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Everything posted by KrisParr

  1. I am doing very well, thank you. It was necessary to end the thread because HD and I parted ways. I’ve not seen or heard from him which is fine. Life goes on.
  2. Early in his “career” he was more appealing and is impressively endowed. But this? Wow, sad.
  3. https://gayforfans.com/video/fooling-around-with-an-older-guy-reno-gold-bremenfitness/ That’s my kind of “older guy” for sure. Damn ….
  4. https://rent.men/LiamV Outstanding.
  5. Reality check. I called Ted, a good friend, yesterday, who lives about 2 hours away, and we met for dinner last night. He and I taught together years ago in another state and he went on to be a tenured professor in Georgia which was cool when I moved. Anyhow, we’ve stayed in fairly close contact and I value his pragmatic approach to life. He’s also aware of my predilections and he has some as well, of a much different nature. Anyhow, I decided to let him read my posts, which was highly entertaining. Words like, “holy fuck”, “bullshit”, “no fucking way”, “damn”, and about a dozen “OMG” came out at various points. And it went something like this - pretty close, but of course with some editorial liberty: T-You need to get the hell away from this guy. K-Why? T-He’s fucking with you and you’re thinking with your goddamn dick K-Possibly. Want to see his picture? (And I bring up HD’s auto dealer website) He’s beyond hot. T-When’s the last time you saw your shrink? K-Screw you. T-Seriously, this is so wrong. He’s a nut case. Why would you want to get involved with someone who’s a pimp, which I don’t believe. And all the mystery of not telling you where he lives, and carrying two phones. And offering to sell you sex and turn around and …. Coke, meth, Molly? K-I get it. Stop. T-No, you need to stop. He’s been stalking you. Think about it. How many other guys at the gym does he talk to or hang out with? K-Dunno. T-Exactly. You ever heard of mid-life crisis? K-No, grandpa, tell me about it. T-You are such a … K-Sorry - go on. T-You need to break it off. But not too fast. I really think there’s something wrong with him, and you don’t want to be a victim, and again, this could hurt you. K-How? T-Did you ever talk about STI’s? HIV? Is he on drugs? Did you use condoms? K-Seriously? I don’t even know where to go with that. I’ve hooked up for years and you know it. T-And I assume you’ve always been safe or at least knew what you were sticking it into. — long pause— You’re in love with this guy, aren’t you? K-Possibly. T-He’s not. Because people who are in love don’t treat each other like this. They are honest and open and there aren’t any secrets and they don’t ask for money to fuck and offer discounts and… and … K-Shit. T-Take some time off. Cut back your gym time - go to a different gym. If he texts, water down your replies, or ignore half of them. If he asks you out, you’re busy. I guarantee it won’t be long and he’ll find someone else. You’re just one of many. K-How do I break the news to my cock? T-You know, I wouldn’t normally say this, but you might think about getting a massage, or even, you know … get laid .. watch porn (laughing) K-I know, I know. Letting someone else “get a grip” on things T-And you need to let me know what’s going on - this really is not a good thing; I think COVID really fucked you up and he took advantage of you. Who kissed who first? Who grabbed who’s ass? Who sucked who’s cock first? Shall I go on? Man, he initiated everything! Every fucking time! Get it? K-Okay. I got a lot to process. T-No you don’t. It’s damn straight - cut it out. Now. There wasn’t too much more. We changed the subject a lot, and then kind of rehashed everything. Ted is an amazing guy. He’s been very successful, has a nice family and is one of the most level headed people I know, which is why I called him. His first wife died about 5 years ago, and we were really close during all that. He has a new partner, and I don’t know her very well, but Ted has always been there for me. Anyhow, it was good to catch up, and I rehearsed our chat all the way back home. Thinking.
