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Posts posted by RandyVue

  1. I think $150 total is a fair rate for a great massage from a good looking guy in the nude...anything over that should be a gratuity. Just my opinion. If the massuer is giving services beyond massage then of course, I think $200+ is fair

  2. I'm in Los Angeles. I'm not an escort but I hire and I'm just curious about what's happening out there in light of the pandemic.


    I know for a fact DC in August is slow and most escorts try to get out of town as much as possible. I'm sure the pandemic and the economic circumstances pointed by @BaronArtz must have a something to do with lower demand but all providers aren't the same and the NE corridor so far seems to be a better place for escorts.


    @RandyVue can you tell us where do you live?

  3. Not sure why its not letting me attach photos but Errol Barnett is DEFINITELY my fantasy news anchor


    PS: @administrator How do you attach photos? I click the icon, paste the link but I get an error message. Is there an easier way to do it?

  4. I don't think anyone should be shamed for having preferences. However, preferences are not the same as being discriminatory. I'm mostly into good looking, well dressed, muscular, masculine, black men with smooth skin and nice smiles. That said I generally am not drawn to Asian men, but I've seen some Asian men that I thought were very attractive. I'm generally not into white guys, but I've seen some white guys that I think are attractive. Generally not into Latin guys but I've come across some Latin dudes that I wouldn't turn away. So I would say my preference is Black men but I would never rule out an entire group and I think that makes the difference. As long as your preference isn't rooted in something nefarious like prejudices, stereotypes, or racism and it is purely based on attraction, then I see no problem.


    With that being said, It does make you wonder when someone does rule out an entire group if there isn’t something nefarious at play. I’m not saying that there is, but I’m just saying that it does make you wonder.

  5. Why do u want to hire guys who are racist? I ask this earnestly: Where is your dignity? Self respect? Why not hire guys who you know have no issues with your skin color or ethnic background?? Is being degraded, demeaned and disrespected part of the turn on? Perhaps it may behoove you and benefit you to do some self study or therapy to get to the bottom of this, which could serve you well in all areas of your life including your sexual life.


    With that being said, I’m Black (very good looking if I do say so myself) and i do give a description of myself including that I am Black when Im hiring. I tend to hire smooth, muscular Black guys because that's what I like and I haven’t had any issues...but if I were to ever come across a white boy that I wanted to hire or anyone for that matter and if there were ANY indication in his ad or through his communication that he were anti-black, id be turned off immediately! I can't imagine wanting to throw money at someone like that.

  6. No , I don’t know anyone who has but it’s a great question especially since things are not going to go back to normal for a looong while if ever so I think people should focus on getting tested and making sure anyone they are in close contact with whethere its for hiring or any intimacy at all, is tested and ideally has antibodies because otherwise people are gonna be waiting for at least another year or two before things settle with the COVID....and I just don’t know how realistic it is for human beings to wait that long for intimacy

  7. While the science is changing rapidly and we are learning more every day, these facts are not disputable based on what we know today:

    1. You can pick this thing up and not know for 14 days that you have it.

    2. During that 14 day period you can spread it.

    3. The virus seems to throw different symptoms in different people and outcomes vary wildly. You do not need to be elderly or immunocompromised to have a very, very bad outcome.

    4. There is no cure. If you catch it and survive you could still spend life connected to breathing machines, need organ transplants, etc.


    If after knowing all that you still think a massage is worth it, you are indicating that you do not care about others. You do not care about the life of the provider. You do not care about the lives of those other people in your life whom you come into contact with. You are selfish.


    This is not political. This is science. Zoom out. Think beyond your "needs". Help save lives and end this fucking thing.

    Great answer!

  8. I haven’t had a massage since February due to lockdown, but I haven’t had any human touch in 4 months and Im getting the urge and its becoming irresistible. I cant imagine waiting until January to get a massage. I know Im not the only one. Have any of you went ahead and hired?

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