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Everything posted by bigjoey

  1. Meghan may have stretched the details of her “imprisonment” (my word) by The Firm. https://pagesix.com/2021/03/11/meghan-markle-trips-passport-removed/
  2. The Duke may have felt financially precarious but when it came to buying Wallis Simpson jewelry, he was no cheapskate:
  3. Rich people problems?. Megan and her complaint about being not being allowed out of the palace and literally being held a prisoner like “Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?” made me wonder if she sent messages for help written on paper airplanes.
  4. How the pandemic is changing our brain?: https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2021/03/what-pandemic-doing-our-brains/618221/ I can relate to much of this.?
  5. Up until I got an Apple Watch in January of 2020, I wore a $19.95 Timex. It was about 15 years old and I had changed the battery every few years.
  6. I had no idea that you could buy new watches for $500,000?. Clearly, I need an upgrade to my social circle?. https://nypost.com/2021/03/05/a-look-at-the-500k-richard-mille-watch-stolen-in-beverly-hills/
  7. The senior living facility where I volunteer has an interesting system in the independent living units. They have motion detectors in the units that send a signal if motion is not detected in an 18 hour period (I think that is the time frame). If someone is going to be away for a day or more, they notify the staff. This is in addition to call buttons for emergencies in the units. They do not have these in the assisted living units as staff is in the apartments several times a day to give medication, housekeeping, meals during the pandemic but otherwise notice they did not go to the dining room or order a meal delivered, etc.
  8. Almost any dancer at The Gaiety?. One beautiful man after another and those wonderful Grand Finale shows on Friday and Saturday with about a dozen men parading naked on stage?. Oh, the memories?
  9. I would think another tapestry could be commissioned. Perhaps a fee paid to the Spanish government who owns the picture (they might wave any copyright royalties). With today’s technology, a computer weaving is fairly simple.
  10. Imagine the possibilities of giving your favorite top who would never bottom an anal Covid19 test. Let your mind devise various required anal Covid19 tests such as finding a use for your old Ken Ryker dildo. https://nypost.com/2021/02/25/china-reportedly-gave-american-diplomats-anal-covid-19-tests/ (The State Department seems to verify that the anal tests occurred?)
  11. Hired him a decade ago in 2011. The pictures date from that era as other have noticed. Would suggest asking for updated pictures. While my memory dims, I recall having a good time with him on an overnight. He has several reviews in the review part of this site starting in 2014.
  12. Maybe get some of these at-home test kits that give a result in a few minutes: https://www.abbott.com/corpnewsroom/diagnostics-testing/new-at-home-covid-test.html This could give you some peace of mind so that you have years more of your hobby??
  13. They are not closing all their stores but it seems just the ones where the added expense pushes those stores past the margin where they are no longer profitable. My guess is cost structure of those specific stores was right on the margin to start. I have not read a full account but that is my guess why they are only closing a few specific stores. The $4/hour has to come from someplace. The stores may not be able to raise prices and the profits for those stores just may not exist. If the government wants those workers to be paid more, the government should furnish those funds and spread the cost through out society rather than force the total cost on a merchant.
  14. The anti-vaccine folks are crazy; https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/anti-vaccination-protests-temporarily-shut-down-dodger-stadium-mega-vaccination-site-los-angeles/
  15. ??????????????? So between 9:00 and your arrival his phone broke?. His day job is a comedy writer?
  16. From a Chinese Fortune Cookie: “When one door closes, another door opens.”? This is an opportunity to BEGIN a new chapter rather than end a chapter. When I retired, I opened up new chapters in volunteering. Met new people and stayed active. One doctor friend of mine volunteers at Planned Parenthood (they pay for her medical liability insurance). After retirement, three doctor friends have volunteered to work stretches in clinics in third world countries all over the world (two to four weeks at a place as their schedule permits). What volunteering or taking classes do is give your life structure. You have spent decades with a structure for your time and to suddenly go to an unstructured schedule can be hard. This structure should ease your clear anxiety. Good advice has been given by other posters on how to make the move and I agree with them. When broken down into smaller tasks that have been prioritized, you will find it easier to accomplish. Good luck with life’s next chapter.?
  17. bigjoey


    Send him your bank account number so he can wire transfer you a refund. Of course, he will need your passcode and Social Security number for the transfer.?. His friend, the Nigerian Prince, wants the same information to work out a business deal with you.?
  18. Best advice for dealing with sugar daddies: I posted Ethel Merman’s version rather than Carol Channing’s for @WilliamM who likes Ethel.
  19. bigjoey


    For those of us of a certain age, chocolate Coke was a regular treat available at the soda fountain at local drug stores (cherry Coke, too). As I recall, there was a slight extra charge to add the syrup (chocolate or cherry) to the Coke.
  20. This year, the CARES Act has made charitable giving easier with tax code changes. Even if you take the standard deduction, you can take an extra $300 deduction for charitable giving. For those of us who are doing well, this is a great time to help the many in need. There are great organizations that can use the funds. I have found the ones with the most “bang for the buck” are usually local with many volunteers to stretch the funds. https://www.schwabcharitable.org/content/why-2020-is-especially-good-year-to-give?bmac=uum:77442:500:GO-KT-SH_SCF--0:1074040860:1x1utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_device=m&utm_term=2020%20charitable%20deduction&utm_campaign=%7Bcampaign%7D&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIhs7h6srN7QIVkYlbCh1YpAPmEAAYASAAEgJtI_D_BwE
  21. Let’s not forget to send Daddy a card with a little gift inside. He maintains this sandbox for us and we should all think of him this time of year???
  22. Being one to look forward rather than backward, I think of how the year is ending with a new President and a new vaccine. I find our year ending on a note of freedom and joy: https://www.udiscovermusic.com/classical-news/bernstein-beethoven-ode-to-freedom/ Another version. Wish someone would release a digitally “clean” copy of one of the greatest voices ever:
  23. If you like Viennese art and food, the Neue Museum in NYC is for you: https://www.neuegalerie.org/ The food in the cafe is superb. In the Winter, I like to get a pastry and hot chocolate in the cafe.
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