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Everything posted by ArVaGuy

  1. In 1995, I made a wrong turn on the GW Parkway and wound up at CIA headquarters. It was barely a couple years after the mass shooting outside the building by a Pakistani national. The drive way was one way and gate house was directly ahead. There was no way to turnaround or back up the driveway. My passenger was nervous as she was handling the navigation (the pre Waze days) and was partly responsible for this cock up. I pulled up to the gate and stopped. A uniform agent approached my vehicle while another officer approached the passenger side. I recall a marked protection vehicle pulled in front blocking me directly ahead. The officer asked for identification and the reason I was there in a very firm but polite voice. Btw, my hands stayed on the steering wheel as is advisable during a law enforcement stop. While explaining that we’d made a wrong turn by accident, the undercarriage was inspected by another officer. He used one of those mirror paddles that allow a view under a car without crawling under the vehicle. The agent took both of our identifications and entered the guardhouse. The other officers just stood around and obviously recorded our behavior. After what seemed like half an hour but was really like ten minutes the officer returned. He asked a couple other questions including our employer information. Thinking back, I’m assuming these were verification questions as the background checks likely pulled up all these details. Satisfied we were truthful, the agent gave us back our identification. He also stated that I wasn’t the first to make this navigation error. That was kind of a relief, I wasn’t the first idiot to pull into the CIA driveway. He then gave me precise instructions on how to turn around and resume our original course. The patrol car moved so we could proceed as instructed. Once I got back on the road I hightailed it out there like nobody’s business. The agents were all businesslike and professional. They were certainly on guard but were not abusive. At no point did we feel threatened. The key point here is we didn’t freak out and give the guards reason overreact. From reading the account of the incident above the individuals did some rather stupid things and acted foolishly in their behavior. That CIA exit was rebuilt a while later and it’s now impossible to make such a driving error today. I wouldn’t want to experience that situation again that’s for sure.
  2. My work schedule was up in the air for a while but it cleared and I'm excited to attend this year. Last year was so much fun. Looking forward to seeing everyone and meeting new people. Many thanks to @Oliver and @Epigonos for making this event possible.
  3. Glad to hear he’s found happiness in his life these days.
  4. You only need to take two capsules of Metamucil a day as well. To me, that direction 4x per day is like the shampoo bottle instruction “wash, rinse, repeat.” How many people actually follow that instruction?
  5. Long term use of fiber products will cause bloating and lead to cramps. A contributing factor is diet, healthier food will minimize bloating. The best remedy is to cycle off the product for about two weeks. Then start again.
  6. So? Companies choose spokespeople all the time that some members of the target audience don't like. In my case Davey Wavey personifies the shallow, vain phoniness of the modern day gay community.
  7. This is just niche marketing. The ingredients are essentially the same as Metamucil and both products have the same effect. Brilliant idea to repackage a product for middle aged and elderly consumers to target gay men at a premium price. Furthermore, these products are not going to make one completely “clean” and a cleanse would still be advisable to avoid unpleasant issues. Pure having Davey Wavey as a spokesman is enough to make me lose interest in the product anyway. Can’t stand him.
  8. I usually post on Facebook once a week if that at most. Unless I'm on travel then I'll post some of the sites I've visited for work. The CEO of my company and two of our board members follow me so I'm very careful what I post for obvious reasons. Absolutely no politics and I skip over such posts from friends and colleagues. Don't really have time for ignorant pontificating. My company rolled out Facebook Workplace to the wider organization in January. Gawd what a nightmare. This is billed as a tool for fostering collaboration. I'm skeptical of that. When it first went live there were tons of pet pictures. People were posting pictures of their dogs and cats as well as other animals. I complained to the COS and I wasn't alone. After about two weeks the pet group disappeared. For collaboration I think it's just like regular Facebook. Useful some of the time but not as effective as all the hype tries to claim. IMO, after the last election cycle Facebook, Google, Twitter, and the rest of social media proved to be more detrimental to civil discourse and society than could have been imagined. The social media companies have become too large and pervasive. They proved incapable and unwilling to protect their platforms from nefarious outside influences that easily managed to manipulate users. Facebook, Google, Twitter, Snapchat, and all the rest of these platforms should be classified as public utilities and regulated accordingly. I also wouldn't mind seeing these companies broken up on antitrust grounds. Collectively the social networks have created more harm than intended.
  9. More from IMDB on how he got into such incredible physical condition. Joel Kinnaman said this is the most physically demanding role of his career. Kinnaman said it was his ambition to raise the bar for himself in terms of his physique and action scenes and take it to another level. So he trained for 3 to 5 hours daily for 6 months before filming begin working on various martial art routines to perfect his action sequences as well as bodybuilding, dieting and training in the gym to achieve the right aesthetic shape for his body. Kinnaman ended up achieving his best ever physique for the role packing on a lot of muscle for a sculpted intimidating appearance along with highly shredded six-pack abs to show during his numerous shirtless scenes. Kinnaman revealed that this show was more physically demanding than an action movie because for a movie he has to train for a couple of months and shoot his shirtless scenes in a couple of days and that's it. For this show he trained for six months and had to keep his physical shape throughout the lengthy 10 month shoot as he had to appear shirtless in almost every episode. Joel Kinnaman had to go undergo 90 minutes of make-up every morning to cover up all his body tattoos.
  10. First, I have to thank the OP for starting this thread. I’d never heard of this series and just binge watched it in two days. Wow ! Second, you would not know to look at him but Joe Kinnaman was born with a physical deformity, Pectus Excavatum, a sunken chest. He had surgery to correct the appearance when he got this role. Here are details from IMDB. Joel Kinnaman revealed that all his life he had suffered from a congenital deformity known as Pectus Excavatum which produces a sunken or caved in appearance of the chest and consequently he had always felt very embarrassed to take his shirt off for films or TV. Just before he got the lead role in this show, Kinnaman went through a surgery to repair his chest to lift it outwards to have proper normal shape. Combining that with his physical transformation for the role to achieve his best ever physical shape, he said he was incredibly proud to show off his new body in the show in numerous lengthy shirtless scenes. He said he was shirtless "all the time" and appears shirtless or partially nude in almost every single episode. He said, after getting in great shape, he had no objections to taking off his clothes an many times as the show-makers wanted.
  11. ArVaGuy

