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Posts posted by kingsley88

  1. I don’t get hard spanking. It hurts. And when I was a boy, I attended a private school for boys where being beaten on the buttocks was practiced by the masters and prefects. It left an indelible mark on me and while my parents paid good money for me to suffer corporal punishment, I wouldn’t spend my own money for the same.

    My parents spanked me when I was a kid and I hated it or had bad memories of it. I'm with you that I don't understand this type of fetish but to each his own.

    I talked about this with 2 gay friends of mine and one grew up never being spanked by his parents or teachers yet he is into being spanked nowadays by his lovers. Another had a similar upbringing to me and he, too, dislike being spanked.

    I think nowadays parents don't spank their kids anymore but rather just do a timeout of some sort. I wonder if more gay men in the future will be into the fetish of spanking simply because they didn't have that 'indelible mark' you and I had when we were kids.

  2. Thank you for posting! Got me teary eyed as well and am glad he recorded that song with the male pronouns as he wished it to be back then. In the 2014 pic I thought Ty somewhat resembled Austin Wolf (like can pass as his brother).

  3. Thanks so much, @Cooper, for your support of Daddy. You've been a lifesaver, no doubt.


    One blessing is that Covid cases and deaths in Nevada are down 80% from post-Christmas peaks. I can't find any info on ICU capacity, but I'd expect that enough ICU beds, healthcare workers and ventilators are available to support the high level of care Daddy is receiving.


    He's had some good breaks so far, your intervention being a major one. We can hope good fortune stays on his side.


    This site is what I use to look at covid numbers per state. Looks like Nevada is at 67% ICU capacity used right now so not that bad.



    My oldest friend (we met in kindergarten!) is also my lawyer, and now executor (as well as an enthusiast of the hobby we all share here), and he has all the details, as well as who will be pallbearers, do the readings, eulogy, what I’ll wear, what to bury with me, and most importantly, he’s to make sure there is a big luncheon after all the rites are concluded with a full open bar.


    It may not be a pleasant task - planning one’s funeral - but as we get older, and especially if you’re single, it is something that has to be done.


    I need to do that at some point. Thx for sharing. That's awesome your oldest friend is gay too!

    Plus your post reminded me of this scene from the 90s movie Next Best Thing with Madonna, Neil Patrick Harris, and Rupert Everett. It really is important to have these arrangements done in writing before one's death especially if single or unmarried.

  5. Do you guys remember this 90s movie called "Lie Down with Dogs" ? I just remember how it was about a jobless New Yorker in his 20s who goes to Provincetown for the summer to search for a houseboy job. Just watched clips of it on youtube that will give you an idea of what the main street looks like and the beaches in the summer:

  6. I feel about Starlight Express similarly to the way I feel about Cats. The score itself is really kinda fun, if you let yourself just enjoy the whimsical nature of all of it and don't look for anything profound. But the physical production took itself so damn seriously that it tended to work against the fun of the music.


    More importantly, it was a hazardous show for the rollerskating dancers - I know there were a lot of bad injuries (possibly career-ending injuries in some instances). In that way it lives alongside the regrettable Spider-Man: Turn Off The Dark and the very recent injury-prone revival of West Side Story.

    I saw Starlight Express in Las Vegas when I was a kid and really enjoyed it (mainly due to the roller skating and music!) I heard someplace in Germany they have a theatre specially built for the show where some seats rotate so you can see all the action! Hope to watch that someday after this pandemic.

  7. When I was one of the younger guys I never dreamed I would one day be 80. I though I would always be young. Even now I'm convinced I was 35 when I went to bed last night and simply cannot understand how I woke up this morning at 80. My life has been a joy but damn it has gone too fast.

    Ah ok. When I was 35 my grandparents were in their early 90s and I always told them I hoped to live at that age someday and be like them (they were relatively healthy and didn't need assistance at the time.) Always made them smile & chuckle when I told them that.

  8. I've never been to Palm Springs (going there first time next month) but have gone to Provincetown several times over the years.

    One thing I found interesting about Provincetown is during the summer, each week practically has its own theme: bear week, family week, women's week, carnival week, etc.

  9. Gold-diggers are everywhere -- even here in the USA! I have friends in Brazil, India, and Philippines who are gay locals there and tell me their dating pool for LTRs tends to be tiny there compared to what they see in the US or other western countries. I met all of them here in the US while they were getting their MBA here.

    One friend even told me he prefers to date gay men who live in the same neighborhood as he does so at least they're both in the same socioeconomic class.

    Anyways, love is love and I hope you find what you're looking for, V-Vhitner!

  10. Restaurants re-opened for limited indoor dining yesterday, and the PS Art Museum re-opens April 1st. The aerial tram is running again, but one needs a reservation, and a friend told me yesterday that she couldn't get a reservation earlier than the end of this month, so you may want to try to get one now for that weekend.

    Would you consider the PS aerial tram a must-see for first timers? I'm also debating whether to rent a car or just use uber/lyft.

  11. Supposedly that RSVP Queen Mary voyage almost bankrupted the company, because they couldn't fill the whole ship. So, Atlantis bought out RSVP. While Atlantis and RSVP have maintained different brands, they are the same company.

    I didn't know that but that makes sense. Two friends went on it and really had a great time!

  12. I've only been on one gay cruise and that was an Alaska cruise. It was a lot of fun but I noticed for Alaska cruises I think mostly bear-type gays and their admirers go. I'd say in the cruise I went to it was at least 60% bears.

    Back 13-14 years ago I remember RSVP chartered the Queen Mary transatlantic crossing and I wish I had gone on it. I recall there were some pretty good last-minute sales.

  13. I've had to replace a couple of compromised cards, and have to figure what to do with the old ones. I guess lately I've just been dumping them in the trash whole. They will definitely jam a shredder, and scissors won't cut them either. I suppose I could burn them? What do you guys do with either expiring or cancelled credit cards which are made of metal?

    If it's not expired yet, I put the compromised card in my dummy wallet so in case I get mugged that's the wallet I give them.

  14. Before covid-19, I would always make it a priority to attend the wake or funeral when a friend or close friend's parent passed away. This past year, I've mainly sent condolence cards with a short handwritten message to close friends whose parents passed away. For FB friends, I write a short comment (similar to what Epigonos wrote) on their FB tribute.

    Personally, I think the toughest time is after the funeral when it really hits that the person is gone.

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