  6. Gentlemen, your responses are amazing, diverse as hell, and very much appreciated - you have no idea. I am in awe of your perception and kindness. I have had wonderful life experiences, but anyone can fuck up at any age. So, thank you for the advice. Allow me to reply on a few things: Overthinking it. Can’t stop; I am an analyst. I was taking lawn mowers apart when I was 8 and successfully putting them back together. I debugged software in college for fun and profit. Brain rarely shuts off. But, point well-taken. His side business is real. I saw way too many text messages. And it didn’t dawn on me before, but he is constantly on his phone. I always assumed it was car clients, until I discovered he has two phones. And I really don’t care. The gif of the car salesman had me rolling on the floor. Perfect. Yes, HD knows I hired escorts. And I fucked up on that one, big time. Somewhere along the line, pre-pandemic, we both made some comment about a hot guy at the gym. It was obvious we had a “thing” for the eye candy. I can’t remember the conversation, but I probably said something like wondering what his “price” would be. Totally inappropriate, but I said it. And as I recall, we talked a little about the RM site, and hiring massage. It was just random banter, but I didn’t hide anything. He never asked for details and I didn’t offer. And if I ever shared just how many, it would probably scare both of us. Suffice to say, at least every 4-5 weeks for a long time. Bag me or bang me? Shit, I don’t remember- yeah, it does indeed have different connotations. We worked out today, and kept the chatter light and breezy. He said he had a couple of car/sales appointments lined up today and tomorrow. And I’ve got a shitload of work to catch up. But … we had a little serious talk in the parking lot. Something like this: H-You okay? K-Cool. H-You still need time? K-Yes. And then (here it comes again) an arm punch. Toothy grin and a little shoulder pinch. That’s it. And gents, I think that’s it for a while. It’s time for some additional down time, cooling of the jets, and more reflection. As the Beastie Boys say, peace out.
  7. Loving the comments - thanks. Some quick responses Have spent many hours on the therapy couch; the 3 relationships were short, and I take equal responsibility; two of them were BPD, and I knew better, but that’s another story. Lesbian-level drama? LOL - wasn’t that way until a week ago. Yeah, completely agree - not normally my thing. Fuck-buddy arrangement? Yep, that’s probably what’s going to happen. I’ve had some in the past, and I’m okay with it. It’s when the heart gets involved - again, falling in love with your FB is a problem. Like 3 times, get it? I’m a slow learner. Big difference - right now I’m in lust. Got a good morning text. Meeting at gym at noon. Day at a time.
  8. The continuing saga ... I apologize for any typos or missing words. I’m doing most of this as speech-to-text and and it gets hard to edit after a while. I honestly can’t remember what we talked about where the last post ended, but it wasn’t much. The server must have been antsy for us to leave, so we decided to skip dessert. We teased him maybe a little too much. HD asked him what time he got off work. College-age and I think he started to take us seriously for a second. Blame it on the alcohol. We arrived back at the gym - about a 2 minute trek - and HD parks in the back corner of the lot. The gym is a stand-alone building, with a long chain link fence all across the back and there’s a line of trees along the fence on the other side. Even though there are security lights, there are some dark spaces, plus the Jeep’s windows are almost solid black. He turns off the engine. Heart pounding. And before I could say anything, there’s that tongue again. We kiss for a long time. I mean, a fucking long time. I am rock hard. K-We really need to stop. The gym is still open and there are people around. H-Fuck em. And then he starts tugging at my crotch. And reaches under the top of my pants. So I push the seat back and I tell him again we need to stop. But by that time, I’m past the point, and with a few more strokes, I shoot. Holy fuck. I am breathing so damn hard. H-Dude, you okay? And we both start laughing again. He’s got cum on his hand, on my pants, my shirt, hell, it’s everywhere. I find some napkins and again we can’t stop giggling like two teenagers. If you want to skip the next naughty part, I’m okay with that, otherwise, read on. H-My turn? He brings up some Jay-Z. He pushes his seat way back and makes it almost flat. The console isn’t too restrictive, but I have to sort of lean way over ... and, omg, he’s dripping. I can see it even in the dark. I wasn’t the only one suffering from premature you-know-what, because in a couple of minutes I was treated to a cream-filled dessert. Delicious. Every. Last. Drop. Not sure who was more satisfied, him or me, or both. We returned to our locked and upright positions. H-Damn, dude. K-Damn, dude, yourself. H-Now what? K-I have no fucking idea. Silence. H-You want to go lift? Shoot some hoops? K-I told you after sex, I want to sleep. H-Kiss goodnight? And so we do. Warm, sweet, salty. K-I need some time. You? H-How much? K-Not much. And with that, I got in my car. He blinked his lights and we drove off. I got a text about 10 minutes later. “sweet dreams, stud”. I got it the shower back at my place. I start thinking about the evening and I get hard. Again. Jerking off in the shower is one of life’s simple pleasures. I slept well.
