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Everything posted by KrisParr

  1. Nearly 100 five-star reviews, he’s the very best I’ve had the pleasure of hiring. Incredible. “98% straight” https://rent.men/LiamV/
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C3QTHm88O_k This guy has posted some hilarious stuff over the years about scams.
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C3QTHm88O_k This guy has posted some hilarious stuff over the years about scams.
  4. Would definitely contribute if assured anonymity.
  5. Continue to agree; it’s the look, feel and aroma that are intoxicating- have had a ”thing” for leather as far back as I can remember. The next door neighbor teen wore a leather biker jacket; got me hard before I even knew what was happening.
  6. https://www.boyfriendtv.com/videos/630120/escort-service-2/ wow ...
  7. Oops ... I hope the postimage people don‘t look too closely at my account. Wink, wink.
  8. Try “Butter Buds” sprinkle on powder - decent flavor - if not at grocery, try Amazon
  9. Oh hell, yeah, probably with my teeth ... you know me so well ...
  10. Now if the jockstrap were made out of leather ... sigh
  11. Back in my college days, when I was not out, I worked with a really ditzy chick. Several of our work-crew went out for drinks one night, and she was asking a bunch of us what our career goals were. Without missing a beat, I told her if I ever made it through med school, I wanted to be a gynecologist. She said excitedly, “Oh, that’s cool - I hear they make a lot of money.” “They do? Huh, I thought they did it for free.” Clueless, she said, “No, really, they do!” ... while everyone was rolling on the floor. It was difficult to keep a straight face. No pun intended.
  12. Great question. At one time (okay, a long time ago) I lusted after Bruce Jenner. So, would Caitlyn qualify?
  13. Me, too. And loading some posts were s-l-o-w ... and I am on a super high speed connection. Hmmm ...
  14. The airport for Greater Cincinnati is 14 miles from downtown in the state of Kentucky. Problem is, the one main bridge to get there (about 4 miles to cross the Ohio) has backups that often take 45 minutes to navigate - in rush hour, it can take well over an hour. Makes LAX and LaGuardia look like a piece of cake.
  15. Timing is everything. This vid just popped up. I gotta give credit to the dudes who manage the money shot within seconds of each other. Notice the ”still” photographer who is in many scenes - he doesn’t even try to get out of the way! https://gayforfans.com/video/having-a-threesome-with-a-cum-hungry-sub-carlos-effort-david-luca/
  16. Shawn Brooks .... sigh ... two soft, fluffy buns ... oh, my
  17. My brother moved into a new home with his wife/kids. Every time it rained, there would be random wet spots on the ceiling in the living room. He contacted the builder, and no one could find the source of the leak. My sister-in-law and a friend went to see a psychic on a lark. The medium told my SIL upon meeting her, and her not having uttered one word, said, “chimney” is what you are seeking. Weird, right? She didn’t think anything about it. A couple of weeks later, the builder announced they found the leak and fixed it. Where? In the chimney. Go figure.
  18. Interesting article from The Telegraph on 4/3/21 about Steve McQueen ... and a delicious photo.
  19. To combat the shitty weather ....
  20. Agree completely, however their colognes were very nice. Often gave them to escorts as welcoming gifts. And chocolate.
  21. Cooper, I cannot begin to add anything more to the wonderful words of appreciation that have already been written. You, sir, are an extraordinary man.
  22. In another “life” I was a probation officer. One summer I attended a national conference sponsored by the Department of Justice. There were at least a thousand people there. After the first day, I changed into very casual clothes, donned a ball cap and Oakleys and headed for a gay bar quite far from the hotel. I recognized a few fellow attendees mostly because they still were wearing their conference badges. I played it cool until one of them approached me with a “hey, man, aren’t you a, uh, um, with the uh, um, er ...” It turned out to be a very educational and rewarding experience.
  23. When I’ve quaffed a few, I have considered writing a pilot script of my growing up years as a sitcom. Of course it would be R-rated mostly.
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