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Everything posted by jtwalker

  1. Speaking as a client, I will not hire without a face pic. So, it will limit your clientele. For me, when it comes to your appearance, nothing is more important than your face. I might hire someone with a less than perfect body, but I'll never hire someone if I don't like their face.
  2. I found myself getting too close to a provider once, so I cut him off. It's best to keep your head straight about these relationships. Based on what you are saying, I think you are in too deep and would be better off moving on.
  3. After a few bad hires, I find myself blaming myself and afraid to hire again. So, I thought I'd just ask the question... "When it comes to physical attributes, which clients are so repulsive that you won't see them? OR which are bad enough that you're likely to treat them differently?
  4. People who ask for signs of a serial killer on a forum?
  5. I don't really care that much if you're honest outside the context of our meeting. ?‍♂️
  6. I was going to meet him, but he completely forgot who I was and changed his rate each time we talked along the way to our appointment.
  7. Whether me ir the provider, I prefer a hotel host. Just seems safer.
  8. He travels with https://rentmen.it/XXLMEDELLINMACHO, who I really liked. Haven’t booked Vickthor yet though.
  9. Paying what I agreed is a reflection of my integrity. They would have to actively refuse payment to not get paid by me.
  10. I love it when I get blocked for browsing a profile. Saves me from hiring a jerk.
  11. I met him several times prior to 2020. Last time I saw him was Dec 2019, so my experience may be a little dated. Nonetheless, I always had a great time with him and he was never stoned or drunk as far as I could tell.
  12. You can't hire someone to perform a certain service unless you can discuss the service ahead of time. Uncomfortable as it may be, communication is necessary.
  13. This thread makes me doubt the legitimacy of the opinions expressed about other escorts. Junior is one of my favorites. Unlike so many escorts, he really tries to go out of his way to make sure you have a good time. He has a ridiculous number of reviews on both RM sites in a short period of time; he is nothing short of fantastic. Just like the rest of us, he is not perfect, but his attitude towards his clients is spot-on. I received no gift and I did not have the same experience with his rates. What he charged here was normal for the area. Going forward, I'll read other reviews on this site with the knowledge that I should expect a certain degree of pessimism in anything that is said. Hmm, I wonder why it is so hard to get escorts to join this board... Just a thought.
  14. No reviews, just a link to your favorite guy's ad. If someone wants more info, they can PM the poster. Right now, mine is probably https://rent.men/XXLMEDELLINMACHO
  15. This guy messaged me first and is super-friendly. I often find attitude is half the battle, so that goes a long way for me. I think he is new, but wondered if anyone had met him yet? Not sure why he has his location in a suburb... may just be really new. https://rent.men/LuccasNineINCH
  16. I would say they don't realize they are business people.
  17. i think that example is out of balance with what we are discussing here, and I would also reject that policy; however, I can tell you why it existed. They theorized that the good name they received from allowing the returns would generate far more business and profit than they lost from the idiotic returns. Business people see things through a different lens. Being short-sited and only counting the profit of the moment always works against you in long-term profits. likewise, the escort that is generous will be far more profitable. Like it or not, it is what it is.
  18. it’s called customer service. An escort can act this way, but it’s foolish to think that it won’t hurt their business. I guarantee you they have competition that knows better.
  19. To be fair, I think this depends on context. Were they lying together talking about all the fun they just had? I’m guessing not. if I was in the throws of passion yelling, more, more, more and suddenly heard, please deposit 25 cents for another minute, I might shoot the bastard. ? While I understand that this is a time-based activity, wise entrepreneurs would be less interested in making a few extra bucks one time and more interested in repeat business which pays dividends over time. I’m not suggesting he should throw in another hour for free, but it’s crazy and stupid to shut someone down like that.
  20. jtwalker

    411 CooperXXX

    I did not. I only leave reviews when someone is exceptionally good or exceptionally bad. Realizing that this is an escort's livelihood and understanding that the low score review severely impact the escorts overall rating, I wouldn't want to damage someone's reputation when it may just be that we didn't click for some reason.
  21. jtwalker

    411 CooperXXX

    I met him recently. Nice guy, but the encounter was rushed and cut short. It was pretty clear that I was squeezed between two others. He seemed to be taking on too many clients the night I met him.
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