  9. Vikume II, Book 4, Chapter 7, verses 11-46 This may be a record for the number of posts to a thread. But you asked. HD arrived on time and I opted not to walk as it was rainy. He smelled so good - Eros by Versace. Sigh. So we headed out 500 feet to the light, turned left and parked. LOL - I got him. Turns out he had never been to the restaurant; score. Snagged a booth, ordered drinks (cute server) and the fun begins. HD makes small talk, asks about my week. He segues into memories of the “date” and I can’t tell where he is taking this. Here’s my recollection- may not be exact, but close. “H” = HD, “K” = me. K-What did you enjoy most about our (air quotes) experience? H-Great question (long pause; I can wait, trust me) Just being with you, I guess, what about you? K-Same. (Another long pause; getting a little awkward) That’s really sweet. H-Yes, I am (we both laugh). K-I want to revisit a couple of things, you okay with that? H-Go for it. K-We messed around at the gym for months and you never once asked me to do anything at all. Not even spot you or play ball or grab some food, or ... or ... H-True. K-So what exactly happened that made you ask me to play pickleball? And then get a beer? H-(Long pause, takes a drink, sighs) Fuck. K-Yeah, fuck. H-I already told you. K-Tell me again. Please. H-I saw you as a guy who might be interested in an “experience”. K-Whatever gave you that idea? H-Because you appeared to be very well off (not true) and you had never mentioned a husband, wife, or BF or GF, you never talked about dates, or any shit about your personal life ... K-Because it’s not your fucking business (okay, I’m getting a little hot at this point) H-Sorry. (Another drink, another excruciating pause) ++ server shows up to take order - HD looks at me, with the server standing by and says, “so, dad, what are you going to have? Trying not to miss a beat I say, “gee, son, I don’t know - this is gonna be tough for you to stay on your weight watcher diet. HD mutters, “asshole” - server looks very confused, takes order and leaves ++ K-Look, I sort of get it, and I’m a little flattered, but a little pissed at the same time. I’m not begging for dates, or one-nighters. Did you really think I was that needy? H-I don’t have any more words right now. (Looks at me directly, stretches out his hand and we touch lightly.) I am so fucking sorry, I really am. Can we talk about something else? K-Sure, the Braves swept the series. Fuck the Dodgers. (HD laughs so hard, he spews a little drink and then we both really laugh). Asshole. H-Back at ya. ++ I’ve probably left out some things, but so far, this is what I mostly remember; at this point the appetizers arrive, and we start eating, and I ask how’s his business, and we shoot the shit for a while to ease up++ K-Why did you dump out all that made-up crap about hiring me? That’s the most fucked up thing - just how high were you? (HD drops his head, shaking side to side and won’t look up for a minute). H-You think I’m crazy, right? K-Uh, not quite certifiable, but damn close. H-I don’t know where to start (exhales big time, takes a drink and signals server for another) K-I’m not going anywhere. H-Okay. Like I said, I saw you as a possible client and a lot of times in the past, I would invite a guy to have an “experience” at a discounted rate, kind of like a test drive. So I bought the tickets and honest-to-god, I had the words in my mouth to quote you a “fee” and I just couldn’t. K-Couldn’t what? And did you fuck all of them? H-Will you shut the fuck up? When I showed you the tickets, the look on your face was amazing and I didn’t have the heart ... K-Or balls ... H-to go through with it. K-But, you said you’d offer me a discount! And you didn’t answer my question. H-I know, I know - it was a stupid attempt to fix it. So I thought, what the hell, we can have a lot of fun, he’s a great guy, I need a night off, and yeah, he’s fuckable. Okay? And it’s none of your damn business. K-Fine. Believe it or not, I think I’m with you so far. But let’s get back to the hiring me bit, okay? Bat-shit, dude, BS. H-To refresh your aging memory (!) when I brought it up, and yes, it was pure BS, I was wasted, high, and had just fucked a guy who I’d wanted to bag for a long time. I felt bad about all the mixed messages. You have a delicious ass. K-What mixed messages? (Did he say “a long time”?) and thank you. H-So let me ask you - why did you get a room? Why did you buy me a jersey? K-Because I thought we were on a goddam date! H-We were! K-We were until you said you wanted to hire my delicious ass and be my pimp. ++ getting a little heated again - HD heads off to piss ++ He comes back, and the food arrives. More small talk, more drinks, more dancing around the elephant that’s sitting with us. H-So, where are we? K-Having dinner. H-Pig fucker. K-I’m half-Jew, remember? I’m highly offended. (And we both laugh). You know, I’m not sure. Where do you think we are? And don’t say having dinner. H-Seriously? K-Yup. H-What’s the chance of rewinding, cutting out the shitty parts, and focusing on the fun we had. You appeared to have a good time — a little bit, right? K-That’s a fair statement. I don’t know. H-What? K-Look, I’ve been in three relationships and each one fell apart, and I can honestly say it wasn’t even close to my fault. I just picked three really hot guys who all had the personality and depth of a file cabinet. I don’t want to ever go down that road again. H-Whoa. Who said anything about ... K-Sorry, sorry ... forget what I just said. H-What will it take to move ahead? Like friends? K-Like friends? With benefits? Good question. Maybe nothing. Let me ask you something. For all I know, you’re married, or in a relationship or ... H-None of the above. K-Are you dating anyone? H-Are you still hiring escorts? K-No, at least not now. H-Same answer. ++server arrives with refills, yada-yada, and it breaks the mood for a bit++ ——— Okay, that’s about all I can piece together. There’s more. I’ve read, and re-read and edited and added, deleted so fucking much ... the old memory bank is overheating so I need a break. Later.
