time wasters and declining to communicate with them off the bat. If their first message to me is some kind of sexual dirty talk or an overly casual greeting rather than a serious sounding inquiry about where when or how much, I often send a copy/paste response or firmly redirect them to booking an appointment. Or don't respond at all. But there's still a good number of guys who know to start off their inquiry with date/time/rate who still turn out to be time wasters. I'm trying to get guys on the phone immediately more and more these days. Average time to chat and set an appointment via text is 30-45 minutes. Average time to chat and set an appointment over the phone is 5-10 minutes.

  22. I love how the rentmen interview asks this question NO less than 3-4 times and 2 of those instances have almost the exact same wording... it's a very important question, but also difficult to answer with no context provided. I can tell you what sets my fisting apart from other fisting tops, for example. But the question as stated is a bit vague. Perhaps that's why there aren't many responses.

  23. I'm not a bottom so I can't reply to your original question personally, but maybe call or text me to set something up. I have a decade of experience working with people in your situation and I can show you a ton of hands-on tips and tricks for how to make penetration feel smoother/better and chase more intense orgasms from anal penetration. RM ad link in my signature!

  24. I don't think there's really a need to change your name and pic to an escort's. I would definitely be weirded out if I got into an uber that a client booked for me and saw my working name and my face on a driver's screen. I don't even use a photo on my own uber/lyft account for privacy reasons. Just remove the photo of your own face and give the escort your first name to give to the driver, imo. But you gotta do whatever makes you comfortable at the end of the day.

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