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Everything posted by Jarrod_Uncut

  1. Speculative. And that can apply to escorts too. What makes an onlyfans model more resourceful than a masseur or escort? Because they never had to meet anyone in person to make tons? Maybe I actually enjoy the real life aspect of making someone feel good. Not to mention, there’s a lot of bareback going on thru onlyfans. But WAIT! That’s on video, no in person meets are needed. It’s “different”, you say. That should answer your AIDS question.
  2. Not my fault. He logged online. He texted me. He came over. The escort likely wasn’t aware of existing respiratory issues and even if he did, he didn’t point a gun at his head. Ditto with the drunk driver. He drove, he ordered drinks, he overdid it. Then killed himself or someone else. Not the bartender’s fault. I’m not saying the client is at fault or the drunk driver is merely a “he deserved it” situation, because Lord knows, we weren’t created to be doomed. But...it’s not fair to directly put the person who was asked to perform a task, at responsibility for something that really is inevitable.
  3. I was really hearing you out, up until this part...it still insinuates a guy having sex lacks self restraint and is careless. It still puts them as being “at fault” and labels them “sex addicts”. Do you know that my last 2 clients haven’t had sex in a long time? Going back to the bartender and drunk driver. Bartender serves a drink, someone ends up dead. But it’s not because of the bartender serving a drink. The same bartender may have sold drinks to many people who arrived home just fine. He can’t be to blame for the one who ran a red light. In this case, it’s not the gay guy wanting to have sex who’s the blame. It’s the ones who manifested this....I’ll stop there because it’s going to get political and I don’t want to quote nothing that I can’t back up with references. But, I will reference this article which I think is helpful in defining the whole social distancing issue: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/coronavirus/coronavirus-social-distancing-and-self-quarantine%3famp=true
  4. Fair enough, but the thing is...people are injecting moral responsibility into it. The tone is clear. People are making it out like it’s a big contagious ?, airborne STD. No. You are just as likely to get it from the cashier or postal worker, or place you ordered food from (and I know ALOT of gay men don’t like to cook...I have to wonder how they are getting by) who has seen dozens of customers at close range 8 hours or more a day, than you are from the 1 lone escort who hasn’t had a client all week....and could probably REALLY use the money because of what’s going on. So to hear people chastise sex workers for working, and blacklisting them, irritates my soul.
  5. Thankyou. By no means am I disagreeing with you, but just inviting you to look at the bigger picture: And that liquid relief is doing what good for the body, exactly? Just quoting what you’re saying. And porn...isn’t that like the new drug? That leads to child rape, sex trafficking, erectile dysfunction, and trains people to see sex and human bodies as objects. Doesn’t sound safe to me. (I’m being very facetious here, but just playing the role of anti-porn activist.) Onlyfans is usually going to involve what? MEETING another human being, and having sex. And trust me, there’s 150,000 guys out here with an onlyfans page trying to make money jerking off. I don’t have time to be waiting around for someone to send me $10 a month, when I’ve got 2 cars due for maintenance YESTERDAY. Believe it or not, I can much quicker find $250/$300 from 1 client, than it is to find 1 person to pay $9.99 to subscribe to onlyfans. Not everybody can sell content. Not everybody can sell themselves. I choose to do what I can do. So if someone is going to judge or criticize what I do...regardless of the reason, don’t forget that there’s plenty of people who would condemn us just as much.
  6. So basically what you're saying is: It's irresponsible and insulting to be available to the clients who have look us up, and contacted us prior, during and after the inception of this pandemic, because we provided them with a welcome escape from reality for a mere hour or 2 of time? Last time I checked, I thought what we did with our bodies was between 2 or more consenting adults? It's akin to saying how dare someone become a bartender and serve drinks...that's irresponsible and insulting to all the people who have been killed due to drunk drivers and overdoses. It must be extremely insulting considering liquor stores are still operating as essential businesses right now. It would be like me condemning the makers of Jameson Irish Whisky, or the car manufacturer Infiniti for a crash that took my friend’s life away a couple years ago: Everybody has a right to free will and choice. 2 people who choose to hookup and have sex in the privacy of their own home, is not going to make or break the fate of society. If that was the case, people would be practicing abstinence loooong before this, considering the abundance of STD and infectious diseases that have been around.