  10. From my June 3 post: I am taking some wise counsel and doing a wee bit of background checking before I go too far. He appears to be legit in everything he’s told me, I.e. his alma mater, fraternity, and even some reviews from satisfied auto purchasers. I still have some connections in the judicial system, but I don’t want to cross any ethical bounds. —— Appreciate your concern, truly. I’ve been through a lot of self-defense training over the years, and while I’m no expert, I think I could do okay if needed. I’m not worried about anything physical, I just don’t want to get into something that would be confrontational. We tease the hell out of each other at the gym and some of it has been a little rough. I’ve never seen even a hint of anything that would suggest a problem. He really is a sweet guy, probably more mushy than I am all around. Several people have asked privately what he’s like - personality. The closest I can come to is a more energetic “Jim/John Krasinski” from The Office. Always smiling, just more open, funny, guy you want to go have a beer with and suck his dick.
  11. Chapter 423.5 Have been through the checklist again and so far, so good. No gym today, but HD has been texting frequently. Planning ahead - he’s asked a couple of times where we’re going and I’m not saying. You may think I’m a little crazy here, but there’s a terrific seafood place right across the street from the gym. Upscale, fine dining . Why so close? Honestly, if something were to happen, my car is nearby. Do I expect it? Hell no, but, I also don’t want to even remotely take a chance on any awkward moments. Yeah, my paranoia is setting in a little. But I’ve had a few scary moments in my “career” and yes, I know we slept together and anything could have happened. Besides, I think he will think it’s funny that we could actually walk to dinner. And we might just do that. I’ve been rehearsing how I think it’ll go. I want to go back to square one and sort this out. He needs to explain some shit, and I am fully prepared to accept responsibility if I fucked it up as well. Maybe it was a huge misunderstanding. But I also think our mutual attraction got in the way and the lust short-circuited the business deal. I may not add any more chapters until tomorrow. Depends on what unfolds. Again, many thanks for the comments, etc. The popcorn gif was hilarious.
  12. Chapter 276 HD and I show up this morning at the gym. He’s cheerful, joking, ‘sup, stud, etc. Cool. We do our thing, small talk, and then he wants to know if I still want to grab dinner. Sure. So we are “on” for tomorrow night - meet at gym and he’ll drive. Sound familiar? He says it’s his treat. Okay, I’ll be extra hungry. That’s it. He punches me on the arm, grins and he’s gone. So, men of the forum, you have provided some great ideas which I am strongly considering. Last night I visited my bookcase and pulled out some old probation officer materials - the Reid interview process for one. It’s time for some “motivational intrinsic interviewing” and stop fucking around. I think there’s some shit under the surface that he’s hiding or denying and I need to know where he’s coming from. So we’re gonna play some “getting to know you” games and see what bubbles up. I have to admit that I’m crushing really hard on him. Like maybe decades since I’ve been drawn to someone like this. Fuck, the sex was mind-blowing ... am I experiencing some weird middle-age crisis? Maybe. He wants me to pick the restaurant; there’s a great seafood place with 2-person booths, quiet - that might work. Okay, men, later.
  13. Well, it’s been a week since this adventure began and I want to thank everyone for their support, advice, comments and encouragement. Just got back from the gym, and HD wasn’t there. So I texted him - he’s with a client in Buckhead and said he’d probably see me tomorrow. He followed up with a “how about dinner soon?” And I replied sure. So will see where the goes. Have lots of “real work” mounting, and I think the marathon updates are about over. I’ve processed a lot of shit and feel somewhat content. Still - unanswered questions, though. Time will tell. At least the horniness level has been significantly lowered. For now.
