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Everything posted by jtwalker

  1. When you're searching RM for a hookup, what do you sort by? What are your must have's and can't stands? I sort by most reviews and I am such a nerd that I've developed a scoring system based on appearance, height, position, reviews, smile, description, "intos", photos, face pics and length of time on RM. I only hire the top 10% total score, because I just don't have that much time. Anyone else as crazy organized as me?
  2. My first text is a little vague, but I usually get a response. "Hi <Name>, my name is ****. I saw your ad on RM and was wondering if you were available in city at date and time." Since it's a text, I want it to make no sense if it goes to the wrong person, but I'm paranoid. I also use VPN, Google Voice, etc... Security is about layers.
  3. I get annoyed when someone has so many different looks in their photos. I always wonder, what does he look like today?
  4. I would take a chance on him, but if he is 25, then he has been at this since he was 18 based on his profile date.
  5. I hire less based on lessons learned from previous hires, but it has nothing to do with Covid. I did avoid hiring during 2020, but this year I've been too busy if anything. I don't find it to be much more expensive and I still find quite a few good options when I have the time. I also seem to have noticed that the more expensive guys are seldom worth it. My best encounters have been with guys in the $200-$250 range. I usually give everyone about $300 regardless of what they're asking and don't hire anyone over $300.
  6. It seems completely unrelated, or even possibly the reverse of what I would instinctively think. The best provider I ever met with was one of the cheapest, and a couple of the worst have been he most expensive.
  7. As a general rule of thumb. I find it better to just hire one another in any business dealing. Otherwise, trades usually end up out of balance.
  8. I like your taste and many of these are on my list too, but I haven't met any of them yet.
  9. Unforgiveness is like drinking poison and wishing the other person harm. You're not hurting him, you are hurting you. Make like Elsa and Let it Go.
  10. I've had a Dyson for about 10 years and love it. Had to service it once, but other than that its always been perfect. I also have a Roomba, which does better than you'd think.
  11. Anyone have experience with IsaiahDaniels headed to Orlando? https://rent.men/IsaiahDaniels
  12. He has a face pic in the private photos.
  13. He got a bad review where he was accused of theft on daddy's. He over-reacted and threatened daddy with legal action. Outside of that one bad episode, he had 100+ good reviews on RM and many on Daddys, so it was probably just youthful ignorance in dealing with conflict.
  14. I assume he doesn't want to talk too much about money to avoid legal challenges.
  15. Anyone have experience with this guy? https://rent.men/MaxVersXXL/
  16. I think I'll wait for him to age a bit more. He is a little too young looking for my taste.
  17. What about skin tags in other places, like armpits and whatnot? Are they always a concern, or is it because of their similarity to warts near genitalia?
  18. I find them nearly identical except that I like the Lyft app better. I also heard that Lyft treated its drivers better, so that is something I consider as well. At times, its wise to compare prices on both. One may be driven to primetime rates while the other is not. It's all based on supply and demand.
  19. I think we all have our hangups. I don't mind feminine guys, but the "gay lisp" that is common with feminine gays is something that is a huge turnoff for some reason. I don't know why, but I just can't get past it.
  20. Remembering when I was 18 or 19, it would probably be a very quick show, but there might be some reruns. lol The reason I've avoided this guy is two-fold. He's a little too young for my taste. With such young guys, I'm also always worried they are lying about their age. Also, even his positive reviews indicate that he's very shy and takes time to warm up. I'm shy too, so that's usually a deal breaker for me.
  21. As a client, I almost prefer a language barrier because I never know what to say anyway.
  22. Google Voice + VPN Problem solved
  23. $3.11 in near Tampa at Sam's this morning. A year ago, they were half this price. What changed?
  24. Anyone met up with this guy: https://rent.men/viXeL ?
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