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Everything posted by ArVaGuy

  1. Looks very White Supremacist.* *I'm not implying that Beebes is a white supremacist.
  2. I absolutely LOVED your scene on Bromo.com and would certainly like to see more. You should make the decision based on your gut instinct and future goals.
  3. The Ancients didn't define sexuality by the same standards as we have today. Exactly. The Ancients had a much more flexible sexual practice than we have today. It most certainly wasn't "identity" based. Julius Caesar was referred to as the "wife" of the king of Bithynia as a young man while posted on a diplomatic mission. His affair was so notable that his legionnaires joked about it to his face during his campaigns. His womanizing and affairs were all public fodder. I would not define him as bisexual or gay or even polyamorous.
  4. I will have to check this out on one of my visits to Manhattan. I've been curious about the place but usually too busy to pay a visit.
  5. I'm having a challenge getting my head around the fact Matthew Rush is 45 years old. WOW!
  6. I was in Vegas a year ago and gave momentary consideration to hire Derek. BUT knowing his erratic behavior and reputation I quickly dispelled that notion and hired someone else. That said, I'd still pay to see him naked anyway.
  7. You lot sure are making yourselves miserable over Derek Atlas. I don't care what y'all say, I'd still pay to see him naked.
  8. Derek's response is certainly not as nasty as some others have been in the past. There have been others who have been more condescending and mean. He sort of acknowledges his faults about being late, smoking, and having no clue about remembering this client. In essence he said "I can be a fuck up. Deal with it."
  9. I won't buy CFL bulbs under any circumstances because they contain mercury. This particular bulb has disposal instructions from the Environmental Protection Agency. See links below for details. And heaven forbid that you break one of these suckers. Don't just sweep the debris into the trash can. First, get the kids and pets out of the house, then open a window and ventilate the room for at least ten minutes. Short of donning a hazmat suit, you are supposed to bag the debris up and dispose of it separately from regular trash. https://www.mnn.com/your-home/at-home/stories/5-ways-to-dispose-of-old-cfls https://www.epa.gov/cfl/recycling-and-disposal-cfls https://www.epa.gov/cfl/cleaning-broken-cfl
  10. Ok, first of all, I'm one of those "conservationist" types and work for an environmental NGO. That disclosure out of the way, I'll provide a bit of background on this issue. In 2006 - 2007, Congress and the Bush Administration passed legislation phasing out the traditional incandescent xx-Watt bulbs to encourage energy efficiency. These were replaced by the newer more energy efficient LED bulbs. There are many advantages to LEDs but one drawback was that they don't produce good background lighting and are not the best for reading either. The phase out began with the 100 watt bulbs several years ago. I forget when it began but it was at least three or four years ago. Other wattages, 75, 60, 40, are on phase out schedules on an annual basis beginning from the first year the 100 watt bulbs bit the dust. Subsequent technical advances have improved the quality of LEDs but when compared to incandescents, in some respects, they just don't hold a candle. I know it is shocking that a Republican led Congress and Administration would enact such environmentally friendly legislation for some of the more partisan types. All this kind of happened under the radar. There was no effort to keep a low profile at all it was a just dull boring effort for government to function as intended. A critical need was addressed by both political parties, private industry, and the bureaucracy to make all this happen. There was even an attempt to roll this back in 2008 and later in 2010 before the implementation began. Both attempts failed. A personal note of confession here. I knew this was coming and will admit to stocking up on 100 watt bulbs before they were phased out. Yes, that makes me a hypocrite in some respects:oops: . I don't have a garage full of 100, 75, 60, and 40 watt bulbs but have enough to get me through for a while. A long while. I use these in my reading lamp but the rest of my light fixtures have LEDs. I suggest you go on EBay and see if any "collectors" (cough, cough) have any for sale. Oh, and BTW, General Electric plans to sell off what little remains of the light bulb business. That's pretty ironic for a company founded by Thomas Edison to manufacture his invention in 1892.
  11. PK, we are looking forward to seeing you again in January. You are so right about the tasty desserts. Last time I had TWO handsome dessert orders delivered to my hotel right after the lunch. YUMMY!!!
  12. There was a benefit. The experience led me to this forum in March 1999. Thus I learned the mistakes I'd made with that particular hire and learned many important lessons here over the years. Haven't had an experience like that since, knock wood.
  13. Having been slammed against a wall, then having a forearm pressed against my throat, followed by a kick in the stomach, and my hand stepped on during one of my first ever hires I guess you could say I was a bit leary of a guy with brass knuckles.
  14. Some years ago, at least ten for sure, I hired a well known guy with stellar reviews on this site. He came to my apartment. We had a wonderful time and tore the sheets up something fierce. After we'd settled up the final details it was time for the guy to leave my place. As he picked up his backpack a set of brass knuckles fell out and made a loud ping as they hit the floor. We were both startled by the noise. We stared at each other, then the brass knuckles , and then back at each other. Finally the guy picked them up off the floor and shoved them deep into the backpack. He apologized and said he needed them for protection. I was like, um sure, protection. At least it wasn't a gun or knife. Since then I've never had anyone over to my place. I will go to their hotel or have them come to mine. Im just not comfortable having hires or hook ups come into my home.
  15. I'm booked Wednesday to Wednesday as well this was part of my original plan anyway. I know some gay couples who've been to Coachella so it's possible that the gay resorts might pick up some of that clientele. Also, the hotel business tends to follow the lead of their competitors. If the majority are requiring longer stays with four night minimums, then it's more profitable to join the competition and increase revenue.
  16. @Epigonos Thank you for the reminder. I'm booked at Indulge and looking forward to attending.
  17. An update for those interested, we currently have ten confirmed attendees and several others have indicated strong interest. Considering that it's still several months away this is a decent response rate. If any one has questions or would like to RSVP please send me or @nate_sf a private message.
  18. @mike carey We are looking forward to seeing you again. I will also try to keep the snow away from that weekend though as cool as it is here today, we might be in for an early winter.
  19. @Michael Paul In the past we've had instances where a escorts have brought their significant other to the gathering. As @mike carey mentions, they attended MALas a couple and side business was conducted separately. MAL is a tremendous amount of fun on its own. I'm sure you both would enjoy attending. Feel free to PM me if you have specific questions. We'd love to have you attend.
  20. Just the mere forecast of snow is enough to send DC into unrestrained panic. Even one cm is enough to shut down the Federal government. LOL
  21. If the Hyatt is sold out other options to consider would be the Liaison directly across the street and Hotel George which is one block over. The Washington Court is two blocks from the Hyatt but I would not recommend that hotel due to some past business dealings.
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