  14. Holy shit, I never made the connection with the car-sales approach. That’s exactly how it unfolded. Until a month or so ago, our interactions were brief; he’d be lifting, I’d be on the machines; we’d cross paths, shoot the breeze and move on. Then we’d sometimes swim together - really not that much. But then, let’s play ball, and grab a brew had never happened before. I’ll admit he is a head turner. There’s an air about him that’s hard to describe. Confident and a little cocky, and a killer smile with textbook teeth. So, yeah, I think I was being set up in some manner. Maybe a fishing trip to see if I was potentially a client. Showing me the picture occurred during the awkward speech about joining the cadre. That was so wrong now that I think about it. As far as I know, he didn’t take any pics during our date. I think maybe the sequence was something like this: HD and K are gym acquaintances K enjoys the eye candy and goes out of his way to cross paths HD remains neutral but doesn’t shy away Pandemic hits - a year goes by HD and K meet up again Path crossing increases, much to K’s delight HD reciprocates and sends clear vibes of interest HD speculates K may be a potential client Let’s play ball and drink beer! And you know the rest. —- As of now, I’m going to suggest we grab a coffee (don’t need any alcohol) and just talk. I’m open. Friends with benefits- fuck buddy- gym bro- maybe marriage. LOL - Gotcha.
  15. Coke? Nah. I saw plenty of that shit when I worked probation. Yes, he’s an energetic guy, but remember, he’s 32, a gym rat, eats very healthy. He does enjoy weed now and then and has a fondness for beer and Jack. My kind of guy. My other vice is a pack of Marlboro along with a couple of cigars in a humidor “just in case”. Old habits die hard. Does the “cadre” exist? I had serious doubts. But he carries 2 phones (which was news to me) and showed me a couple of text messages that would be pretty hard to fabricate - complete with photos of a seemingly happy customer during an “experience” at some swanky event. Two dudes, one my dad’s age and a hot guy probably around 40. Yeah, I think it’s real. And a quick update if you’re still interested: Text message earlier this afternoon. HD-@ the gym-u comin? I responded: went 4 🏃‍♀️- maybe tomorrow —— Day at a time.
  16. Well, at least the Braves won, 6-4. Thanks for all the comments - appreciate the viewpoints and suggestions. I’ve given it a lot of thought - took an early morning jog through a nearby park to shake off the remaining mindfuck remnants. There are 2 other gyms in my network that I may start rotating to. I don’t want to just suddenly disappear. Here are some answers that y’all asked: Weed in the hotel room? Yep, we shared a blunt. I paid premium for a smoking “allowed” room. As far as sharing personal info with HD, he has my phone number of course, and he knows the name of my consulting company. We talked some about family, but mostly in general terms. Nothing else. Did he check me out? Maybe. I think he had an idea that my “wealth” is far greater than it really is. I used to drive a Benz convertible and now have a Lexus. Since he’s “in” to cars, that might have sent a signal. Plus my two largest clients are major corporations and he knows who they are. But rolling in cash? Hardly. Comfortable, yes. Rolling? Laughable. So here’s where I am today. I think he offered me an “experience” as a customer, and fucked up the deal by not stating the “terms” up front. Remember the “discount” comment? I just blew that off and assumed we were having a date. Like normal, eh? For whatever reason, it morphed into exactly that, and I don’t think he knew what to do to flip it back around. The bit about hiring me was total bullshit. Yeah, there might be someone out there who’d hire me to take them to Denny’s, but a fuck date? No way. I can hold my own in the sack - at least HD seemed way more than satisfied with my talent. But as a member of his little “cadre” is fucking nuts. I’m skipping the gym today. And maybe tomorrow, or hit a different one. And I haven’t heard from him either which isn’t that unusual. If he texts, I’ll probably respond, but my radar is cranked up, and I’m going to play it by ear. Yes, he’s stuck in my spank-bank memory probably forever. Will admit that the sex was off the charts - haven’t had anything like that for many years. Okay, that’s it for now. Like I said before, I need a break. And the idea of waking up to a dead body was hilarious and actually crossed my mind for a split second. Now that would make a great movie.
