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Everything posted by ArVaGuy

  1. I worked retail and waited tabes to pay my college tuition. Consequently, my base tip is 20 percent rather than the standard 15 percent. If the service is outstanding, I've tipped as much as 25 percent or higher. However, I've left as little as 10 percent if the service was horrible and made note to the management about the reason for such a low amount. Years ago, before credit and debit cards came into use, it was customary to leave a penny heads down as a tip if the service was horrible. A rather blatant way to send a message if you ask me. I know a couple of people who have made a career as waiters and bartenders in either high volume or higher end restaurants. When asked if they wanted to see tipping come to an end their answer was an emphatic "Hell No.". Both claim to have a significant income, I'm guessing six figures, and Lord only knows what they report in taxes.
  2. I noticed this a while ago. But it was still possible to see rates when logged in. Now it looks like that's been done away with as well.
  3. I have seldom used poppers. When I have the effect has not been all that good for me. If a sexual partner wants to use them that's ok with me.
  4. Perhaps, or perhaps not. It’s probably wise to start planning for certain contingencies and find new marketing channels if RM or other sites go dark. Now is not the time to go “all wobbly” but it would be prudent to take a deliberative approach and be proactive.
  5. Looking like the hot tub is going to be very crowded.
  6. I once shorted a guy accidentally and he contacted me about the issue. He was a regular and I was mortified. We made arrangements to send the funds to him and everything was resolved. Since then I always keep the funds in a small envelope separately from my regular cash. At the end of the session I make a point of confirming the amount and count it out from the envelope. Then leave the envelope on the dresser, desk, or bed for the guy to pick up himself.
  7. Oh this is a bummer. You are going to be missed. Perhaps MAL 2019 then? I will plan an event for that weekend again next year. Hope you're able to attend.
  8. @tristanbaldwin, I see a “site visit” to Las Vegas in my future.
  9. This has been fashionable for the better part of a decade.
  10. "Straight, Gay, they all want blowjobs." Rita Rudner, Comedian.
  11. The Harris County DA is considering filing criminal charges in this case pending investigation. It's not clear if that only applies to the airline or the flight attendant or both. Apparently, United transports more animals than any other domestic airline. Of 24 animal deaths in transit last year, United was responsible for 18 of them. Seriously? Three fourths of animal deaths on one airline? There's a serious problem with United's animal handling procedures. https://nypost.com/2018/03/15/dogs-death-on-united-flight-could-lead-to-criminal-charges/
  12. My doctor was not able give me a 90 day supply due to insurance requirements. This is absurd particularly since my insurer constantly promotes 90 day prescriptions as a cost savings.
  13. Very sad news. He was a nice guy.
  14. Here’s how a different ethnicity can easily enter into a family tree. I have a Sicilian surname. Both my parents had full blooded Sicilian parents. But wait...I’m half English, Scottish and Scandinavian according to Ancestry DNA test. How can this be possible? Easy...my father was ADOPTED by a Sicilian couple. The story is somewhat scandalous. Yes, I’ll share... My father’s real parents were not married and he was “illegitimate” as they say. This was 1914 in the Deep South so you can just imagine what that meant for an unwed mother and a married man. To add to the scandal, my “real” grandfather was chief surgeon at...the Confederate Memorial Hospital in Shreveport. That hospital is now called LSU Medical Center. The unwed mother was a nurse at the hospital. Scandalous!!! Now it gets even more interesting. The year prior my father’s adoptive mother suffered a miscarriage and would not be able to have another child. The doctor was her physician and soooo....they arranged a private adoption on the downlow. Basically, he was bought by Sicilians to solve a major problem. It was an open adoption in some respects as my father eventually was told and met his real parents later. Even more he knew some of his cousins and I met one of them when I was very young. That just didn’t happen in those days and it’s still rare today. What makes the Ancestry test even more interesting is that it would provide links to individuals with the clearly English surname of the birth mother. I’d get notices “you may be fifth or sixth cousins to XYZ person”. Had I not known of my father’s actual lineage it would cause major confusion as to why I am only half Sicilian and there are all these links to an English family tree on Ancestry. So that’s how an entirely unexpected ethnicity can enter into a family DNA line.
