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Everything posted by Jarrod_Uncut

  1. That is true re: all businesses having Timewaster’s. I spent the night with one of my friend’s the other day, and he’s working from home doing insurance sales. After one of his calls, I heard him say, “bitch”. HOWEVER, he also has a nice apartment in the city, and is making a living. In my case, it has been an on-going journey to get back to having my own spot. I’ve been looking everyday, in surrounding cities (because no way in hell will I be attempting that in my current market), for a new incall location. But it feels all in vain and keeps being thwarted, because I’ll see one or 2 good clients, but then have 15-20 Timewasters. All these silly RentMen messenger responses, and vague texts round the clock. This is not how I envisioned the business would look like in my 30s. I’m babysitting. I’m dealing with a plethora of men children who seem to have never learned how to properly approach another man. Again, it could be (actually, IT IS) a situation of location, as any market situated in a conservative, backwards, closed minded, repressed location is bound to breed those types. Those same types may be a bulk of our clients, and prove to be an advantage. But the problem is one may only be working with a small number of those types, disproportionately to the size of the city.
  2. Even though I’ve mentioned about being content with the level of biz even during the times, another part of me is just on the verge of moving on. And now that the pandemic is loosening up, the bored and restless are coming out the woodwork. Despite the success of biz, I’m just disappointed at the fact that more and more, it feels like I’m dealing with a lot of unstable people day after day. I don’t know if it’s because I’m located in a hateful “Midwest” town, coupled with being located in a few upsetting towns have proven especially strenuous on my tolerance. It seems there’s only a few select cities in this country that I can say, really have a steady flow. I think that’s the problem, this business just isn’t going to be worth doing in a vastly majority of places. Sure, one can get a client in any city at any time, but what is it to just get booked once a week, and then have to fight to book it because people don’t prioritize their requests. To put it frank, I’m just tired of dealing with stupid people ALL WEEK LONG. The constant contacting for a session, and then failing to follow up and respond is beyond exhausting and childish. I’m dealing with grown men, well into their 40s and 50s doing this. It’s no excuse for it. No matter how professional and forgiving I try to be with these people, they have some kind of repression in their minds, which makes them behave that way. At this point, I just don’t know. It’s certainly not the frame of mind I want to be in for a holiday...but I’m just in that zone right now.
  3. But thing is, this thread wasn’t about “hyper inflated” $300+ rates. It was a general “will you lower your rates” question. It’s certainly a broad answer. Will a masseur who charges $100 lower their rates? Will an escort charging $150 lower his rates? Not to mention, there is no “list” price anymore with the current trend of sites not letting us post rates. So therefore, clients have to recognize that the prices they get might not be what they expected or wanted to hear.
  4. I like the first part of your answer, but the 2nd part is overkill. There was a member in another thread telling me about not “burning bridges”, but certain phrases are bridge burners lol. I think something like, “that’s higher than my budget will allow” leaves the door open for negotiation, without directly “insulting” or insinuating the escort is overpriced or not worth what they are asking. A person may counter, “what is your budget?” And you can reply “$250.” And then he can say, “I’ll consider it for this time around being you’re a first time client and want to see me, and in future sessions we can perhaps arrange something that’ll work for both.” But don’t be a prick and then cancel once agreed (goes for both parties).
  5. I agree, in a normal sense. But I’ve also played the “give him 1 more, 2 more, 5 more chances”. In my experience, dealing with these guys...the first time they show signs of flaky, shiesty or inconsiderate behavior, is always a prelude to how they’ll be on future arrangements. Some of them never change, and their bridges have to be demolished. I just had someone today who did that. This guy has been a known timewaster in my book, and I previously blocked him when I used to use google voice, but I switched to iMessages. I ignored him back in January, then he comes around again today. Local guy, this time he sounded a bit more cooperative about how I do things. I also took a pic of my ad, and sent it to him highlighting that if he’s asking to meet today, he has to note how I would like to go about same day bookings. Everything seemed to be a go, even after sending me his address. Sure enough, he cancelled just a few minutes later. That’s why in many cases it’s important to block people. The difference with the business versus some others, is people out here can either be overly fanatical, or spiteful. I can be spiteful too, but I don’t have time for that. But I will be reporting him to RentMen, and hopefully they’ll take care of him.