  7. Both cities in my opinion, have changed. Nashville tends to be busy in the summer, but can be hit or miss at other times. I ended up having to drop a repeat client of mine who I’ve known for years. He reached out the 1st day I arrived, and seemed eager to meet. But then retracted because he lived by the BNA airport, which was more convenient to him. I had spent 10 hours traveling due to the “hurricane of pandemics” closures in Florida. From the airport to my place on the evening it was, would have just been 5 exits away and 20 minutes drive. So I basically had to say so long, ?? it was nice knowing ya. I love Wisconsin, it’s like my second home. But Milwaukee has changed business wise too. I spend most of my time going to the smaller towns around Wisconsin and the Capitol. Not sure when baseball will return, but in the summer, Milwaukee hotels are next to impossible to “score” due to the brewers and cubs games. So I try to factor that in. Plus summer itself tends to have a lot of other events on going as well.
  8. It’s for that reason I stopped offering a 1 menu option awhile ago. I have a tier level system for my bookings. I personally don’t want to do an all out 300 session every time I meet a client. And sometimes a lower priced introductory session, can turn into a couple longer sessions down the line.
  9. I’ve actually been toying with the new messenger, and gained a few clients from it so far. I think it does kinda satisfy the “Grindr” urge, in guys. Some guys like to just chat on the messenger platform first. But similar to Grindr, you don’t want to be pissing away time either. So I try to give it to them, but I been using auto-response to give details, versus getting trapped in a ping pong game of “hi”, “sup”, “available”, “rates”. If they can agree to the auto-reply and converse with a desire to arrange a session, then we can carry on via the app. I even talked with the webmaster last week about it, they extended the characters in their auto-reply. So they’re working on it, I think it’s innovative...but I keep it short and to the point. Anyone not following directions and keep asking questions, may get blocked.
  10. Right. And it is good practice to have a backup plan. However, I feel every since this pandemic has arisen, there's been an aura of judgement in the air towards sex workers, occasionally from other sex workers and even people like @jjkrkwood who’s supposed to be a supporter. This isn't directed at any one here, but I just don't like the hypocritical factor. It doesn't make sense to condemn those who choose to see clients during this time, yet the same ones condemning, are willing to take the same risks I’m taking to their health at any other time ? I think we all; as gay men who have sex with other men, sometimes with no condom, sometimes for money, sometimes anonymously in a bathhouse, or from the internet...should all be understanding of one another's individual circumstances, not pointing the finger. If I wanted to hear that, I'd go to gay pride and hangout with these guys:
  11. Is this woman diagnosed with COVID? If so, did she contract it from sleeping with another man? (I know it sounds silly to ask, but I’m just being factual). That said, regardless of my history of flare ups (which have not been recent, in fact), I have the medications on hand if and when something does come up. And my most recent hospital visit wasn’t due to asthma or COVID, but rather a weird infection I likely got after being pricked by something on the beach (no pun intended). But like I’ve said, even before this new wave of COVID surfaced (note the list from 2003 I posted, which shows that another variant of COVID was around at that time), I know what to do if something comes up.
  12. Who mandated what, to stop whom from doing what reckless behavior? There is, in my current state...and in ALL states, absolutely NO mandate saying that I am not allowed to meet another man and have sex. PERIOD. Last time I checked, we did not revert back to 1940s Germany, Saudi Arabia, or the police who would patrol the parks and set up gay men trying to pick up other gay men. The mandates you refer to are for places that generally host large numbers of people in 1 place, such as beaches, theme parks and movie theaters. And in some cases, these were not mandates, but precautionary measures taken by businesses themselves. The non-essential business clause eventually came into play as well, but again that’s establishments. It’s not selfish to do what needs to be done to survive as an individual. Even if that means meeting someone, or going out for food and water. It’s selfish to judge and criticize the decisions of someone trying to survive as an individual.
  13. Are you a resident of France or New York? Because the stimulus checks apply to all under $99,000 and the unemployment is being extended to gig and independent contractors, who are typically not eligible for unemployment: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nytimes.com/article/coronavirus-stimulus-package-questions-answers.amp.html
  14. I posted that to simply show that I am doing what I can, to monitor myself. That’s what the White House did last month: they turned away a reporter because his temp was too high: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.foxnews.com/media/reporter-turned-away-temperature-white-house-coronavirus.amp Asymptomatic or not, I’m still going to check my temperature so I am in the know..one of the signs is a fever, so I’m going to do my part.
