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Everything posted by DynamicUno

  1. Not necessarily a red flag, there's a pretty sizeable (pun not intended) cohort of guys who like mature bears. Just keep your expectations reasonable until you've met the guy in person and keep your wits about you. If you have the chance to meet in public first time, that could give you a chance to size him up before going to your place.
  2. His pictures are impressive, I'd love to give him a try.
  3. Hairy Pothead and the Polka of Destiny
  4. I've usually met providers at their location, or had them come to a hotel room that I paid for. If they got a hotel room just for our meeting, then I should pay the additional cost for the room. It doesn't seem like it should be that complicated.
  5. The article doesn't say if they targeted any gay escort sites or not. Most of it appears to be targeting straight escorts. That could easily change however. The sheriff is clearly using these operations as easy publicity going after people the voters in his county will have little sympathy for. Helping real victims of sex trafficing is a mere justification. They say they found a few trafficing victims, but a tiny fraction of the people they arrested. The press conference where the sheriff singles out the people they caught and identifies if they were married or where they worked is definately intended to pander to the voters in that county. Assuming the cops were posing as escorts of legal age, targeting the guys who respond does nothing to find trafficers or their victims. Neither does targeting sex workers who are operating independently. Sadly sex work between consenting adults is illegal in most of the US and law enforcement operations like this keeps the stigma going. This should be a reminder to know a bit about the jurisidiction before working or hiring there.
  6. Maybe he's busy, maybe not. It doesn't sound like he's been actually rude, unless he's asking for much more details than needed to set up the appointment. If you think he's leading you on, it's a good sign to look for another guy. There's not much else to do since your not out any money and haven't met yet.
  7. Several years ago I an escort I had hired previously with an acquantance at dinner party at a mutual friend's house. They were together as a date. It was clear he recognized me when he came in, and maybe seemed a bit concerned how I'd act. I made it a point to say hello to my acquaintance and let him introduce his companion, made some "nice to meet you, have I seen you around before" noises, and then promptly excused myself to refresh my drink and left them alone. He seemed much more at ease and I made sure to pick a seat apart from them when it was time to eat. He sent me a text a little after the party thanking me for being discreet.
  8. Some of the RM6 functionality has been buried under options, so I think some things are just a learning curve for the new interface since they didn't give a 'tutorial mode' intro. The search is kind of janky, I've noticed it doesn't seem to bring up the same results if you try roughly equivalent settings. I'm not sure if it's just the indexing isn't right or if it's the way I set up the search, but I don't think I was getting as many hits on the RM7 search. I'll also miss the added granularity with searching for vers/top - vers/btm, which is not the same as adding versitile and top or bottom together. They decisions they made generally were not helped by hiding or losing functionality. Oddly, the rates fields are included in the search options, but I think it still mostly suppresses showing them for US clients. I did somehow see rates on one provider's page (I was looking at torontonians), but I think it was a glitch. I wonder if searching on rates in the US will have any effect.
  9. Extra points if you can decode the message in real time! 😁
  10. I can do it if the top maintains a rhythm that allows him to feel me squeeze. If he's going too fast it's hard to do it and he doesn't feel it anyway. I did have a guy a while back who'd work in pauses just so I could give him a good squeeze or two. He said he loved it.
  11. I haven't seen any guys on those sites with phone numbers in their profile, usually they might include a linktree that includes their RM ad if they're open to clients. If they don't have an escort ad or say they are open to clients then I'd approach cautiously. They might be looking for other OF guys for collaborations instead. Probably best just send a text message letting them know you're a subscriber first and see how they respond.
  12. Hmm, he prominently says he's available for PNP. I don't think I'd give him a try.
  13. It looks like he's left escorting behind entirely. He has done some porn and it looks like he's got an onlyfans going.
  14. Then it's best to avoid engaging the firm. I suppose it's a moot point now but I hope you were able to back out of the meeting with the partner. The question of whether you should mention it to your guy is a bit debatable. There's an arguement for staying silent since you found it by chance. On the other hand, it might be worth mentioning you happened across his photo when you were looking at law firms and avoided his to maintain his discretion. If he's trying to keep his night job discreet, he may need to consider if his social profiles like facebook can make it easy to make the connection and if someone can make trouble for him that way.
  15. I don't think the double check means replied. I've seen double check messages without receiving a reply before. Also, if they've replied you'd easily see that in your message thread. I think RMs convention is more like this: Curved arrow: Message sent via RM Single check: Recipient has logged in and RM has notified them that the message is waiting. Double check: Recipient has read the message.
  16. I think that's particularly true now because clients who haven't used the RM Messenger with them can't easily leave reviews.
  17. I'm not sure why his "day job" should be an issue, unless you were already using his firm or they were representing someone you were litigating against.
  18. I've gotten two kinds lately. Obvious spam with some sexual message and a link I'm assuming is for some penis pill (i.e. "break her walls - [obfuscated link])". I just delete them and don't ever open the link. Benign conversation opener - like "Hello?" or something like that from an unknown number. If I respond they send a follow up message and sometimes a photo of an attractive female (usually Asian) saying they're following up on a business contact. If you tell them it's a wrong number they "apologize" and suggest you can still be friends. I've had the second kind through whatsapp and SMS a few times. I'm pretty sure they're fishing for someone to hit with a relationship scam of some sort. I just block them, it's not worth the effort to try to figure out their angle.
  19. I'm curious how some of the providers here handle overnights with clients that snore? I know I tend to snore pretty loudly, and I'm self consious about that, especially if I haven't done an overnight with a guy before. What do you tend to do?
  20. I periodically go through my RM buddylist and cull off inactive profiles. There's only a couple inactive guys that I keep on there in the off chance they go active again. They're usually guys who are active on twitter or the *fans sites. I purge guys who don't because I figure they tried it out for easy cash but found it less appealing in reality for whatever reason, so they're not likely to come back for another try at it any time soon.
  21. Hehehe, wish him the best of luck. Personally I'd rather have pork or beef than chicken.
  22. I checked his profile after seeing this thread and he just messaged me too. I happen to be going down to south Florida next week. While it's tempting, I think I will pass on this one. I remember seeing an interview with a performer who worked with him who said he was pretty indifferent with his bottoms and was mostly just about him getting off. I wish I remembered who it was.
  23. Bump. Has anyone met him? I'm visiting south florida next week.
  24. Drag shows aren't favorite thing, but I remember loving watching Charlie Brown on the Backstreet third floor stage dress down some cocky, A&F wearing, fratscum that tried to heckle him any performers on his stage. It always happened at least once every show after the Buckhead bars started closing and he'd make it clear it was their stage and read those entitled preeners for filth. The Armorettes also did a ton of charity fundraising that was critical to support gay youth and desperately needed services in the community.
  25. Some of the reviews on RM are a mixed bag, there's many good ones but several that give me pause.
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