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Everything posted by ArVaGuy

  1. I hired him in Vegas about two years ago. He's in his mid to late thirties for sure. The circumstances of the hire were out of the ordinary. I had a good time with him but wouldn’t call it worth a repeat. Send me a PM if you want the full background.
  2. This happened on the same Atlantis cruise that Joel Taylor overdosed. TMZ seems to be on a mission about this cruise. They've had daily updates about continuous drug use and the party raging on despite the death.
  3. I hired him this past September. One of the best guys I’ve hired in a long time. Like many, I was intrigued by his blogs and writing style. He’s very genuine in person and extremely smart. I highly recommend him.
  4. Interesting how this is being reported in most of the media. Absolutely no mention this was a gay cruise charter. The reports reference Royal Caribbean but do not mention Atlantis at all. Perhaps its a matter of personal privacy in withholding a key detail but context is important in these situations. As soon as I heard the report Joel’s death on a cruise ship my first thought was a club drug overdose. I’ve never even heard of the guy nor watched Storm Chasers. Reading comments on TMZ and other outlets there’s numerous references to the fact he was gay and using drugs. Many of the comments have not been very kind and some border on homophobic.
  5. I’ve done a few, lots of fun. We have used them as team building exercises for my office. Ifs a great way to stimulate creativity.
  6. I would not call male escorting "easy money." Lucrative, for the guys who work hard, certainly, but the money is not "easy" in any sense of the word.
  7. After my last LTR imploded four years ago I pretty much decided hiring was better for me. I also don't have the patience anymore for the online hook up app games.
  8. AMEN!!! DOUBLE AMEN!! And same goes for the escort. He's moved on to the next client and likely won't miss your business anyway. Free markets are awesome.
  9. I’ve read this entire thread twice. Some of you guys overthink this stuff. Jeesh!
  10. Looking forward to seeing everyone this weekend. The last details related to Saturday's pre- outing are finalized. Will send details to those attending later this evening.
  11. Phizer, the maker of Viagra, offers 50 percent discount coupon codes on their website. Just sign up and provide the code to your pharmacy via text or email. The discount is good for one year. The patent for Viagra is due to expire in a few years and generics will likely flood the market soon after.
  12. I recall Justin’s dad commented on the size of his cock a couple years ago. And there’s photos of the two of them getting matching tattoos. It’s kind of creepy.
  13. Nice pictures overall. Please don't ever shave the chest hair. Men have hair, boys don't. I like to also see guys in suits or other dressy attire. A good suit can make a man look very masculine and alluring. Then there's the wild fun of disrobing him and getting down to business. The mustache looks great as well. Woof!
  14. Stay tuned. It should be going out later tonight.
  15. Perhaps it’s because I’ve reached “middle age” or that life experience has just changed my point of view and I’ve “matured”. There’s not anything I would state in a PM that I wouldn’t state publicly in the forum or in direct conversation with someone. If an individual has an issue with what I’ve said, well, that’s fine. We’ve all had confidences shared by others indiscriminately whether it be a conversation, personal correspondence, business email, or whatever. Once you hit “send” on an electronic communication you’ve lost all control of what happens from that point forward. It’s better to be judicious in PMs and stick to facts rather than conjecture or fabrications. I’ve shared information about good and not so good experiences and will continue to do so in the future. I’m not about to let fear of a reprisal keep me from stating true facts of an experience. If a forum member betrays a confidence then that’s their character flaw.
  16. WOW!! This is great news. Looking forward to meeting you both. Please send a PM to me and @nate_sf with your contact email. Details will be sent in the next week. Thanks
  17. I’ve been using Uber since the service began in DC five years ago. I’ve used both Uber and Lyft and find no difference between the two basic services as drivers often sign up with both companies. However, my personal preference is for Uber Black which was the original service before the company went mass market. The Uber Black drivers are required to have a commercial drivers license and proper insurance. Uber X, Uber Pool, Uber Whatever, as well as Lyft are not required to have commercial insurance. If they are in an accident it’s on their personal insurance. While both Uber and Lyft claim to offer riders up to one million dollars in insurance coverage in most cases that is SECONDARY to the driver’s personal automobile insurance. Insurance companies are scrutinizing claims to determine if the drivers were operating as a ride share vehicle. Since most of my Uber Black rides are for business purposes the monthly trip report is a godsend for expense tracking purposes. Also since the black car drivers are professionals they tend to know where the major hotels and office buildings are located. I can’t say the same for Uber X or Lyft. There’s a couple of hotels in DC outside the downtown core on more than one occasion business associates have been late to meetings because the Uber X or Lyft driver had no clue where Maryland Avenue Southwest was located despite having GPS. (It’s near the Department of Agriculture.) I’ve had a couple of “interesting” Lyft and Uber X rides the last couple of years. There’s the DC Lyft driver whose dashboard is covered in shag carpet with action figures mounted on it. In center console was a plastic Viking helmet. A work colleague had an Uber X driver who brought her child along for the ride in a car seat. He tweeted out the photo of this child sound asleep. The straw that broke the Uber X back for me was in Indianapolis when I inadvertently ordered an UberX instead of my usual Uber Black. The driver got lost twice on the way to the hotel. But that was nothing. The front dashboard was festooned with anti abortion stickers. Turns out the guy was running for the Indiana legislature, had run for mayor three times and lost as well. When he finally pulled up to the hotel after a harrowing u-turn he handed me a copy of his campaign manifesto. I gave the guy a one star rating. Uber contacted me about the low rating and wanted to know what had happened. I told them the app wouldn’t let me give a zero rating. I related the entire experience and the details about the stickers and the manifesto. Uber gave me an instant credit for the ride and $15 off the next ride.
  18. You invaded his privacy. Then you informed him you knew all the messy details. IMO offering to “help” doesn’t begin to make up for the intrusion into his personal business. If he wanted you to know about his situation or needed your assistance he would have told you and asked for help. He obviously has some complexities occurring in his life at the moment. He may feel that the last thing he needs right now is a needy client who doesn’t respect boundaries.
  19. Gentlemen, Looking forward to seeing you in January. It's going to be a fun weekend for sure. I'm making a "site inspection" of Secrets tonight with some friends. Will be sure to check out the goods on display to make sure they are satisfactory for the "field trip" during this event. I'm taking one for the team here. Please reconfirm your plans to attend to me and @nate_sf by next weekend. If you are in the "maybe" category we need you to let us know if it's "yes" or "no" at this time. I need to review set up with the venue and need solid numbers. Also, if you haven't already, please send us your email address. We will be communicating with everyone via email with final details. Please send via private message. It would also help to provide your first name if you are comfortable. Thanks ArVAGuy
  20. I’m always skeptical of these situations because on numerous occasions it has later been revealed that the “victim” actually wrote the note themselves. Not saying that’s the case here but it’s prudent not to jump to conclusions. But these days it seems the rush to judgement before knowing the true facts is all the rage.
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