  6. Makes sense...most times I’m more willing to accept a last minute outcall (your place) than a last minute incall (my place). Like I said, last minute incalls usually flake. A guy who can host seems to be more serious than a guy trying to see if another man can host. It also just comes off different. I won’t be mad at a guy asking me to come over the day of. But like I said in another thread, them asking to come to me as an only option gives off a pushy vibe. Like this example I posted: My masseur move 3 yr ago and haven't found a replacement, I think we been together once. Are you able to host today? Followed by: I just seen that you are not in kc, guess u will not be able to get together He shoulda got a room if it’s that big of a deal lol. That’s the type of last minute stuff I don’t like. Why is he asking me if I can host today, if he seen I wasn’t in KC? And I actually was in KC, but I had somewhere to be out of state that evening, so I wasn’t going to be hosting. Problem is, hotel outcalls are obviously at an all time low right now. Even before now, hotel outcalls were lower than 10 years ago.
  7. Hate to be sarcastic, but what economic devastation? It’s easy to get sucked into the random choice words that get thrown out on TV and media. And of course fear can push people into making desperate moves that don’t give justice. However, it requires careful listening and assessment to determine what exactly is going on. If anything, everything that has happened is a window to opportunity. Less escorts/masseurs across the board is the 1st window. Since the start of the pandemonium, I’ve seen all types. One worked for Costco. Another was a hotel owner. Another was an electrician for a wealthy part of Arkansas. The tricky part is, not everyone is experiencing the same level of economic devastation. Some people and businesses are bankrolling. The SBA loans, the extra workload, the laid off employees...all amounts to extra money to spare. It’s like when a (comparing once again to a familiar disaster) hurricane strikes. They talk all about the devastation, but they don’t talk about the roofers who are making BILLIONS. I used to have a client who was one, he never left less than $300 sitting on the dresser. AND he would pay for the hotel, and let me keep it. Unlike these other cheap mofos out here that get on my last nerve. Some men, especially gay men, will always try to find an excuse to be CHEAP. Even before the pandemic. I met a previous client who was great the first time, but recently told me he was laid off and unemployed. However, I remember last year, he was talking about his budget and such when we tried to set up a 2nd meet. There’s no need to lie. I already know what they’re thinking. Some guys will pay a guy 1 time just for the experience, and then fail to make it happen again. They may even “try” to reconnect, but purposely say or do things to NOT make it happen. Just like this one email from someone: My masseur move 3 yr ago and haven't found a replacement. I think you and I have been together once. Are you able to host today? Immediately followed by: I just seen that you are not in kc, guess u will not be able to get together So this guy hasn’t found a replacement masseur in 3 years? I can see why. He’s probably annoyed every provider he’s contacted lol. It doesn’t bother me if someone is having financial problems, but what blows me is when guys have the means, but want to be stingy with their sexual partners. So I absolutely won’t be lowering my rates due to the pandemic, and so far I’ve still not met anyone for under 200 lately. Why would I? If I’m only seeing 1 or 2 clients a week due to: 1. fewer clients due to the health aspects, and 2. Less clients due to the money aspects. So yeah I absolutely won’t be. One guy yesterday on adam4adam (which I’m once again considering withdrawing my membership from) offered to f**k $50. I referred him to my JFF page ?
