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Everything posted by KrisParr

  1. https://gayforfans.com/video/reno-gold-rims-and-cums-over-peachyyboy/ Our boy is back with quite an action flick. And he laps up his own cream - I’ll bet it tastes just like candy.
  2. Sure, that could happen although he doesn’t travel much and I don’t see myself going to his fair land all that often. Thanks for the thought.
  3. Excellent points. I’d be very interested in massage, even swapping since I have some experience as a giver and receiver. I’ll ask - thanks for the post.
  4. I’m headed to a larger city in a few weeks on business. I contacted a very well known provider to set up an appointment. He was cordial and quoted me a rate of $800 for a two-hour minimum. So I asked if he’d be open to a one-hour for $500. No deal. In the past, my encounters rarely run past 60 minutes and I’m not wanting to spend $800, because unless the encounter would include some other activities, I’m sure I’d be ready to exit much sooner. He is definitely my type and I get aroused just reading his texts. And I can well afford it, but it just doesn’t feel right. Do I go ahead and hope we can find enough to keep us occupied for two full hours? Am I overthinking this?
  5. https://www.reddit.com/r/ContagiousLaughter/comments/hzrn5q/perks_of_living_on_a_golf_course/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
  6. Anyone remember “Hunghoney”? Years (maybe decades) ago, he sold his underwear on eBay before all the crackdowns (pun intended). He was a gorgeous tanned buffed model from Florida (straight) and posted dozens of photos in different swimwear and posing straps. I believe there are archive photos of him on smutjunkies and a frontal nudie on LPSG. Ah, memories. No, I didn’t buy anything but he cost me a lot of time and tissues. He was definitely a leader in the field.
  7. One of my providers went from hotel hosting to using a condo that he found through an Airbnb/Vrbo arrangement. From what he tells me, the agency who lists the place doesn’t know that the owner also has an arrangement with my provider. Kind of odd and not quite on the up-and-up, but it seems to work out. And it’s a beautiful place. When it’s not being officially “rented” the provider pays the owner by the hour which is much less than a hotel room.
  8. https://gayforfans.com/video/rafael-alencar-fucks-nate-stetson-the-plumber/ He’s back with a newer post. Dude still has “it”.
  9. I recently had a terrific session with a provider. Prior to the meet, I searched his phone number and immediately found his real name. And of course he has an active social media page with pictures of his family, his friends, etc. all going back several years. I suppose the somewhat satisfaction was knowing he wasn’t a flake and the extra photos added to the anticipation- a very handsome dude. Anyhow, I refrained from telling him how easy it was to find him. And we met at his place - kind of weird knowing in advance what his bedroom looked like. First time for everything, I guess.
  10. I’m crushed. Say it isn’t so. 😩 Oh well, I never did think that Gable was all that attractive.
  11. Rhett Butler (since retired) was a Midwest favorite, and oh, so very hot. Why, I do declare, that boy could have easily burnt down an entire city with his smokin’ good looks and southern charm. Damn, Scarlett, I do miss him. Indeed, I surely do.
  12. You may be the hottest dude on the planet, but posing in front of your rumpled, unmade bed, with clothes scattered around with the closet door open displaying clutter on top of clutter is a bit of a turn-off. Likewise, dirty dishes in the kitchen sink … ah, you get the idea. Don’t need studio photos, but come on, five minutes of tidying won’t kill ya.
  13. My fraternity sponsored a car wash a couple of years after I graduated. It was a 90 degree day and although the brothers all started by wearing t-shirts and cut-offs, the shirts came off quickly and the shorts were replaced with speedos. Oh, my. Such memories. And you’ll find lots of videos online of similar settings. But what you describe sounds just as titillating.
  14. Some gyms have management/staff who are supposed to take care of these annoyances. Perhaps a gentle reminder of customer service is needed because we can spend our gym dollars elsewhere.
  15. Re: Shawn Brooks - He appears to be active - last sign on was Aug 14, 2022.
  16. “More than just dandelions and crabgrass …”
  17. But, but, butt … he has 5.0 stars out of 60 reviews. Yeah, sure.
  18. “As to users being on their phones, my beef with using phones is that a lot of guys will sit at a workout machine and text and make long phone calls, thus, tying up a machine while others are waiting to use the machine they are sitting at while on their phone.” This drives me crazy. I’ve talked to the gym manager about the issue and he’s caught in a tough spot - sort of boils down to which customer to piss off. And there are so many signs posted about everything that no one reads them.
  19. Speaking of phones and working out … the gym I used to go to was open 24/7 and I’d often go at odd hours - a lot fewer people and the pool was usually to myself. But I moved - new gym has fewer hours and I swear 90% of the men have a phone glued to their person. So I want to use one of the shoulder press machines - two dudes sitting on the seats, texting, oblivious that I’m waiting. So I politely ask … are you about finished finding your Grindr match? No, I don’t say that, but one guy told me to cool it - he was resting between reps. Seriously? Or guys walking into each other because they have their phones in their face. My phone? In my locker. Jeez …
  20. Yes, I know it isn’t Friday. Ahem. Anyhow, I guess I’ve been under a rock or I’m getting really old. There’s a hilarious dude on TikTok and Youtube who has some terrific 60 second-or-so videos. He’s gay, smart, and hip. Below is a link to an article about him which I read before I ever watched him. Granted, the article is a bit long, but worth the read. His YT name is B. Dylan Hollis - https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Creator/BDylanHollis
  21. So true. About 10 years ago, I was seeing a very hot escort who had a few tats that were tasteful and didn’t detract from his amazing body. However, he started adding more and more - with a dragon that wrapped from his back side around to the front. It was dark purple and green and actually was quite colorful. He moved across country, and I ran into him about two years ago at a hotel in the pool area. The hot body was still just as hot, but the many tats had faded and morphed into an almost unrecognizable smear of ink - it was painful to see what he’d done. Either the tat artists had used some shitty materials, or his body decided to revolt. As hot as he was, I don’t think I could get past the distraction.
  22. Thanks for posting. Just curious how many forum members have sampled Sean’s illustrious talents? I’ll go first: it was a number of years ago when he and I both lived in Indy. In a word: incredible.
  23. Some excellent advice. In your “spare” time, seriously consider furthering your education- your body won’t always be young, cute, and attractive, so prepare for the eventual retirement. One well-known escort got a couple of advanced degrees in IT while he was “working” and landed some great part time gigs and then started his own lucrative company. Ya’ always need Plan “B”.
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