  17. Mindfuck noun a disturbing or extremely confusing experience, in particular one that is caused by deliberate psychological manipulation. verb greatly confuse or psychologically disturb (someone). Okay, students, let’s continue. We are both spent - physically, emotionally (at least I am) and my balls are definitely drained. The slamming of hotel doors wakes us around 9. We agree that single showers are in order and by 10, we’re on the prowl for food. Like starving. We head over to a favorite breakfast cafe of mine, and order way too much - like pancakes and eggs and a shit load of bacon. We make small talk the whole time. Like the minute we left the hotel, the plug was pulled. No more talk about “cadre” no more flirting, no more ass grabbing, no more kissing. Actually it was helping my head get screwed back on. We finish and arrive back at the gym parking lot. “Ni Bien Ni Mal” by Bad Bunny is playing on the radio - jeez, the irony. Silence. HD stares at my stare. He reaches his hand and pulls my head close. No tongue - just lips, soft, sweet, warm, as we both breathe the same air. Fuck. He says he needs a minute. Silence. Okay, now I’m definitely paraphrasing here on out ‘cause the mindfuck is still lingering. He starts to apologize and I tell him to stop. He says right after we met, like pre-pandemic, he started seeing me as a potential client. And came close to buying me a drink and offering the “cadre” product. But then he said after we reconnected it was totally different. He saw me as a potential member of “cadre” and decided to pursue me in that manner. And here’s where the mindfuck really gets intense. He said that after our “experience” he’s not sure if this is right for either of us. What the hell are you saying, I almost scream at him! He wanted to see if our “experience” was worthy of marketing to his clients. Apparently he checks out the men of “cadre” as any good CEO would do. But somewhere along the way (his words) the switch got flipped. He said after the shower scene (haha) he wanted to tell me the whole story, take me home and ... (he didn’t finish the sentence). More deafening silence. I have to piss. Too much coffee. We go inside the gym for relief. There’s a lounge area and we settle in and continue but of course we can’t talk at all. He says he needs to go. I tell him the story isn’t over. He smiles and starts walking away. I follow outside and head to my car which is parked almost next to the Jeep. I get in - he pulls up, rolls down the window. “You gonna work out tomorrow?” Yes, I say. He grins and gives me the finger and drives off. ———- I got home about 10 minutes later, and started putting all this together. No texts from HD and not sure where this is going. I think I need some down time. Some mindfuck ointment. Thank you, gentlemen of the Forum for your kind words, comments and encouragement. I have to agree this might make a decent story and I never believed that truth is stranger than fiction. Until now.
  18. Scoreboard: Orgasms 1-1, tied. Being a former Boy Scout, I try to be prepared. With that said, my trusty little bottle of “gun oil” and a couple of Skyn condoms are close by. The kissing is deep and warm, the embrace is strong - he can bench press 230 - and damn it, my heart is tugging at me. I start fantasizing - is this a hookup? Could this turn into something? Or is it simply business as unusual. And then my dream gets interrupted when he says ... Fuck me. Okay, let’s stop the player right here. I don’t really want to go into details. Well, yeah I do. But ... The score is now 2-2. The next thing I know it’s almost 6 a.m. and I have to piss like crazy. Guess who gets up right behind me? At least I finished before we had another contest. I get back in bed and watching him walk across the room is about more than I can handle. This man is a Greek statue come to life and that evil fucking grin kills me. Good morning, sir. Come here. And I do mean come, here. And he does. Final score: 3-3. Yeah, there’s more. Back in a few.
  19. M-Hire me? What the fucking hell? Hire me as a what? Hooker? Escort? Gigolo? (and I start laughing so hard) H-I don’t mean to pry, but didn’t you tell me that you have been quite the flesh consumer in the past? M-Verdad. H-So? M-So? —— very long awkward pause —— THC kicking in big time H-Instead of money going out of your pocket, it’s coming in. And with all the perks. And going to a ball game ain’t illegal. M-But fucking for dollars is. H-So they say. M-I told you a long time ago, I was a sworn Probation Officer in a “former life”. Took an oath. Was in court lots of times on prostitution cases. My brother is a lawyer. Yeah, I know, I could easily have gotten caught for my dalliances which is why I have gone to incredible lengths to play safe. Man, you are fucking with my head. H-Well maybe we can find an alternate body part shortly. M-Ready when you are. H-So? M-I give up. Wind up and pitch it. H-I have a cadre of men - and that’s the little name I call my business, “Cadre”. They are business/career professionals that you would never guess - two are in IT, one is a teacher, another is an accountant, and so on. All are between 40 and 60; all in great physical condition with impeccable credentials. They just like a good time and extra cash. M-Cut to the chase - do they all fuck the customer? H-Well, I don’t keep stats, but I’d say most of the time