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Everything posted by KrisParr

  1. Many times when I’m about to meet a new escort, I try to develop a bit of a rapport via text, email or (horrors) on the phone. When it feels right, I will ask if I might bring a beverage of their choice. It’s usually met with a little surprise and then either a “no, thanks” or a “skinny latte“ and one time, “any chance you could find some blueberry wine?” It makes it fun because when I show up with with wine or the grapefruit juice (seriously) they’ve often forgotten. It’s the little things, gentlemen, that can break the ice and add a touch a class. I have drawn the line at Dom Perignon, however.
  2. How about a periodic update? Your fan base ain’t going away any time soon. ?
  3. There‘s a photo just like this on his RM site with no shirt on - same location, background, FYI
  4. Just announced Derek Hough is replacing Len. Hubba hubba.
  5. Such a great place. I’ve never smoked so much weed in my life.
  6. I don’t mean to be snarky at all, but how does one validate that the person indeed had it? A note from their doctor?
  7. all the above plus Friendboy and Mintboys, the usual on-demands (HBO/Showtime/Netflix, etc.) and FoxNews (LOL)
  8. A few years ago, I attended a luncheon where several people were honored for their work with neglected children. My mother was an award recipient and I sat with her at a table near the other VIPs. “Here, darling, I want you to meet Nancy, my new friend. Nancy, this is my son.“ Yep, it was governor-at-the-time Mike Pence’s momma. Sweet lady. Betcha’ can’t top that one!
  9. I just called my cousin (internal med and assoc prof at IU med school) to say hello and ask (for the hundredth time) and he said “early September through mid-to-late October” - never before Labor Day. Suggested I wait another week or so. Thank you, doc.
  10. Died at age 36 - my first major porn crush - RIP
  11. Dogs. The thought of a “pussy” makes me anxious.
  12. Wow - thanks for the post. If he showed up with shoulder pads and a jersey I’d probably pass out.
  13. Thanks, but Nate is a tad bit “out there” for my taste. But, thanks!
  14. Ok, so I’ve always had a ”thing” for beefy jocks. Anyone aware of ex-college football players who are escorting? Or maybe were somehow affiliated with the NFL or similar pro team? My all time bucket list is to make it with some hunky lineman or tackle a wide receiver. Anyone, anyone?
  15. He’s been “on leave” since ‘rona, and haven’t seen hide nor hair of him for months.
  16. Great question. The few times that I’ve had lunch/dinner was all about chemistry. Every one that I’ve had always led to a date.
  17. Jesse - photo taken July 2020 - kinda destroyed the image of yester-year.
  18. A year ago, I was out of town on business in a location where one of my “to-do some time” bucket list guys lived. He had terrific reviews, but is expensive at least in my world. I wanted to be sure he really was “that good” so I asked him to dinner first. He said he preferred lunch and it would be $100. We met, had lunch (my treat, of course) and he was more than I could have imagined. I slipped him the hundred which he kindly accepted. So we scheduled a date for the following night. I bled the ATM prior, and it was an outstanding session as I had hoped. When I offered his compensation (in hundreds, mind you) he handed me back $100 of it along with a butt pinch and one last kiss. In a word: class.
  19. No, I am not a dentist nor do I own any stock. As**n Dental has 800 offices nationwide and offer all sorts of payment options and plans. And there are others just like As**n. I referred a co-worker a couple of years ago who desperately needed help based on a tv commercial. I’d do it again - he has thanked me a lot and I get occasional updates, like dude, TMI.
  20. Holy shit - the deep throat scene at 18:40 is amazing. This vid just moved up the list in my spank bank. Thanks for posting.
  21. Very interesting. I’ve often wondered about the notion that gay men aren’t all that interested in sports. I have two older brothers who are mega-jocks and live/breathe sports 24/7. And our dad was a coach for many years. That might have something to do with it in my case. OTOH, my sibs couldn‘t care less about theater, concerts, fashion, museums, you know, the stereotypical “gay” interests. I love sports (and the guys who play them) as much as anyone. Maybe that’s why for years, no one ever suspected I was in the closet. If I ever had a chance to sit next to a well-known athlete on a plane, I’d be a slobbering idiot.
  22. Why is it that every time I see this thread, I expect to find Jeb, or “W” or even Barbara? Damn, we miss them.
  23. KrisParr

    Check out my page!

    Gosh, I was but a wee little tot.
  24. And back in my starving college days, I might have been tempted - when I had a 32” waist and a helluva lot more hair. And definitely more stamina. LOL
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