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Everything posted by KrisParr

  1. M-Hire me? What the fucking hell? Hire me as a what? Hooker? Escort? Gigolo? (and I start laughing so hard) H-I don’t mean to pry, but didn’t you tell me that you have been quite the flesh consumer in the past? M-Verdad. H-So? M-So? —— very long awkward pause —— THC kicking in big time H-Instead of money going out of your pocket, it’s coming in. And with all the perks. And going to a ball game ain’t illegal. M-But fucking for dollars is. H-So they say. M-I told you a long time ago, I was a sworn Probation Officer in a “former life”. Took an oath. Was in court lots of times on prostitution cases. My brother is a lawyer. Yeah, I know, I could easily have gotten caught for my dalliances which is why I have gone to incredible lengths to play safe. Man, you are fucking with my head. H-Well maybe we can find an alternate body part shortly. M-Ready when you are. H-So? M-I give up. Wind up and pitch it. H-I have a cadre of men - and that’s the little name I call my business, “Cadre”. They are business/career professionals that you would never guess - two are in IT, one is a teacher, another is an accountant, and so on. All are between 40 and 60; all in great physical condition with impeccable credentials. They just like a good time and extra cash. M-Cut to the chase - do they all fuck the customer? H-Well, I don’t keep stats, but I’d say most of the time there’s some level of contact. It’s totally up to you and that’s made known up front before the experience. M-I don’t screw women. H-You said you did. M-I lied. Well, yeah, I did. Vicky - when I was 17 in her parents basement, a couple of times in college when I was trying to prove something. H-How about now? M-Doubtful. H-But you’d be open to dinner, a show, and a goodnight kiss? M-If she had a beard. H-Okay, let’s table this for now. Take off your robe. By now it’s way past 1 a.m. and HD is not ready for a bedtime story. He asks about the little blue Pfizer pills ... and in about 20 minutes, oh yeah, it’s show time. In case you’re wondering about how I remember all this shit, I use my phone voice recorder constantly and create dozens of voice memos to myself and then do a speech to text and edit. Saves a lot of typing. There’s not too much more
  2. Yes, it was sans condom, but no, he pulled out. Okay, so we’re on the bed, soaking up the afterglow and HD grabs a blunt from his bag. Perfect. So we share and relax and I am fighting sleep like crazy. ‘Cause after I have sex, I sleep! HD says, “you okay?” At this point, I’m going to switch to just plain text instead of dialogue quotes - gonna be a lot easier. This is pretty much how I remember it. Here goes. Me-Yeah, you? HD-You’re curious, aren’t you. I can tell. M-Still can’t figure how a hot guy like you, who could get any man or woman, would want to spend an evening and a shit load of money on an old fart like me - makes no goddamn sense H-I like you! You’re a cool guy - you’re smart as hell, better looking than you give yourself credit for, and we have a lot of similar interests M-And you, my sexy friend, are full of shit (laughing) —and now we have a long smoke-filled pause, and I’m really having a hard time staying awake— H-True confessions? (Oh fuck, now what?) M-About time. H-Selling cars is not my main source of income. M-FBI? CIA? IRS? H-You got me. — I sell experiences. M-Dude, stop fucking with me. H-Did you, or did you not, have an experience this evening? A fun experience. M-Stupid question (probably shouldn’t have said that) H-There are a lot of men, and women, who have so much fucking money, but no fun experiences or anyone to share them with. So I broker experiences. M-(fully awake) Go on. H-How much do you think tonight cost? Tickets, food, drinks, hotel (which was your idea) weed, etc. A grand? M-Sounds about right. H-What if I told you there’s at least 4-5 men, mostly closeted, who would pay 3 or 4 times that for the same “experience”? M- 3-4 grand? No fucking way. H-And women? Even more. Sandy Springs (nearby neighborhood) is full of closeted men, mostly, and lonely or cheating women who are always in the market for an experience. M-Okay, I think. So I guess the question is, how much fucking money will tonight’s experience cost me, and do you take American Express? (Heart is racing - this is starting to get really weird) (and I make some nervous laughter) H-Goddamn it - what the hell’s wrong with you? I told you, I like you! I just fucked your brains out - which by the way was amazing. I don’t want to charge you, dumbass, I want to hire you!
