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Everything posted by xyz48B

  1. @tassojunior– That’s right. There are ways to come into the country without it being about the prospect of marriage. That isn’t to say you can’t get married on, say, a student visa. It’s probably safer for all parties involved if the immigrating party comes in some other way than the K1.
  2. I only say that because we all know there are some providers who don’t tell the truth about their age. It really doesn’t bother me what their age is if the connection is there. But I understand that for some guys they would prefer not to hire somebody under 30.
  3. I’ve always wondered about room occupancy.
  4. Interesting. Did I miss somewhere along the line that air b&b was not welcoming? All my experiences with them have been nothing but positive and the hosts all knew we were gay.
  5. Those questions could really be asked of anyone who doesn’t plan for whatever is next. To a degree, you have to be willing to sacrifice some now in order to be able to live decently later. Everyone faces that who works. Just some of us have options baked into our careers that makes such planning easier. Self employed people of any stripe need to be aware of that going forward. Regarding the high life, again, as above, you just have to figure out now how you’re going to support the lifestyle you want when things are different. That’s on the individual. There really isn’t a fail-safe approach for any of this. Even the best planners for retirement can end up being in shit if something unforeseen happens. There’s a reason they say not to put all your (nest) eggs in one basket.
  6. You can probably find that pretty easy. Most places aren’t littered with cameras. I’ve stayed at air b&bs before and never had trouble with cameras.
  7. This reminds me of the show “90 Day Fiancé.” There have been some good success stories there. The legal part of it is always complicated, though. Things rarely go as planned on that front. But I suppose that makes for good television too…
  8. I understand that… I was saying it isn’t something I think wise by saying icky. Geez. Others have said the same. And also commented on the genuine ickiness of using the word “import.” Which I do agree, sarcasm or snark or not, is an icky way of speaking of it – icky in the sense of distasteful.
  9. Here’s an idea… Instead of having a holiday that commercializes unrealistic ideas about romantic love, how about we inculcate in people the spirit of Valentine’s Day any day of the year? I despise Valentine’s Day. How it’s divorced from its history, how it commercializes relationships, and how it makes those who don’t have such relationships feel… I’m sure someone here will be happily obliged to tell me why I’m off base with this feeling, though.
  10. I thought it said 2020, not 2021. By “icky” I meant problematic, not disgusting. Like…this has the potential to go in a bad direction. Thanks for providing folks a chance to pile on though by responding to my comment. I’m sure they enjoyed the chance to react negatively to something I’ve said yet again.
  11. Recognizing this thread is oooold and the OP is MIA, nonetheless this feels icky.
  12. We had good cocktail sauce tonight but I like my homemade stuff better.
  13. …but it’s current events. And I don’t really care about it… And was that halftime show what we call music now? 🤔
  14. No one from Massachusetts is excited to go to New Hampshire unless it’s to avoid sales tax. And then we just bitch how far it is! 😂
  15. What is the incentive for a client to let a review other than to be a decent person and foster goodwill with the provider? What is the RM benefit for the client to let a review?
  16. There’s no incentive for them to curb provider bad behavior because guys will always want to pay for sex, likely more than guys are willing to get paid to fuck. So if there are bad providers making the client experience poor, so what? That’s on us as clients to decide – as per RM logic. Remember: the RM client really isn’t the provider’s client; it’s the provider. So whatever makes the provider’s experience better is going to take precedence over ours. They make much, much more money from providers than from provider clients.
  17. This is good advice. I’ve learned to share a broader explanation of what I’m looking for, and if there’s confusion, provide an example. It’s best to just go with flow after that and hope for the best. Especially if it’s an overnight BFE. You can program and script every moment. You’re not shooting a storyline porno.
  18. I thank God for my pets. Always faithful and always there. After some long days, they’ve been a huge support. Maybe better than a boyfriend 😂
  19. I have as well. At times it’s been immensely useful. Especially when you talk to someone who didn’t leave a 5-star review. But what I was driving at is that the reviews really aren’t terribly helpful if providers can remove reviews. Or can have them removed. I understand having invalid reviews removed, but having negative reviews removed just because you disagree with them (“you” being the provider) really doesn’t present a fair, holistic view.
  20. I asked if anyone. Several have said yes. You said nope. Do you understand basic logic?
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