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Everything posted by CalTec

  1. You sure about that? I'm sure some are doing quite well actually 🤣🤣😉
  2. In my view, I see it as being dependent on one's own specific situation. Are you marketing yourself heavily and have a solid following to easily justify a price adjustment? Are you travelling with some sizable costs over your head that need to be eaten before turning a profit? To @Pensant 's point, I wouldn't be surprised to see an influx of fresh (and inexperienced) meat looking for some easy money in the next year +-.
  3. Oh good god no (although if you do try that please record it!!) Kidding aside, Tenga is Japan's contribution to the male masturbator market (yay, alliteration!). Most are strokers, I think they have a few anal toys however. I believe some are battery powered but most "self powered". The more you know!
  4. Take a look around you, everything is down as Slater said. However, unlike traditional investments are going down the toilet, can you easily get out of positions in a matter of seconds and reallocate them to other assets or buy back in at these discounts using well configured trade bots/signals, etc? It's a different playing field with different time horizons that you are ignorant to, but that's alright. If you know the crypto markets and how to make them work for you, you're golden. We are in the middle of the "Great Retail Shakeout". People with paper hands allow for others to buy these juicy dips and continue to accumulate. True wealth is made in bear markets, in case you're not aware. For you, I'd stick to whatever your investment manager tells you to do! Less to think about. You can continue your anti-crypto sentiment while I DMOR & accumulate like a boss. This really is a young man's game. But you do you! All the best to you and your investments. ✌ @BuffaloKyle yes Celsius had red flags from the second I started digging into their publicly available financials (stated reserves, VC funding, etc) and sadly, saw it coming. Now we are seeing a potential depeg with the degen Sun throwing 2 billion to fight the shorts. This is the type of stuff people lose their life savings over. While there are some solid projects out there, the risk is still present. With that, the projects with unsustainable yields/poor tokenomics/shady teams will die out and the cream will rise to the top. This asset class is not for everyone. DYOR! 🤙
  5. I remember something similar happening to me, the client was clearly not mentally present and was staring off into space. I later found out from him that he was in the middle of a messy divorce. Turned out alright for him in the end and saw him numerous times after, much more present and HAPPY! Sometimes you never know what's going on in someone's head and what they're dealing with... 😐
  6. If you haven't tried Liviva brand yet, I'd highly recco. Edamame and soy I believe are the lowest net carbs aside from the konjak 👍 https://houseofwellness.ca/collections/vendors?q=Liviva
  7. https://well.ca/products/nature-clean-laundry-liquid-lemon_153125.html
  8. With cannabis being legal here in Toronto, I have been asked about edibles as some use it as a sleep aid, which I get. I also make custom edibles which are sometimes requested but as far as drugs go, that's the limit. No smoking it near me as I have issues with smoke intake. I also don't move forward with any new appts involving cannabis without knowing how they are on it and if it's legit prescribed for pain/sleep or just "lets pop an eddy and enjoy the ride" type experience. As with o/n's, it's important to get an idea of what experience / intention they have going into that type of longer session with cannabis specifically. It just boils down to being responsible and taking care of your client on all fronts.
  9. This guy clearly overnights, and gets it. Hotel, shows, workouts, etc (I rarely do in-home o/n's). Not necessarily the best idea to jump into an overnight without having a prior session, or 2.
  10. I would look into a custom chat bot/booking bot to take the burden of answering questions and booking appointments. Your payment portal looks very wix, am I correct? If so, I'm pretty sure you can integrate something like calendly to show "available" dates and times for them to see rather than respond to them individually. Your time is valuable, bots and calendar integrations help. 👍
  11. I'd be more concerned with G7 countries adopting digital identity alongside CBDC's.
  12. Again, you do you man. This is a case of old money dying vs new money taking over where everyone can invest in and create generational wealth. BH & Warren Buffet is one example of the desperate attempt to keep the old system alive and old cats rich. It's a dying paradigm and he will never admit that crypto is a viable alternative to the current system for obvious reasons. Crypto has too much momentum to stop it. Countries are adopting it and incentivizing people to live on it/invest in real estate, etc. Also might be noteworthy, Buffet's granddaughter is in the "new money" category and is a major proponent of crypto and NFT's. Another sign of the changing of the guard. As far as use/utility goes, would love to see crypto applications being deployed in this industry like funds being held in a "2 of 3" multisig escrow service, where both the provider and client deposit funds. The provider can see funds from the client in the wallet, sign the transaction and upon meeting, have the client sign and if for some reason the client bails or refuses, the 3rd party "mediator" signs the transaction and a pre-agreed amount is sent to compensate the provider for his/her time, eliminating no-shows or scams. Benefit to the client would be equally as beneficial. Late/no-show? Pre-agreed amount sent to the client. Keeps everyone honest. You just can't do that with the current financial system the way crypto can.
  13. Does Fidelity offer actual crypto you can withdraw to a wallet or is it an ETF type product?
  14. Thanks for posting this. It's something those who hold assets on CB should not take lightly. The extremely cliché saying, "not your keys, not your crypto" really comes into play here. While people are waking up to crypto, the fundamental lesson of custodying their own digital assets (cold wallet, securing seed phrase responsibly, etc) is a must. Especially in turbulent markets. An "exchange exit strategy" is also a prudent investment in one's time. Coinbase is on my "do not ever use" list personally.
  15. This is why I enjoy anonymity in this business; never have I advertised with face pics, taken photos with a similar background as pics in ads and always a separate phone to do both social media, dating/hookup etc apps and ad posting. I like grey man status, it works well for me, but to each their own 😎
  16. Anyone try A Vogel's Allergy relief? https://shop.avogel.ca/products/a-vogel-allergy-relief-tablets? When I first started them years ago it took a while to kick in, mostly because it was way into allergy season. Now I actually rarely take them and the first 2 weeks is mild if any symptoms.
  17. Enjoy the experience, embarrassment free! Much better than the opposite reaction to him 😋
  18. Copy that, thanks for the clarification 👍
  19. Hey, just wanted to share this feedback, cheers!
  20. Hi @SundayZip A few things here. First off, you're right about energy usage concerns. Large industry players are working on sustainable mining operations; from geothermal power from volcano's to solar/Megapack farms built with Tesla and other companies. It's getting there, and innovations are coming in hot. Furthermore, it's important to note that POW crypto is not the only consensus mechanism; POS or Proof of Stake is a great alternative which uses much less energy. If you have any questions, feel free to hit me up! 🍻
  21. From the new domain name, to the Invision integration, looks a lot more "2022" (not hating the previous version, had its merits). Congrats to those who put love into this site! 🥇
  22. I mean...yes and no, IMO. As I remember, they take your ID, put it in a box (so they have that info) so now the only next step is to give them a phone number, which cannot be cross-referenced against any info that they have. So you COULD give a fake number if you were worried about that i guess? If it is a public sign in page instead of a single form per person, that may bother some people who don't want others arriving to see that info. Sidenote: 100 patrons max sounds like enough variety, yes? Only downside to a bathhouse now is that you are required to walk the dark halls with a mask, which IMO is ridiculous if you meet someone and end up in really close contact with that person. Nevermind the showers/hot tub that wont have you masked. Anyone here visit steamworks in Toronto now that it's re-opened?
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