there’s some level of contact. It’s totally up to you and that’s made known up front before the experience. M-I don’t screw women. H-You said you did. M-I lied. Well, yeah, I did. Vicky - when I was 17 in her parents basement, a couple of times in college when I was trying to prove something. H-How about now? M-Doubtful. H-But you’d be open to dinner, a show, and a goodnight kiss? M-If she had a beard. H-Okay, let’s table this for now. Take off your robe. By now it’s way past 1 a.m. and HD is not ready for a bedtime story. He asks about the little blue Pfizer pills ... and in about 20 minutes, oh yeah, it’s show time. In case you’re wondering about how I remember all this shit, I use my phone voice recorder constantly and create dozens of voice memos to myself and then do a speech to text and edit. Saves a lot of typing. There’s not too much more
  20. Yes, it was sans condom, but no, he pulled out. Okay, so we’re on the bed, soaking up the afterglow and HD grabs a blunt from his bag. Perfect. So we share and relax and I am fighting sleep like crazy. ‘Cause after I have sex, I sleep! HD says, “you okay?” At this point, I’m going to switch to just plain text instead of dialogue quotes - gonna be a lot easier. This is pretty much how I remember it. Here goes. Me-Yeah, you? HD-You’re curious, aren’t you. I can tell. M-Still can’t figure how a hot guy like you, who could get any man or woman, would want to spend an evening and a shit load of money on an old fart like me - makes no goddamn sense H-I like you! You’re a cool guy - you’re smart as hell, better looking than you give yourself credit for, and we have a lot of similar interests M-And you, my sexy friend, are full of shit (laughing) —and now we have a long smoke-filled pause, and I’m really having a hard time staying awake— H-True confessions? (Oh fuck, now what?) M-About time. H-Selling cars is not my main source of income. M-FBI? CIA? IRS? H-You got me. — I sell experiences. M-Dude, stop fucking with me. H-Did you, or did you not, have an experience this evening? A fun experience. M-Stupid question (probably shouldn’t have said that) H-There are a lot of men, and women, who have so much fucking money, but no fun experiences or anyone to share them with. So I broker experiences. M-(fully awake) Go on. H-How much do you think tonight cost? Tickets, food, drinks, hotel (which was your idea) weed, etc. A grand? M-Sounds about right. H-What if I told you there’s at least 4-5 men, mostly closeted, who would pay 3 or 4 times that for the same “experience”? M- 3-4 grand? No fucking way. H-And women? Even more. Sandy Springs (nearby neighborhood) is full of closeted men, mostly, and lonely or cheating women who are always in the market for an experience. M-Okay, I think. So I guess the question is, how much fucking money will tonight’s experience cost me, and do you take American Express? (Heart is racing - this is starting to get really weird) (and I make some nervous laughter) H-Goddamn it - what the hell’s wrong with you? I told you, I like you! I just fucked your brains out - which by the way was amazing. I don’t want to charge you, dumbass, I want to hire you!
  21. We head to the bathroom and clothes are coming off, flying everywhere. I stop and tell HD I need to piss - and he laughs and says, “me, too” and we’re both standing there like school boys at camp, crossing our “swords” pissing in the toilet. We are laughing so hard - too funny. Shower time. Of course this is the first time I’ve seen all the “goods” and damn, are they ever good. HD is almost otter-quality but not too much hair - firm pecs, dark nips, and a happy trail that looks professionally sculpted. Trimmed bush, and side by side, our cocks could be twins, although his is a little darker. So we grab the soap and take turns lathering up, play fighting, horsing around, dropping the soap, some kissing, some stroking (as we are both fully aroused). We finally notice the shower can be a hand-held, so we screwed around with it, did a little douching for fun. And then his head drops and takes my cock in his mouth ... holy shit. And he stays, and he stays, and I can feel it brewing. “Dude, ease up” ... again, I think I’m gonna pass out - so intense; we rinse and I’m thinking we’re done; hell no, the shampoo gets opened and there’s a sea of foam - he turns me around, lifts my arms up and tells me to bend a little. Time out. I am normally a top, but in the past have flipped. Well, guess what, HD made the decision for me. I felt him massage my hole and instinctively took a deep breath. OMG ... it was a little painful and electric at the same time. He was slow and gentle and firm and determined. I didn’t want it to end. He told me later he plays a game in his head when he fucks. He tries to go for a hundred strokes. Well, I’m sure he more than met his quota and it was amazing. He finished and then he kisses me, and gives me a few strokes and that’s all it took. And for some some fucking reason, we just started laughing again. Like non-stop. For me, it was a huge release (pun intended) - lots of anxiety, apprehension about the whole thing. A little more clean up, and we grabbed the hotel-provided robes and headed to the bed. Drained. Glowing. And still a little puzzled. He’s so damn hot, and I’m a dude old enough to be his father. What the fucking hell? Oh yeah, there’s more. A lot more. If not today, tomorrow.