  8. Hmmm...good points overall, but I strongly have to counter this one. I’ve had same day appointments involve some terrible misunderstandings. I’ve had to cut ties with regulars over same day sessions. Most of my missed sessions, have been based on same day bookings. Usually it’s due to the client being short on time, or inflexible, or something involving the hotel (directions, location, check in/check out times) that causes it. Even back when I had my own place, some clients would contact me moments after I had left my apartment asking to come over. Almost as if they were watching me leave lol. I remember a time I was stuck in traffic only 20 miles from having just left to go out of town, when my favorite regular client asked to come over. I’m like dude, I just left the house ??‍♂️ It’s amazing how many missed connections could have been avoided, if appointments were simply planned a little more ahead. And I’m not even talking days and weeks ahead. I’m talking like a mere few hours. E.g., contacting at 9:30 am for an evening session, instead of contacting at 9:30 pm for an evening session. Some clients try to use the reasoning, “I can’t tell if or when I’m going to be horny, so I have to only call when I am.” So what if I was to say the same thing, and every other time you called because you were horny, I wasn’t horny? One of my regulars from years ago used to say that, yet it was very predictable he would call me every 2 or 3 Sunday’s over a course of a couple years...once in awhile on a weekday. I didn’t mind at the time because I had my own place, and he lived in the same neighborhood. But there was a couple of times where he’d call the day of, and I would tell him...I’m not available on short notice today. At the end of the day though, I realize in the biz...you just have to be available, convenient and ready. Sometimes within 15 minutes. And have your own place in the city. This business is built on instant gratification and convenience. It used to be a perk to have your own transportation (which I guess isn’t a big deal now with Uber and Lyft). At the same time, even when I set a day to be available, ready and in the city...I still only get 1 or maybe 2 if I’m lucky, people show up when I do. And mainly because they planned ahead. The same day-ers are usually the ones who don’t show up. That’s why I tell clients, it’s no point in me being available 24/7, in order to be ready when they are ready. Most of my appointments are booked in advance. Therefore I have to go on about my life outside of those times, if you happen to contact me when I’m living my life, be prepared to coordinate something in the near future, rather than expect instant attention.
  9. I’ll also mention, when people don’t plan...it never fails that irony has it, 2 clients will want to try and book at exactly the same time...and one has to get dropped. Happens far too often. Had it happen today. I tried to schedule the other for 30 min to an hour after the first, but he couldn’t make it. Since then, I’ve had no incalls all day. And likely won’t because everytime I host in certain cities, it’s always only 1 client show up that day. I tried to host on set days of the week, that didn’t work because it don’t work with other’s schedules. And clients sometimes say, “well don’t get a hotel just for me”. For one, it’s not just for them. I stay there too. And if I have other appointments come in, I’ll take then. But if I don’t have an appointment booked...I’m never going to just be hosting just to host. I had to explain this very clearly to a client earlier today in person: I am not going to just leave my house and go get a hotel, just to stare at the 4 walls, with no appointments planned. Because that’s exactly what will happen if nothing is scheduled nowadays. He says, “I can come to you, if you’re already in a hotel”. No. It doesn’t work that way. They have to plan, it can’t just be when they “feel the urge” and “catch me by chance”. Either I won’t host at all, or I’m going to host in the way that’s going to make the most sense. Even when I’m out of town, staying in hotels...I have to clock these jokers like non other. Had one the other day claim he arrived to my hotel. Then he left claiming he didn’t see me (he didn’t want to provide a phone number, so I didn’t provide a room number until he arrived...which he never did). Smart me, I requested a late checkout and wasn’t going to pay for another night until I seen his money in my hand. And then I would go ahead and extend the reservation, because he already went from meeting at 11 am to 15 minutes after noon to “show up”. One of my boy toys had an apartment and invited me to stay over, so there was no reason to waste extra money on a hotel...and sure enough, nobody else requested a session that day. I know this biz like the back of my hand lol.
  10. No because it’s more expensive to be in the cities you listed. If anything it would be the other way around. If I go to a city that’s less popular with the trade, I’m going to want the same or more. I told one client that, who’s a regular and wanted to negotiate. I’m like no...I’m already going to a town where I’m not likely to get any clients as it is (rural Midwest town), and I’d have to host. So that’s losing money on top of money lost for hotel. Why would I want to get less. On the other hand, if it’s more than a 1 night weekend, then perhaps a discounted next day rate would be approachable.
