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Posts posted by Leyte2019

  1. https://rent.men/Danny_Boiii

    I met up with him and as soon as I was inside I saw he looked nothing like the pics. I told him that he didn’t look like his pics and I don’t feel comfortable and want to leave. He basically said I’m not leaving without giving him donation. I was basically robbed. Avoid! I’m mad that I put myself in dangerous situation.


    Many of us have been there, my friend. Hazard of the game. You did the reasonable thing. But I wish you had spit a thick loogie on the green before you handed it to him.

  2. https://rent.men/Danny_Boiii

    I met up with him and as soon as I was inside I saw he looked nothing like the pics. I told him that he didn’t look like his pics and I don’t feel comfortable and want to leave. He basically said I’m not leaving without giving him donation. I was basically robbed. Avoid! I’m mad that I put myself in dangerous situation.


    Many of us have been there, my friend. Hazard of the game. You did the reasonable thing. But I wish you had spit a thick loogie on the green before you handed it to him.

  3. Hate is a strong word, but I hate it when someone takes advantage of someone else, regardless if they are not using their best judgment.

    You were violated (another strong word) and your are like most people, beating yourself up by in your memory by “ allowing” it to happen.

    Thank you for sharing and being brave in letting us know this happened and your offer to protect others.

    Also remember, you are not that same guy now. ?


    Thanks much. Very much a work in progress, but you're absolutely right.

  4. Against my better judgment, I will share what happened to me during my using days in the not so distant past with residual shame. An escort who came to my hotel room and supplied favors took advantage of my brief shower to steal cash and a debit card from my wallet. Served me right for leaving the wallet out in a conspicuous place while under the influence. I'm still working on letting it go- recovery and all that. However, I'd oblige per pm if forum members want a name and more context.

  5. Not really they are plenty of escorts that do very hard drugs , some do mild like G or weed and some don't do nothing . Depend on the individual. If I see PNP on profile I don't bother hitting them up .


    G can be hard (in effect)if taken in large enough doses or on top of booze, etc.

  6. Unfortunately plenty of guys like him if you click PNP on RM. Escorting enables their behavior and their own self destruction.


    Escorting is also likely a conduit to dealing. Or is it the other way around?

  7. Good morning everybody. Happy Christmas Eve. Do not miss with this escort:


    I sent him money vis Zelle for a video and this morning on Rentmen he block me. I Zelle him $125. We had a nice chat and everything. He told me to text him last night when I was available for video and no reply. Thanks.


    He needed money to buy back that partial (cheap)silver set that he pawned last month so he could enjoy his last Christmas with his dying mother without the guilt of pawning part of her cheap silver set for ______?


    In short, you made this a memorable Christmas. I'm sure the lad will pay you back some day.

  8. Its disgusting that in 2020, this type of attitude STILL exists. They should be fired, NOT suspended. Teachers are leaders and mentors, and we DONT need THAT sort of leadership.


    Depending on how long they've been teaching, it could be difficult to get rid of them. Dont know what New Jersey schools offer in terms of due process protections, but it is probably extensive.

  9. Its disgusting that in 2020, this type of attitude STILL exists. They should be fired, NOT suspended. Teachers are leaders and mentors, and we DONT need THAT sort of leadership.


    Depending on how long they've been teaching, it could be difficult to get rid of them. Dont know what New Jersey schools offer in terms of due process protections, but it is probably extensive.

  10. I'm glad you didn't have a serious case. I've had a few other friends get sick from COVID with very different experiences. One friend just had a slight headache and lost taste/smell but her husband was sick like me with high fevers and incredible fatigue for a couple weeks and lingering breathing issues even til today. A work colleague has it right now and she is kind of in the middle: Slight fevers (around 100), fatigue, loss of taste/smell and a mild cough. An acquaintance of mine got so sick she had to go to the hospital though including being on a ventilator, which is really rough. I think she was in the hospital for about a month in late May/early June, but she fortunately recovered. Since I got it pretty early, I am kinda used to being the de-facto expert on COVID. Haha.


    Yeah, I forgot to mention weeks of fatigue, complicated by me being a heavy smoker. Amazes me how wildly different symptoms can be person to person. And out of the cluster of peeps I knew who got it around the same time, my 27yo nephew by far had it the worst-102 fever and in the ICU for days. Everyone else was 40 and above.

  11. Thank you. Yes I felt very bad...really high fevers (103-104), really terrible feeling in my lungs like a horse was sitting on my chest and just incredible fatigue and body aches. Fortunately I had an oximeter my sister let me borrow (she has asthma) and a thermometer. My doctor had me strictly monitor both my blood oxygen and my fever and told me to go to the hospital the fever stayed at or above 104 for long especially if it didn't go down with Tylenol and/or my blood oxygen went under 90 percent (It was at 90-92 percent for several days). I got sick in April right when COVID was just starting to get bad and my doctor advised me against going to the hospital unless it was really an emergency because of course they didn't know as much about the disease then and many people were having pretty bad outcomes when they went to the hospital. So I just stayed at home, but was terribly sick for about 2 weeks straight and still had breathing difficulties for months after.


    Sorry to prolong a topic that is not the point of the thread. I tested + in late June and was quarantined for over a week. I had occasional mild headaches, chills, weird sensations/mild pains in chest and wrists. I ran a fever only when I returned to work and got a bit dehydrated. Nothing serious, despite my many years.

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