  15. The Ancestry test states in the very fine print that it is possible for siblings to have slightly different results. Here’s a link that explains how parental DNA gets “mixed” amongst the offspring. http://genetics.thetech.org/ask-a-geneticist/same-parents-different-ancestry I did the Ancestry test a few years ago and it matched my parental lineage. Better than fifty percent Italian, Greek, and Mediterranean on my mother’s side. My father’s side comprised English, Scottish, Welsh, and Scandinavia. There was also “less than two percent” East/central European Jewish. Analyzing the family history, particularly on my mother’s side, the European Jewish element is a distinct possibility. You have to consider the migration patterns, particularly that of the Diaspora, and how DNA enters into a family line and not even be noticeable. I would take another test such as 23 & Me but not unless heavily discounted. All these companies seem to offer continuous discounts to attract customers. Maybe one of these days I’ll do it and compare results.
  16. @Benjamin_Nicholas I advise you to trademark this right away before Treasure Island Media does and makes a fortune.
  17. When I worked retail we could always tell when it was a full moon based on customer behavior. There were a lot of alteration issues for some reason. People needing trousers or sleeves lengthen/ shortened a 16 of an inch or some such nonsense. Now in the business events business I find the strangest emails and calls come around a full moon. Issues like "Do you need a passport to visit New Mexico?"
  18. I'm so sorry to hear of this situation. It sounds to me like you were discriminated on the basis of gender, age, and sexual orientation. In a right to work state it will be an uphill battle. I agree you should consult a qualified discrimination lawyer for proper advice. I also suggest you check out the state of Nevada employment commission or equal opportunity office. Check out the federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) website for guidance as well. These government entities are good sources for understanding your rights and how these cases can be resolved. The upside here is that this is free information and you can educate yourself for no cost. Perhaps you can file a complaint with either entity. This would open a file on the company. I was advised by a colleague friend in my company's legal department to never ever sign the separation agreement on first review. Request 24 hours to look it over and get legal advice if you can before signing. Most companies will play hardball on this but never hurts to try such a move. Also post a comment on any and all of the corporate review sites like Glass Ceiling. You will find hundreds of ratings and comments about major companies and organizations. These insider reviews can be insightful for determining if a prospective employer is a good fit. And the added benefit is you could add a rating for your former employer.
  19. My closest straight friend is Canadian, lived here over 20 years and now has dual citizenship. I’ve spent a lot of time with him and his relatives. I wouldn’t call Canadians crazy but Passive Aggressive is another matter.
  20. Happened to me some years ago. I noticed the guy kept looking over at the dresser. When I would look in that direction he would move the pillow or position himself to block my line of sight. The sex was incredible I must admit. Perhaps he was aroused by illicitly recording sex with others. Or he was putting on a live sex cam show with me as special guest star. I didn't freak out about it and pretty much wrote off the experience. If video of the encounter wound up on the internet is anyone's guess. If it did I would sue the guy for royalty payments and demand fifty percent of any proceeds.
  21. No, never happened to me. But I had a supervisor who had his head stuck up his ass.
  22. Recently, I had a prostate and bladder cancer scare during the holiday season. After a few tests the symptoms turned out not to be cancer related. Huge relief. I learned during this test series that an enlarged prostate can impede ejaculaton. Longer periods of stimulation may be needed to cause a release. My cancer scare turned out to be a ruptured blood vessel in the prostate. This caused nearly all the symptoms of prostate cancer. It eventually healed itself. A rupture can be caused anal sex, vigorous athletic activity, and even extended period sitting during a long flight. (I had just returned from an international trip btw.) I’ve dealt with the problem of not cumming with a partner by abstaining for a few days prior to a scheduled hire. This sometimes builds up enough tension that ejaculaton is a bit easier.
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