  3. We head to the bathroom and clothes are coming off, flying everywhere. I stop and tell HD I need to piss - and he laughs and says, “me, too” and we’re both standing there like school boys at camp, crossing our “swords” pissing in the toilet. We are laughing so hard - too funny. Shower time. Of course this is the first time I’ve seen all the “goods” and damn, are they ever good. HD is almost otter-quality but not too much hair - firm pecs, dark nips, and a happy trail that looks professionally sculpted. Trimmed bush, and side by side, our cocks could be twins, although his is a little darker. So we grab the soap and take turns lathering up, play fighting, horsing around, dropping the soap, some kissing, some stroking (as we are both fully aroused). We finally notice the shower can be a hand-held, so we screwed around with it, did a little douching for fun. And then his head drops and takes my cock in his mouth ... holy shit. And he stays, and he stays, and I can feel it brewing. “Dude, ease up” ... again, I think I’m gonna pass out - so intense; we rinse and I’m thinking we’re done; hell no, the shampoo gets opened and there’s a sea of foam - he turns me around, lifts my arms up and tells me to bend a little. Time out. I am normally a top, but in the past have flipped. Well, guess what, HD made the decision for me. I felt him massage my hole and instinctively took a deep breath. OMG ... it was a little painful and electric at the same time. He was slow and gentle and firm and determined. I didn’t want it to end. He told me later he plays a game in his head when he fucks. He tries to go for a hundred strokes. Well, I’m sure he more than met his quota and it was amazing. He finished and then he kisses me, and gives me a few strokes and that’s all it took. And for some some fucking reason, we just started laughing again. Like non-stop. For me, it was a huge release (pun intended) - lots of anxiety, apprehension about the whole thing. A little more clean up, and we grabbed the hotel-provided robes and headed to the bed. Drained. Glowing. And still a little puzzled. He’s so damn hot, and I’m a dude old enough to be his father. What the fucking hell? Oh yeah, there’s more. A lot more. If not today, tomorrow.
  4. The game. It started out as a “could-happen, but not-likely” no hitter for the first 4 innings, but turned into a sloppy clusterfuck by the 5th. Dodgers scored 8 runs on 3 hits. Yeah, it didn’t get any better winding up at 9-5. You can check it out on your own. During the game, we mostly just watched, bantered, and didn’t get into anything else - lots of family types sitting around us, so no grab-ass. HD got into some chatter about cars with his seat-neighbor and set up an appointment to test drive something. The food was good, beer was cold and my bladder was not at all cooperative- men’s room was close so that helped. I swear HD must be a camel. Okay - a little post game. It was fireworks night but we opted to head out. We get to the “beast” Jeep. HD says, “where to, stud?” I tell him I want to go get a drink and there are plenty of bars at the Battery. We stop by “Live!” which was packed, but managed to get a drink; gay pride was well-represented; stayed long enough and left. Again, HD says, “where to” and I flash the room key card to the Omni and the look was priceless. “Motherfucker!” he roars and slams it. We grab our gear - he said he thought I was going to invite him to my place, but this is so much better. Hotel is a little “off” - the lobby bar was closed, no room service and wasn’t at all what I expected. I had checked in earlier when I went on my “errand” so we go up to the room. For an Omni, it was pretty basic. Once inside we headed over to the floor-to-ceiling windows - incredible view. And then his hand is on my ass. Squeeze. And then his tongue is in my mouth. Delicious. And I’m weak in the knees. Seriously. For a guy who has been with a lot of men, even a couple of top notch escorts (Victor P and Andrew J) I am beyond turned on. But my pits smell like the lamps of Egypt. And I need to piss. I say, “dude, I really need a shower” HD says, “lead the way”.
  5. Dodgers score eight runs in one inning as they defeat Braves; in other games, the “score” was a tie, 3-3 Omg. Let me repeat. OMG! There is so much to unpack and share. It’s going to take some time to sort it out and make sense. You all have been great to follow along this totally unexpected trek, and I want to do it justice. So I’ve decided to break it up into some “episodes” kinda like Netflix. First of all, I am exhausted. My head is still spinning, and certain body parts are sore and tingling- more on that later. Pre-Game. HD shows up in a fucking monster Jeep Rubicon - like something out of a movie - massive and screams bad ass. Said the sticker price was close to 100K and I can believe it. And it’s for sale in case I’m interested. Sure. Okay, he looks amazing. A 3-4 day scruff; he smells delicious and my heart is already pounding. I can tell he’s already mellow, and we share a little “smoke” on the way which was much needed. We get to the field, and he parks close to the the Clubhouse store for a little shopping. It’s “red out” night and they have red jerseys on sale. What the hell - so I treated and we get a couple to blend in with the home crowd. I’ve lived in GA for close to 3 years and this is my first Braves gear. I’m really a Cubs fan, but that’s another story. We find our way to the “dugout reserved 13” row 3 - hot damn - never been to a game with seats like this. Anyhow, great location and the vibe is intense- music blaring, just an incredible atmosphere and I’m so fucking high right now. Batting practice is about over and fans are lined up deep - we opted not to even try. Players jog around and stop briefly for photo ops. It’s getting closer to “play ball” so HD uses his app to order some food - everything at the place is cashless - and the brats and beer are on the way. Impressive. That’s enough for now. I need to get my head together and start working on the next episode. Appreciate your patience.