  15. So what you’re saying is, all the people out of work right now...should have had an exit strategy or back up plan as well? Every person I know is out of work right now, except for factory/industrial type workers. Some can work from home, others are just wealthy by portfolio or other means. But I met a guy the other day who is a wedding planner. He saved over $300,000 in 10 years. He’s out of work and all his biz is being moved. I can’t even get a haircut because they shut the hair salons down. The vitamin shops are closed. It’s touching everyone, and like I said: only things weathering this is sex, liquor, and drugs (medications included) People I know who have had 2 and 3 jobs are also out of work. I don’t consider myself “stuck” in the business. I consider myself grateful to be able to still have a demand, that’s not determined by an employer’s need to lay-off or an order pertaining to large groups of people. Society right now has not taken into consideration the fact that there’s many people who were quasi-homeless prior to this situation. Where do people think all the people who lived in their car, or lived on the road traveling most of the month, or had no “permanent” address? Did they just vanish into thin air? Or are hotels opening their doors with free rooms and food to help people “stay in”? Not so. People need to realize you can’t plan for everything. Hind-sighting at guys who use escorting as their sole and reliable income, is a false sense of security. When I was in the hospital for 5 days last month, the only people who helped me out were 3 clients. 1 came to visit, 2 sent deposits for future sessions. If I were working a “side” job, I may or may not have even gotten sick pay, since this has been an issue even prior to COVID. I don’t consider relying on escorting to be a disadvantage. I feel it’s a valuable resource I’d like to hang on to for as long as I’m able to. I remember I had a client couple years ago in Orlando who suggested I get into the Vacation business. In order to “secure a better future for myself.” Well guess what. All that’s dead right now. All of Orlando and Las Vegas is dead right now because both economies rely heavily on tourism. What’s happening now is likely more than anyone could have truly planned for.
  16. Bravo ?? . And now, for 1 of my favorite verses in the book (though it didn’t merely refer to physical ailments, but spiritual renewal): Exactly. And if I lived in a place like this, I’d be MORE than happy to stay inside for as long as I feel ?
  17. I can understand if someone is operating in a high risk location like New Orleans or New York with lots of cases, it's likely going to crash the market, so to speak. But there is still demand in smaller markets. In my case, because I had already lost 10 days of availability in February and March, I'm not in a position to turn off. That in itself left me in a difficult predicament for a whole week after that as well. Most of the people out of work right now are because their employer either let them go or whatever business within the mall closed down. Truth of the matter is, some people's need to make ends meet is a matter of life and death in itself. We're hearing a lot about the corona virus casualties, but I have a feeling afterwards there's going to surface the amount of people who've taken their own lives. I think where people got me wrong is where I said don't panic and that our business is resilient. Perhaps coming off as, "go out there and see clients, like me". But that's not what I was alluding to. I was saying it will bounce back, but in the meantime I have to do what I have to do regardless, even if that simply means just taking 1 or 2 clients per week so I don't end up stranded in bum fuck Missouri, up a creek and without a paddle.
  18. When have you last been outside? As I mentioned, I carry a thermometer along with various sanitizing products. So I'm doing my part in what I can. And there are no restrictions on meeting someone. I went to the store today and seen people walking in groups. I'm 1 person. The restrictions in place are for large group gatherings. All the stuff about girlfriend and boyfriends doing dates online is out of choice, not out of law. Anything suggesting it is, are merely guidelines for those who have actually been exposed or diagnosed with the illness. I'll reiterate: what we're going thru now is no different than what we've gone thru back in 2003 and all centuries beyond that. Like I said, others can become affected regardless of if they meet me or not.
