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Everything posted by DynamicUno

  1. All a gold membership means is that a provider has paid extra for gold membership (or someone has gifted it to him). It gives them a higher rank in the search order, which helps them in the busier markets. I do use it as a positive indication their account is active, since they do not explicitly mark expired accounts. I'm not sure what they do if a client tries to buy a gold membership for a provider whose account is expired. I imagine the provider would have to go in and freeze their account or cancel it completely if they were not wanting to engage in business if that happened.
  2. Even the most properly prepared pucker will periodically produce a profoundly unpropitious production, particularly when probed with a profound protuberance.
  3. It seems a simple message like "Here's the relevant info about a session and how to book {insert details or link}. Send me a message when you are ready to set up a meeting, I try to respond within xx time during [start time] and [end time]. I'll respond to messages outside those hours the next day." The ball is in their court after that and you don't have to do anything to follow up if you don't care to. If they can't follow your instructions about how to book, it's your decision whether to resend the instruction, tell them you can't meet, or just block them. If they're the type to send "??" type messages if you don't respond fast enough (I hate it when people do that, too), then you might remind them you respond as soon as feasible but within xx amount of time and please don't send such prompts. Or block them. It's up to you how you prefer to deal with them.
  4. When this thread veered into "mean girl" territory, this was the first thing that came to mind...
  5. Not sure what to make of the site, I looked at the listings for my area and there were a few ads for guys that I recognized from other sites. The was one ad with a distinctive name a good uses in my area, but the pictures on the ad were a totally different guy. My guess is that whoever set up this site tried to jumpstart it by scraping other escort sites and got some of the data jumbled.
  6. Does it matter? If we're doing things right he won't be wearing it for long.
  7. The OP is entitled to his preferences, but I would be hugely pissed if I were a provider and I showed up a client's location, looking like the guy in the photos, on time, sober, fresh. and prepared; and that client picked out some arbitrary thing that was never discussed and canceled the appointment without any compensation. Would the OP also send him packing if he had frosted tips, or was wearing white after labor day? If something like that is a huge dealbreaker for you, then fine -- disclose it up front and the provider can decide if he can conduct business with you or not.
  8. I saw this phrase in his bio section, "*the more you ask for, the higher the bill". I'd pass and look elsewhere.
  9. It would be fun if it's in the context of some law enforcement role play, but just frisking him out of the blue seems a bit weird.
  10. DMCA is A US copyright law, especially covering posting content online. A site has to take content down if someone claims it is their copyrighted content posted without permission. If you follow the link it says the video is removed because of DMCA.
  11. It says the video has been taken down because of DMCA ..
  12. I forgot what a great porn performer he was, he looks like he loves every minute he's on screen. He'll just have to be a distant fantasy for me, though.
  13. The text in his profile raises a huge red flag for me. The phrase starting with "Dominating you is entertainment for me...." used to be on a lot of shady escort profiles back in the craglist/backpage days. I think you can still google the line and find it out there. When guys are using the same exact phrase in their ads like that I have to think there's an underlying scam involved.
  14. He's visiting my area, I reached out to him but haven't gotten anything set up yet. We'll see how it goes.
  15. I don't mind some ink, even some extensive art, but face and neck tattoos are a definite turnoff. If the guy looks like a doodle pad with random images or words, its more of a turnoff. Facial hair isn't normally a problem, but less is more for me. More Tony Stark and less ZZ Top.
  16. It depends on the nature of the attraction to the guy as a person or as an object, and if there is consent. The OP in particular called it a fetish for talking to asian guys in a sexually demeaning way. That begs the question if it's only asians. If so, why get off on demeanting guys of this ethnicity in particular? He may know some asian guys who like that sort of scene, and it's fine if everyone is consenting. If he gets off on demeaning guys who haven't consented to it, then I think it's very problematic.
  17. Several airplane bottles of vodka. Cash Large charging brick A towel Wind up radio
  18. It's a toss up between the crossed yubnub, the reverse frumpet, or the downward facing vicar. It's always a great time when we do the vicar.
  19. Do you mean porn actors? I don't think there's any such resource for such information other than anectdotal info. It's not like there's a registry.
  20. I wonder if they're getting DDOS attacked, the slowness is a classic symptom if their protection service is having to sort out the legitimate traffic from the attack.
  21. Just like with many other kinds of work, especially customer service focused fields, covid triggered a lot of people to reassess their career path. A lot of guys went into other kinds of work. Some just simply retired, too since they may have been aging out of the prime escorting years. Others have gone into making videos for the *fans sites, since they get to choose the guys the work with. There's more options now. A lot of guys started escorting, too. So you just have to see who's on the market now.
  22. Sometimes I really appreaciate a guy whose cock has a unusal shape like a proununced curve or unique proportions. Some years back I met one escort whose cock had a sharp bend up in the middle so it looked like a hockey stick when he was hard. It felt amazing when he topped me, though it was a bit of a challenge at first because he was pretty big. I had another buddy whose cock was particularly wide and blunt. It was almost flat on the top and bottom but almost 2" wide. And since it was blunt headed it felt like a battering ram going in. I did not soon forget the first time he topped me. Do you have any experiences that stand out where a guy's cock left such a memorabile impression?
  23. I think the normal practice would be to have the essentials needed and don't expect the other guy will be prepared. This is true for hosting or travelling, and whether it is a escort session or hookup. That way you're taking control of your preparation and risks, and reducing friction (pun intended) for you and your guest to enjoy yourselves.
  24. I've had a couple fun sessions with MagicMike. His rate was a bit on the high side, but he did deliver a good time.
  25. The USHorsemarket has this in their FAQ: - All shapes, sizes, colors, and ages are welcome and do attend my Horse Market parties. Every event and city is different with different Stallions and Mares so there is no way of knowing who would get play and who would not. I cannot tell Stallions who to play with. Be mindful that it may take a few minutes for the event to get going as the Stallions have to get in, get undressed and make their way onto the floor. It seems like they're trying to be outwardly less discriminatory, though I have no idea how it works in practice. The structure of the event means they have to stay in the venue capacity and that they need to have a balance of tops and bottoms. They say they sell the bottom tickets by lottery as the top tickets are sold. I've never signed up so no idea how it works in real practice.
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