  22. The game. It started out as a “could-happen, but not-likely” no hitter for the first 4 innings, but turned into a sloppy clusterfuck by the 5th. Dodgers scored 8 runs on 3 hits. Yeah, it didn’t get any better winding up at 9-5. You can check it out on your own. During the game, we mostly just watched, bantered, and didn’t get into anything else - lots of family types sitting around us, so no grab-ass. HD got into some chatter about cars with his seat-neighbor and set up an appointment to test drive something. The food was good, beer was cold and my bladder was not at all cooperative- men’s room was close so that helped. I swear HD must be a camel. Okay - a little post game. It was fireworks night but we opted to head out. We get to the “beast” Jeep. HD says, “where to, stud?” I tell him I want to go get a drink and there are plenty of bars at the Battery. We stop by “Live!” which was packed, but managed to get a drink; gay pride was well-represented; stayed long enough and left. Again, HD says, “where to” and I flash the room key card to the Omni and the look was priceless. “Motherfucker!” he roars and slams it. We grab our gear - he said he thought I was going to invite him to my place, but this is so much better. Hotel is a little “off” - the lobby bar was closed, no room service and wasn’t at all what I expected. I had checked in earlier when I went on my “errand” so we go up to the room. For an Omni, it was pretty basic. Once inside we headed over to the floor-to-ceiling windows - incredible view. And then his hand is on my ass. Squeeze. And then his tongue is in my mouth. Delicious. And I’m weak in the knees. Seriously. For a guy who has been with a lot of men, even a couple of top notch escorts (Victor P and Andrew J) I am beyond turned on. But my pits smell like the lamps of Egypt. And I need to piss. I say, “dude, I really need a shower” HD says, “lead the way”.
  23. Dodgers score eight runs in one inning as they defeat Braves; in other games, the “score” was a tie, 3-3 Omg. Let me repeat. OMG! There is so much to unpack and share. It’s going to take some time to sort it out and make sense. You all have been great to follow along this totally unexpected trek, and I want to do it justice. So I’ve decided to break it up into some “episodes” kinda like Netflix. First of all, I am exhausted. My head is still spinning, and certain body parts are sore and tingling- more on that later. Pre-Game. HD shows up in a fucking monster Jeep Rubicon - like something out of a movie - massive and screams bad ass. Said the sticker price was close to 100K and I can believe it. And it’s for sale in case I’m interested. Sure. Okay, he looks amazing. A 3-4 day scruff; he smells delicious and my heart is already pounding. I can tell he’s already mellow, and we share a little “smoke” on the way which was much needed. We get to the field, and he parks close to the the Clubhouse store for a little shopping. It’s “red out” night and they have red jerseys on sale. What the hell - so I treated and we get a couple to blend in with the home crowd. I’ve lived in GA for close to 3 years and this is my first Braves gear. I’m really a Cubs fan, but that’s another story. We find our way to the “dugout reserved 13” row 3 - hot damn - never been to a game with seats like this. Anyhow, great location and the vibe is intense- music blaring, just an incredible atmosphere and I’m so fucking high right now. Batting practice is about over and fans are lined up deep - we opted not to even try. Players jog around and stop briefly for photo ops. It’s getting closer to “play ball” so HD uses his app to order some food - everything at the place is cashless - and the brats and beer are on the way. Impressive. That’s enough for now. I need to get my head together and start working on the next episode. Appreciate your patience.
  24. Okay, gentlemen, the errands are over. My check list is complete. Hot dude (who will now be known as HD) is meeting me at 5 at the gym - which even in bad traffic is only 20+ minutes from Truist. He wants to get there early for batting warmups. I think I’m ready and very much appreciate all the advice, suggestions and rah-rah. I’ve got a bunch of “real work” yet to do, so I will sign off until probably tomorrow. HD has no knowledge of this forum, and even if he does, you may have guessed by now that my real identity is a jumbled anagram of my actual name. Still a little nervous. We did talk about “positions” one time and he admitted to being versatile if the chemistry was right. Same here. It’s 85 with a breeze- should be a perfect evening. We’re taking our gloves and a ball - who knows, might snag an autograph or two. Thanks again for all your support. It feels like prom night.
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