  19. Well that’s fine. You can do what you choose to do. I have a JFF and Onlyfans platform as well. But I generally use those as promotionals and perks to clients I’ve already met. However as I’ve explained, I don’t have privacy to do an online Skype show when I’m home. I really don’t know what tone you refer to. It’s the reality of the situation. If that tone doesn’t digest well with others, I can’t be responsible for that. People have to face the reality that it’s simply not feasible to expect everyone to stay in and vegetate and do nothing. I’ve already been consoling friends on FB who have posted about become suicidal. I don’t think much anyone can say will* appease everyone. It’s not selfish when people are calling me up and asking to meet. It’s called 2 consenting adults. Most of the restrictions currently in place are for groups of 10 or more people. And state by state it varies.
  20. Based on the title of the thread: “Is Coronavirus impacting your business”, it would only be expected to get varied replies. If everyone said, “I’m quitting and not seeing anyone”, it would be no point in having the thread on going. I gave a pretty concise narrative of my experience and cited other articles as well. All I’m saying is, the mass hysteria on-going doesn’t erase what’s already been happening all along. Awhile back, before this outbreak even surfaced, I posted on social media about how I carry sanitizing wipes, sprays and bleach when I travel. I had gotten tired of getting sick almost everytime I traveled and stayed in a hotel. Matter of fact, I been traveling with a thermometer for years now...and if I even feel like I’m coming down with something, I won’t hesitate to check my temperature. Just did it today in fact:
  21. So what you’re saying is: someone should report and have Twitter, Grindr, Growlr, Scruff, Adam, Tinder, RentMen, RentMasseur and other related sites reported and shutdown as well, since they are facilitating the meeting of 2 gay men in an indoor environment?
  22. Truth of the matter is, there always have and always will be diseases and viruses manifesting themselves, as this list from 2003 shows (which was around the height of the gay hookup and escort sites debuting such as rentboy, adam4adam and men4rent: It’s nothing new. I don’t think now is the time to point the finger at anyone, who is doing what they can to get thru this. Part of the reason I came into this profession, is because I didn’t have to be concerned with being let go like other jobs I’ve had in the past. And as we can see now, a lot of people have been let go thru no doing of their own. I know a lot of people going thru tough times, but when those unemployment checks come out, lot of people will be handling their bills. And not everybody is out of work. People are also still going to stores to buy essentials. Think about it: how much of a risk am I posing to see 2 or 3 clients a week, than to go to a store and cross a couple dozen people, who are also crossing a couple dozen people, who are also crossing a couple dozen people? After all, new research seems to point that one can spread it by talking or just coughing and the virus stays in the air for 6 minutes: https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2020/04/02/health/aerosol-coronavirus-spread-white-house-letter/index.html In my case, I can’t allow myself get down to $0. I have 2 vehicles that regularly need maintenance, and I can’t allow my insurance to lapse. That’s illegal. And I don’t live walking distance to anything nor are their buses/public transportation in the town I’m in an hour outside of Kansas City. I also am not living in my own place, so to stay in and allow myself to be depleted financially would essentially put a strain (no pun intended) on my housemates, because then I’d be bugging them for money in the process. I know the government is doing what they can now, but it’s not going to be a permanent solution. At some point, it’s going to have to give. I also am not being medically defiant either and am no stranger to a hospital bed: I have asthma, and I spent 5 days in the hospital earlier this month due to non-COVID related issues. I stayed Inside in a room for 5 days, and when I finished my treatment, I left. So I’ve already been thru it. I know what it’s like to have respiratory issues. If someone I meet contracts COVID, they could have likely got it from elsewhere.
  23. May I introduce myself? I have been away for awhile, but a recent personal message about the cancellation of the yearly palm springs event, reminded me I still appreciate the camaraderie here. As to your question, there's several who have had some recent experience. Have a look: https://rentmasseur.com/Jarrod_NudeRubs/reviews/ https://rentmen.eu/Jarrod_Brandon/reviews/ As for sharing my experiences on social media, I consider that my journal. It's a place to show off my talent, network, and share my experiences. Even though majority of client reviews on providers are welcome and positive, most client encounters are going to be kept confidential regardless of the encounter. Just like providers do good to have some level of accountability, I feel clients can do good to hold up a similar level of accountability. The issue is, there's currently no way of doing that. There are no client review sites for gay male escorts. Yes, client discretion is important, but is not provider discretion? We're all taking equal levels of courage in this biz. That said, I hope those who are interested can meet me eventually and see that I'm fun company.
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