  6. Okay, gentlemen, the errands are over. My check list is complete. Hot dude (who will now be known as HD) is meeting me at 5 at the gym - which even in bad traffic is only 20+ minutes from Truist. He wants to get there early for batting warmups. I think I’m ready and very much appreciate all the advice, suggestions and rah-rah. I’ve got a bunch of “real work” yet to do, so I will sign off until probably tomorrow. HD has no knowledge of this forum, and even if he does, you may have guessed by now that my real identity is a jumbled anagram of my actual name. Still a little nervous. We did talk about “positions” one time and he admitted to being versatile if the chemistry was right. Same here. It’s 85 with a breeze- should be a perfect evening. We’re taking our gloves and a ball - who knows, might snag an autograph or two. Thanks again for all your support. It feels like prom night.
  7. You guys are amazing - loving the banter. 1) Mani-Pedi - check 2) Haircut - check 3) Going to hotel early and pick up room key and stop by adult toy store for “supplies” - soon - drain ATM machine 4) Pick out clothes, shower, shave, floss, stretch, exercise, meditate, take a nap, masturbate, shower again Missing anything?
  8. The “date” is set. We are meeting at the gym and he is driving us to the game. I know it’s odd, but we have not disclosed our exact home addresses yet - I just know he lives about 3 miles from the gym one way and I’m about the same the other way. Anyhow, I told him to bring a change of clothes. “Seriously?” He says. Seriously. So the hotel is still a surprise but he’ll figure it out. Just to be prepared, I am bringing some edibles (we both are mild partakers) and I have a couple of ED blue pills - doubt that he’d need one, but I’ve been known to again, partake. Now the wait. Fuck. This is crazy. I’m so close to not going through with it. And then I think of all the risks I’ve taken over the years in hiring and picking up dudes in bars. Comparatively, I’ve “known” him for close to two years; I know where he works. Hell, what’s wrong with me? I may indulge in a little self-pleasure - might take the edge off. Shit. Fuck. Damn. My inner little girl is saying, be careful, and my dick is telling me to go for it. Fuck. Maybe we should meet at the game? Aarghhhh ....
  9. Yes, the tickets are his treat. What he doesn’t know yet is that I have a room for us at the Omni next door to the ball park. It’s non-refundable so who knows at this point. I might be pushing it, but hell, he’s been making all the “moves” - guess it’s my turn. The saga continues- keeping me awake at night. He said he’d contact me later today with details. Game on.
  10. The response from our community to this thread has been overwhelming and very much appreciated. I am taking some wise counsel and doing a wee bit of background checking before I go too far. He appears to be legit in everything he’s told me, I.e. his alma mater, fraternity, and even some reviews from satisfied auto purchasers. I still have some connections in the judicial system, but I don’t want to cross any ethical bounds. For right now, it’s slow and steady. Our encounters to date have always been “in” the gym with small talk, which all totaled might be shy of just a few hours. He’s so fucking easy to talk to - what my dad calls a Renaissance man - he knows music (even opera, go figure), sports, computers, cars, history, and claims he can recite the entire script of the Blues Brothers flick. And those grey-green eyes ... sigh. Stay tuned. Hell, he’s probably an alien.
  11. He has access to a dozen or so Maserati and BMWs that are 2-3 years old all around 50K which Is a tad less than what I paid for my Lexus. The Lambo he drove for a bit was $140K or thereabouts. The dude knows his shit, though, he’s like a walking Edmunds encyclopedia.
  12. Not sure if this counts as a vicarious thrill, but here goes: So “hot dude” texts me and says he’ll be late – he’s with a client. Anyhow, he does show up at the pizza joint again next to the gym. We shoot the shit for a while, quaff a few beers and finally I just had to say something about the “discount offer”. His response was, “I was just messin’ with ya” and started laughing. But the evil grin and half-wink still overpowered what he was saying. Fuck. I’m more confused than ever. He changes the subject and we start talking about sports. He asks me when was the last time I saw the Braves play in person. (The stadium in not that far from us). I said, “like never” and again, got the smirky laugh. I left for a few minutes to take a piss and when I get back, he hands me his phone. It’s a confirmation from Stubhub for two dugout tickets to Friday night’s Braves-Dodgers game – like for $600 total. Holy mother … I said, “Damn” – and he says he hopes I have Friday night free. Tongue-tied again. I mumbled something like “hell yes” – and I’m shaking my head. Where is this going? So we finish the brews and head out to the cars (it was pushing midnight) and we’re standing in kind of in a dark place and we’re just talking and next thing I know, his tongue is in my mouth. Didn’t last too long, but long enough to awake old one-eye. He pulls back and the only thing I can think of to say is, “Are we like dating now?” And he says, “what do you think?” and gets in his car and away he goes. Okay, let’s clarify – I am twenty years older than him, I’m not that attractive, though in damn good shape right now. He’s hot, he’s hip, he’s “with it” and I’m just your average 52 year old horny dude who’s been around the block many, many times. He said he has a quick trip to Macon for a couple of days but will be back late Thursday and we can work out details of our “date”. My brain can’t compute all this – but that’s where we are.
