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Everything posted by jtwalker

  1. I scan the site and post occasionally. Much of the content is repetitive, so I find myself losing interest. I also preferred the previous forum layout. This one has grown on me, but its not my favorite. I think the site would be more interesting with reviews. I'm not excited about the new review layout and doubt I'll use it much. I've never quite understood why reviews are not just allowed in the forum. People leave reviews or hints of reviews anyway, and I doubt that will stop. Forcing its isolation doesn't seem to have much of a benefit other than it allows someone to vet the reviews before they are posted. If we just allowed respectful reviews, I would about guarantee that the site would grow in popularity. Only sharing this feedback because you asked.
  2. I have heard that in some places they can bust you en route for intent. I'm probably a little more cautious than most.
  3. If someone is a no show, I wouldn’t give them another chance without a deposit. They’ll probably flake every time.
  4. I’m sorry this happened to you. Jerks and flakes are never in short supply. As someone who is not a flake, I can only say that too many boundaries will scare away the business that you do want. Since I value anonymity, I don’t do FaceTime, photos or deposits myself. Perhaps you can require some of those things and still hit your sales goals. You can certainly experiment with it. However, I’m a businessman too, and no matter what I’ve done, some of my clients are not ideal. I even have flakes where service is provided and I never collect the fee. What do I do about it? Nothing at all. Most of my clients are wonderful, so I focus on them and let the flakes come and go. it’s not fair, it’s not right, and you deserve better, but business is business and the flakes will always be there.
  5. Has anyone met with him since he changed his account? I thought it suspicious that someone with so many positive reviews would get a new account. I half wondered if someone stole his pictures for a fake account. maybe I’m overthinking it.
  6. Grindr really seems sketchy to me. I’d rather pay a few bucks and meet someone with a few reviews. if I wanted an older school hookup, I’d probably go to a bar.
  7. @Lazarus I agree. I never hire without a face pic anyway. Faces are a big deal to me.
  8. Upfront payment is something an undercover cop would request. Hard pass for me.
  9. I had no idea that option existed. Does it also limit it to registered users?
  10. Headed there in a few weeks myself, so I'm also interested.
  11. Anyone with recent experience? Some things get better with age and the comments on the forum are 3-4 years old.
  12. I got the same and noticed one of them had a link in the email to a third-party website. I think this is just the latest round of spam.
  13. A good provider would probably offer a discount if there was some sort of an issue. Then again, this question probably doesn't legitimately come up if it is a good provider, does it? Bad providers can be dangerous. Risk a fist-fight or a heated argument over $50 or even $100? Not worth it at all.
  14. Thank you. That does help clear things up. Based on these definitions, I too was surprised that everyone is not passionate. However, I also realize people have different taste, so maybe everyone doesn’t like that after all.
  15. When your profile says Dominant, what does that mean? Should I be expecting whips and handcuffs, or does it just mean you can take the lead? Also, what does passionate mean? I’ve seen some profiles say dominant OR passionate, and I’m not sure why that is either or?
  16. I don't think it is the norm to reach out, but there have been two occasions where I have hired someone because they did. If I've visited a profile once, I'm not likely interested. If I've visited more than once, I'm probably considering a few people. If one of those who I am considering reaches out, that may just help me settle things. Although, I do not wait for someone reach out to me first. This isn't high school.
  17. Willing, but not seductive or talented. Might be good for someone who is more dominant.
  18. jtwalker

    Max Rate

    I'm sure this topic has been done before, but I'm curious how it has changed because of COVID. What is the max you'd pay for a meetup?
  19. You've only lost money if you've sold. HODL and ignore the FUD.
  20. Depends, have you been getting a deal and are just bummed that he realized his value? OR, does he suddenly think he's worth more than you're willing to pay? Don't overthink it. If he's worth the cash, go for it. If not, then let him know why you're not interested. It's just business.
  21. If I'm looking for something in the next few hours, I will generally look for someone who indicates they are available now. If I'm looking to schedule in advance, I don't care, but I can see why it would increase the contacts. Sometimes, it is hard for me to predict my availability in advance.
  22. If they have a profile on both RM sites, chances are it is not a massage they are offering.
  23. I only leave 5 star and 1 star reviews. If someone makes a good effort, 5 stars. Mediocre effort or a short visit, I don't leave a review. I save the 1-star for the truly terrible providers. I've only left 2 of these in the past several years. I try to keep in mind the situations where we may just not hit it off. To me, a 1 star review is a warning to others, so I treat it as such. If I see poor reviews on someone's profile, it does deter me; however, I try to look at who left the bad review. Is it a new profile? Do they always leave bad reviews? Have they left any positive reviews? This helps me identify the trolls.
  24. I don't bareback, so again... I could not care less.
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