  11. Yeah, but that was a good idea about the person suggesting to write up a template. I was actually doing that for a short period, with a picture of the template I would send to clients. That may work since people seem to skip over things. But actually, I’ve also sent clients pictures of my ad, highlighting the part of my ad that answers the very thing they’ve asked. Some seem to make it feel as if I’m suggesting they are dumb, but if they’re dumb enough to not read it, I have no qualms making them feel dumb lol. At the end of the day, sometimes I think these guys know what they’re doing. They’re not dumb, they’re just intentionally trying to make something not work out in some cases. They aren’t 5 year olds. They just think they are more important, and that we don’t deserve to be treated as something to be scheduled. If they can plan with other people and things they have to do, they can do it with us.
  12. That’s the thing. Just like I said in another post, Ask and Coordinate. You’re never going to know. Remember each escort has a life of their own. It’s not going to be the same for each and every escort. Clients try to guess and gauge, and that’s when we get annoyed. No guessing or assumptions. ASK with the intent that you probably won’t get an appointment that same day. If you do great, but if it’s the only day of the year you can meet...they should have booked it like a plane ticket. Like one client who I had to dump: he asked me twice, “by chance are you available”. The first time I was. The 2nd time, I was, but once again...him wanting me to host with short notice, and by a certain time. Couldn’t do it, so we discussed another day. Then he couldn’t stick to it. So I dumped him. I won’t be toyed with like that. Rushing me around last minute, and then cancelling when we try to plan ahead to get the time they want. I insulted one guy awhile back. I said, “You claim to be a college graduate, so are you playing dumb, or can you just not read?” At the time, I specifically said I don’t host same day notice appointments. He texts me after the gym, when I’m high on testosterone, asking if he can come over for an incall TONIGHT. And it was already after 7 pm. Some people admit they don’t bother to read ads. I told one guy yesterday, if you choose to disregard, don’t be surprised! I don’t spend time writing these ads, for decoration.
  13. Lol the first part sounds about right, but not so much the 2nd. What did we learn from rentboy and the college admissions scandals? That said...being this thread is similar to my recent post, I don’t mind same day or advance appointments. Neither is bad or less productive in of itself. But it’s more about how one goes about it.
  14. I also realize this issue is especially prone in smaller markets and cities. In places like DC and San Fran, I have had trips where all my calls the whole trip were outcalls. But in middle American cities, like Kansas City: Hardly any client can host. It’s almost like they are terrified of having another type of man seen knocking on the door or something. Who knows. Idk
  15. That’s a good point. However, I make that clear already in my ad and over initial texts. I say it atleast 2 or 3 times: 1 in my ad, 2 over text during the initial request, and 3 usually again as a reminder. I also mention that because when I’m in my home base, I generally only host after 2 and before 11 am. However, more often than not...they either: A) can’t plan in advance B) can’t meet during the times I have available Just today I had 2 clients who requested in calls (one included the message above). One of them, I reached out to yesterday early afternoon around 1:30 to let me know what we can arrange...didn’t get a response until 8:30 in the morning today. So I had to coordinate last minute with him. Eventually we did meet, but almost didn’t. If I hadn’t already been in the vicinity from a trip over the weekend, I would have probably either been rushing like crazy or had to postpone, for the 3rd time. The other guy, he tells me: Monday: Man, wish I could now. So horny. Wednesday or Thursday work, after 12pm? Yesterday: Ok. Not sure which day yet. Closer to noon the better Today: Will have to be midtown if today. Maybe another day. Notice how once again, he doesn’t even bothered to try and plan in advance. Just says, “another day”. So it’s like: 1. not only does he want me to host, 2. not only is it last minute with not much planning (Wednesday or Thursday after 12 could be any time, but then says closer to noon the better). But 3. most times, I’m also expected to be in an area close to them. Like how in the world is there so many stipulations lol. If I’m hosting, why should it matter where I am. He CAN’T host, so therefore if I’m going out of my way to pay for hotel, have said hotel hold $50-$100 on my account, then he should be more than willing to work with what’s convenient for me, because he can’t host. I’m already making it convenient by hosting, and hosting last minute. The least he could do is be willing to come to the location where I am and not fuss about the time. I had a freebie hookup the other day, who had a similar dilemma: he couldn’t host, nor could he come to the main part of the town I’m in. It would have involved me going 60 miles to him, and getting a hotel. A hotel I ALREADY had. When I visit my regular client to visit there, I don’t mind. But he cancelled. So why the hell am I going to go way out there, and get a room because he can’t host? It’s just really annoying and turns me off. They want to engage in an activity, but are so limited and don’t respect the fact that we are not superhuman beings that are always going to be convenient to them in every way. They need to stop thinking with their dick, and think with their head. If they can’t do it, then we won’t meet. Sometimes I feel, if it’s that important for me to host near them...they can just go ahead and get the room themselves. That way it won’t come off being selfish, cheap and inconsiderate. Because it comes off to me like they feel I’m so desperate to make money, I’ll be willing to drop anything to be convenient for them.