  13. Thanks, gentlemen, for the kinds words of advice and the reactions. Update: so I went to the gym this morning as hot-dude was leaving. We had a quick chat with him saying, “You okay?” I muttered something like, yeah, sure and went on in. About 10 minutes later I got a text from him and he wants to know if we can meet for a drink later tonight. I replied that I’d love to, so we will see what unfolds. I’ve decided to pursue him and go with the flow. Will keep the thread updated if anything happens. Again, many thanks for the encouragement.
  14. I know, I know. Keep telling myself, “is this really happening?” I’m as nervous as a school girl on a first date. My dad was forever saying, “no guts, no glory”. And speaking of Dad, he called yesterday and as a joke (more or less) always asks about my love life. My usual response: too fucking busy, and vice-versa.
  15. Pre-pandemic, I hired escorts about once a month and had been doing so for a number of years. Today, it’s been exactly 18 months without any encounters. Yeah, I’m horny as hell. Up until a year ago, I was a regular at a gym where I had developed a bit of a friendship with another guy who came in almost everyday when I was there. We talked a lot about fitness, equipment, cars, food, sports and I really enjoyed his company. He’s about 32-ish, tall, extremely well-built, buzz cut, sort of resembles Beckham without the facial hair. What really was intriguing were the cars he drove - Lamborghini, BMW, Maserati among others. Turns out he’s a salesman for a luxury dealership and gets to drive them as advertising. That would explain the “dealer” tags on the cars. I don’t think he’s hurting for funds. But there’s just something about him that gets me turned on every time I see him - he is beyond sexy. So a month ago, I started going back to the gym, and sure enough, he shows up. We reconnect and since then I’ve seen him almost daily. If anything, he’s even more attractive. Yesterday, we played pickleball after our workout and went next door to a pizza joint for a few beers. I can’t remember exactly what we were talking about, but out of the clear blue he says, “so do you date women, or men, or both?” Holy shit. Did I just hear that? Before I could even process, I said, “both, and you?” (I lied.) He says, “what do you think?” Ok, so the cards are on the table and I said, “men, I hope.” So he starts laughing (a lot) and I am tongue-tied. Did I just fuck up? Then, he tells me he dates men and women for money. Not only does he sell fancy cars, he’s an escort on the very down-low. Seems like a couple of his really wealthy car customers also paid for other “services” and I’m stunned. He tells me a couple of quick stories and it’s a good thing we are seated, ‘cause my boner is at full-mast. It’s time to go, and as we get to the parking lot, he pauses and says, “think it over - I’d give you a nice discount” then winks at me, and leaves. That was Saturday. I didn’t go to the gym yesterday but will later today. Hell yeah, I’ve saved a bundle this past year, so money is not the issue. Never had anything like this happen. It could be a great thing or not. Thoughts, gentlemen? He is one hell of a salesman!
  16. Dude, just name your price. Money is no object. Woof!
  17. Our interests change over time, I think. When I first started hiring, I sought guys my own age and mostly went after the available ones in my area. Didn’t matter if they identified as gay or straight or even identified period. 25+ years later, I definitely have specific qualities, styles and characteristics in mind. Could be that I have more $$ to spend and can be more selective. Now that life is somewhat normal again, my “to do” list is ever-growing. Finally time to give my right arm a rest.
  18. Loving this topic- in no particular order: Older brother’s strength and health or wrestling magazines Teen neighbor boy in his leather biker jacket who smoked Marlboro Locker room at swimming pool/club Jr. High football coach who looked like Rob Lowe’s twin - major crush First time reading “The Word” gay newspaper - it was free from downtown Indy newsstand Finding and hiding a Honcho magazine for a few years until it fell apart
  19. No comparison - in a word: immaculate https://rentmen.eu/LiamV
  20. https://rent.men/RAFAELALENCAR/ Apparently still working. 30 ***** reviews.
  21. https://gayforfans.com/video/rafael-alencar-fucks-nate-stetson/ Rafael is still looking good - anyone hire him lately?
  22. Interesting point. One of my long-time escorts was definitely gay, but a lousy kisser and was part of the reason I stopped hiring him. At the other end is a well known (98% straight) escort who is probably the best French-style smoochers I’ve ever encountered. So I’m not sure lip-locking skills can definitively point to orientation. I do remember Andrew Justice could make me “pop” simply by kissing- he was so good at everything.
  23. Yeah, it’s not your grandfather’s SNL - some really hot dancers, erotic crotch shots and one dude with an amazing tongue licking on NAS’ neck - worth rewinding at least once.
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