    Russ on film

    I agree. Met Russ a couple years ago and found him to be intelligent, relaxed, and very friendly. Great guy with an impressive body. I need to get back to NYC and hire this sexy man again.
  12. I'm unable to keep track of most of these guys names half the time. I've not been able to watch any Sebastian Young scenes since he was arrested for molesting his child and allegedly giving her a sexually transmitted disease. He goes on trial later this year.
  13. The attacks on the OP were not justified. Some people here like to be assholes and go to great lengths to prove it.
  14. Check out the video. https://nypost.com/2018/02/13/pastor-says-nothing-weird-was-going-on-with-bound-naked-man-in-car/ A Pennsylvania pastor insists he was merely counseling a naked man whom cops found bound with nylon rope in a parked car on a residential street, saying, “I have nothing to hide.” George Nelson Gregory, 61, was sitting in the back seat of a car parked outside a house in Homestead when cops — responding to a call about a suspicious vehicle — spotted a naked man bound with nylon rope in the front seat around 11:30 p.m. Friday, KDKA reported. A witness told police the naked man got out of the car in full view of his daughter’s window. Gregory told the officers that he and the unidentified man were “just playing” in a consensual setting, adding that they “meet up from time to time to play with each other,” according to a criminal complaint obtained by the station. And despite being inside a car on a well-lit public street, Gregory believed they were in a private setting, cops said. Gregory, who could not be reached for comment Tuesday, still disputed what cops said about the bizarre ordeal, telling a KDKA reporter he has “nothing to hide.” “I did nothing wrong,” Gregory told the station, adding that he and the man were approached by police because the officer thought somebody in the car was unconscious. “I was counseling a young man with a drug problem,” Gregory told the station. “It did turn strange, but it wasn’t my doing, OK? And I was adamant that I’m participating in that way. And so that’s when the police pulled up, and they assume things, but I’m standing by my story. It’s not true.” Gregory said he and his wife have been trying to help the man for years. “I won’t deny that he began to take his clothes off and propositioned me, but I will deny, on a stack of Bibles with God as my witness, that I did nothing,” Gregory told KDKA. Gregory and the unidentified man will receive a summons for open lewdness and indecent exposure, accusations the pastor disputes, since it wasn’t he who was naked at the time, he said. “There’s no reason for me to be charged with open lewdness,” he said. Gregory serves as a preacher at the Waterfront Christian Community Church in West Homestead, according to its website. “If you have ever heard him preach or teach, you will agree that he is definitely using the gifts God gave him,” Gregory’s bio on the website reads. “George has a way of presenting messages from God’s word, the Bible, in such a way that you walk away saying, ‘now it makes sense.’ He speaks with clarity and conviction. There is no doubt that George believes and lives what he preaches.”
  15. There are also rumors that Brando had a relationship with Comedian Wally Cox. For those who never heard of Wally Cox here’s a link. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wally_Cox https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ukmNE_7yVQ0
  16. Achilles killed Hector in the Trojan War because he, Hector, killed Patroclus. Patroclus was Achilles lover.
  17. Yes, the reactions of the two young guys are just hysterical. The second guy is the cutest IMO.
  18. Oh please. It’s obvious that Joel’s boyfriend is trying to put a spin on the circumstances around his death. Atlantis also appears to be in damage control mode. Ambien is a prescription drug. Did Joel have a prescription for this drug to treat insomnia? This drug is known to have serious side effects particularly when mixed with alcohol and other drugs. Sharing drugs such as Ambien is widely discouraged by medical professionals. But as noted in a previous post Ambien is often used on the club circuit to come down from the GHB and Ecstacy highs.
  19. Six people were arrested prior to departure when drugs were found by canine units. This was reported early in the breaking news initial reports.
  20. In my family we call this the “H and H Stage of Life.” You “hide” an item from yourself, then have to go “hunt” for it later. Said item is usually in an obviously logical place that made perfect sense at the time.
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