  16. And that’s exactly why I don’t deal with dicks and dickheads lol.
  17. That’s the thing. I do exactly that. However, when people disregard directions and make it difficult to connect, that is essentially counterproductive to what I’m trying to do. Its not just that it isn’t convenient for me, it’s not possible. I can’t accommodate impossible requests. That’s not a matter of inconvenience, it’s a matter of coordinating things that work for both parties, not just for one. It’s like any other business that has their hours of operation, or clinics where you have to make appointments. Even in regular hookup scenarios, there’s still a process of arranging a fuck session. Sure the “come over now” stuff happens left and right, but most of my hookups off clock usually involve some degree of planning. If someone disregards the set order in which I ask to do things, it’s going to be a repeated failure in connection.
  18. Very true. And I know the horny glasses clouds visibility. But they should know better. That’s basic common sense. It also prevents: “Can you host now?” “Yes” “Where in town?” “(Gets address info) “Oh sorry that’s too far”. Yeah because if they were any closer, I’d give them a nuggie and a wedgie for being irritating lol.
  19. I just wonder if anyone else grapples with this. I have it pretty plainly in my ads that I like advanced notice when hosting locally. Mainly because I’m not always in work mode when at home base. But it seems it just doesn’t give, people still request appointments the day of, but they can’t HOST. They seem eager and rushed to meet, but have an expectation that we are readily available with open schedule for them to just walk in the door, with little to no advance planning. Sometimes I just don’t understand the psyche behind it. If someone is truly trying to set up a meeting 1 on 1 with someone who they’ve never met, don’t know anything about beyond an ad and pictures, and have no idea where they may live or be hosting...why is it appropriate to assume that one can simply text, ask “are you available to host now”. Whenever that happens, with the exception of me being already situated in a hotel...I just find it invasive and pushy. It just gives me this vibe that someone is trying to barge into my personal space, unannounced, AND when they try to give time limits (They are in a rush to meet by X time, but fail to properly plan it ahead), it makes me feel that they feel, I have nothing better to do with my time AND it sets the tone that their time is more important than mine. And I’ve not even known them for 5 minutes ??‍♂️ I had this yesterday, and told the client to walk. For one he initially contacted me Saturday asking me to host, and I told him I was on my way out of town (actually he seen I was on my way out of town, and decided to ask anyway). Come Tuesday, he texts me again asking to host at 7:30 pm, to meet before 10. Saying he has to work the next day... I told him, it’s not all about you. Guess what? I have to work too...and I was in fact on my way to another client. The bravado of this dude was rather offensive. Not to mention he didn’t even try to schedule in advance for when I returned to town, when I was talking with him Saturday. Solution: if a client needs someone to host, PLAN IT. ASK. Coordinate. Don’t just assume one can just up and pop over to an escort’s place on spur of moment. I’m currently trying to reschedule a client who last week, was being pushy about meeting, saying he could come over right after lunch. Ummmm, no you can’t. I am not a walk in clinic. Even when I had my own place (which I don’t now, which makes hosting more challenging), I still didn’t like clients getting into the habit of being able to call last minute, and barge into my personal space without much notice. And I find if I allow it once, they expect it again and again.... so I don’t even like to allow myself to get into the trap. There’s nothing wrong with last minute or same day appointments. But the issue comes when one is expecting another to do something they can’t. If they say, “I can host or travel”, then that opens more room for options. I wonder would they be okay with an escort calling them asking to come over out the blue? In my experience, 99.9% that’s a HELL NO. So then how is it fair to think that I can accommodate on such short notice?
