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Everything posted by CalTec

  1. Yes and no. If you were to use bitcoin ATM's, afaik today, there are no KYC/AML requirements. I haven't used those ATM's in years though, so DYOR on that. For fiat on/offramps & exchanges, yes you do need to submit identity credentials. For layer 2 solutions info, google "lightning network" and "bitcoin taproot" to learn more.
  2. "I'm more of a ws sub/bottom". That might work for you. Use the opposite if you want to shower someone or give the piss. ?‍♂️ ??
  3. Sorry, I missed this post. Just caught it now. Bitcoin isn't smart contract compatible at the moment, think of it as digital gold that is primarily held and not really moved around much due to the lack of smart contract integration. However, if you were simply looking to pay in Bitcoin upon meeting the provider, yes you would have to create a wallet, move BTC to that wallet and send the agreed upon amount to the providers wallet. There are layer 2 solutions that ensure quick transaction finality without waiting 10 min for a confirmation. This may sound somewhat overwhelming, but it's pretty easy to grasp once you dive in and begin using it. If you have questions on this, send me a pm and I'll try to assist
  4. Rose gold Aperol spritz Champers Spas Tight briefs that accentuate the ass Scented candles Dick in my mouth.
  5. ☝️ This is the way. In the past I've done in-calls using shared space. I found that it created a rushed environment. I stopped that after I felt it was translating over to the client experience. As far as extending the session on a gentleman's (or ladies, if you cater to female clients!) agreement with an increased payment amt for time (via tips, etc), the only drawback would be, "what is a reasonable amount?" For a newer client who clearly has not hired before, the additional amt for time might differ simply due to his/her inexperience in doing so. That has happened rarely but when it has, respectful feedback is given and subsequent appointments are adjusted in that respect. ?
  6. ☝️ This is the way. In the past I've done in-calls using shared space. I found that it created a rushed environment. I stopped that after I felt it was translating over to the client experience. As far as extending the session on a gentleman's (or ladies, if you cater to female clients!) agreement with an increased payment amt for time (via tips, etc), the only drawback would be, "what is a reasonable amount?" For a newer client who clearly has not hired before, the additional amt for time might differ simply due to his/her inexperience in doing so. That has happened rarely but when it has, respectful feedback is given and subsequent appointments are adjusted in that respect. ?
  7. Forgot to mention, another way to keep track (used to use this back when I hosted) is a sunlight lamp. It gets brighter based on a timer, you can see the light regardless of light in the room and its a nice subtle way to know when the session is about to come to an end.
  8. No, the service requires both users to have Session installed.
  9. Agree with this. Tenga has a unique product offering. I love putting the tenga eggs in friend/family Xmas stockings. They always know who did it though! ??
  10. For the tech savvy, you might want to look at Session (link in sig) for messaging. Soon they will be launching Lokinet, a powerful Onion routing protocol that will enable E2E encryption for voice calls on decentralized servers. The big difference between Session and Signal is that no information is required to use. ie phone#, etc and no metadata is leaked. Highly secure.
  11. I rarely take single hour appointments, that's why with multi-hours it's never an issue. In the event that I do, I have a good internal clock that is either on time or a bit slow, depending on how the session is going.
  12. This! ? No surprise bookings for a S.O. and communication prior to a booking is required for any couples looking to spend time.
  13. IMO, clients are more sensitive to the time than I am when I meet them at their location. They usually either have other plans to commit to if its a multiple hour session or simply are aware of my time being valuable. It also helps that I never commit to tightly timed appointments back to back, to have a bit of a time buffer. In the event it does go a bit over, the client usually recognizes this and either offers to increase the rate or in the case of a regular it's absorbed into the session.
  14. Diaper changes and babying clients. Yes, ABDL a real thing! One would be surprised at how many high level Type A executives enjoy putting away the smartphone and picking up a bottle and crawling around like a baby to de-stress on their own terms. I could probably transition from my real job to a PSW with all the diaper changes I've given! ?
  15. This ☝️ My guess is that if a provider is asking above and beyond an acceptable rate, he is either accustomed to receiving it or he is looking to establish clients who can afford that specific pricepoint. If he goes on and on about how he serves "high class clients only", perhaps that can be taken the wrong way. But as mentioned above, everyone has their own biz model.
  16. https://thedailychain.com/genitals-for-bitcoin-hackers-take-control-of-smart-chastity-cages-and-demand-bitcoin-ransom/ Bad timing, given that hospitals are slammed ?
  17. When I have a toy/plug in me, it definitely gets me leaking ☺
  18. In 2020, there was an unprecedented level of institutional investment in BTC, unlike the 2017 rally and crash. 2017 was retail investor fueled, of which many had no business buying a digital asset such as BTC in the first place. Now fast forward to today, Paypal, Microstategy, Grayscale among other giants scooping it up. Many of these financial giants see it as a hedge against hyperinflation and enjoy the scarcity factor, as there is no BTC printer. Supply is capped at 21 million BTC (approx 4 Million is "lost" and will never again be moved). It is normal to have corrections of 40%, weak hands sell but market dumps are quick to rebound as those institutions are ravenous and buy dips like never before. Interesting times in the digital asset world, at least for me Edit: typo
  19. If you have the stomach for short term volatility and patience for long term gains, look at crypto, specifically BTC. Msg me if you have any crypto-specific questions, be glad to help ?
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