  20. Do you reach out to the ones you may be interested in? You may be surprised to know some could be open to it, especially with your body type. I’m usually top myself as well, but I’m a believer that...I would not turn a guy away who is a top. He could be my type in every way, I’m not going to pass up. Just like last night: sucked him off twice and put in half of his dick inside me. Fortunately we discussed ahead of time, there wasn’t going to be no fucking involved. But I don’t mind giving a teaser...
  21. Interesting assessment. I don’t know a whole lot about street trade because that’s mostly vanished outside of the biggest cities. Not to mention I’d just be hard pressed to do it. Re: recessions, I started around the time of the 2008 recession. I got let go from a intern banking job, but I wouldn’t be surprised if karma bit them in the ass because, it wasn’t long before the recession came around. And that was in Florida where it hit one of the hardest. However, I had later moved to “recession-proof” Texas, and it was survivable. However, that one was obviously a lot different. This hits in more ways than 1. There was also the brief oil recession couple years or so ago, and some layoffs ensued. I still feel this is like what happens after a major Hurricane strikes. It obviously lasts and affects for a couple months or may have long lasting effects. But once things recover, it should be on the right track. I’m not an economist so I’m just speaking in general. However, there’s a looming feel that all he money being dolled out and borrowed, could create some manifestations down the line. It’s just hard to tell. I know down the line, there will be a lot of “we should of did this, instead of that...”
  22. Yeah that is a good point. I’m sure there’s some way to access those. I’m sort of having 2nd thoughts myself. This is all happening during a time where I am pressed to relocate, and now it’s being thwarted. Even though some of the demand is still out there, it’s going to be harder to build a momentum. I think the scariest thing isn’t the virus, but how many potential clients may be unrecognized. That of course then leads some of us to take any appointment we can, which can lead to issues.
  23. Well that’s understandable. But I’m seeing even if someone does decide to go ahead and work, I’ve already seen I may have to revert back to the previous way of doing things with some people...because some people are using it as a way to back out of appointments of such. One guy hits me up yesterday for a session, then sends me this bull jive: I am going to have to pass this time as it's too must of a risk if one of your clients had it in the last 2 weeks I could get from you and bring it home to him So my response was: Please don't waste my time with scare antics and guilt trips pertaining to my biz. You reached out to me, asking for a visit. If you are scared, don't contact. Last thing I need is for someone to be coming around talking about stuff that’s on tv round the clock anyway. I’m already seeing some cities are completely devoid of all escort/massage providers. In a way it could be an opportunity, but if people are dropping out because there’s nothing happening...that could be a different animal. And people need to also not assume someone hasn’t already crossed paths with this. As new information comes out, they’re saying some people reacted to the virus with symptoms different from the usual. There’s also a good consensus that this was around before it hit headlines, and when I had my weird body going into overdrive to fight the virus symptoms, everything was still open full blast. The media said the first Coronavirus case hit Florida sometime in March. I’m sure it was floating around far prior to that.
  24. You don’t have to read. But just admit it was jerk move to ask in the open, if I’m an illegal or felon. And if I was, was I going to sit here and say it? I made one general statement, which was not against you, and you turned it into something irrelevant. If you can’t recognize that, clearly integrity isn’t your strong suit. Moving on... I heard on the news about DC being on extended lockdown. https://www.google.com/amp/s/thehill.com/homenews/coronavirus-report/497535-dc-extends-stay-at-home-order-to-june-8%3famp The re-opening comes right around my preferred time of year to go between June and October (couple years ago I went around this time, and couldn’t find a hotel in the city for a few days due to graduations). I don’t know what the market is like there now, but I want to be front and center on the days of reopening. I can see it now: But at the same time...expectations are going to be low, and care will be priority.
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