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Everything posted by KrisParr

  1. Seriously, we need to do some exhaustive research and find the original. It’s probably a video out there among the bazillions just waiting for us. Football fans, unite and find this gem!
  2. My avatar is a photo from the Vanson leather collection of biker jackets. I do own this particular jacket (my favorite among many) and I love wearing white t-shirts. So if there was a real photo of me in the jacket, like this one, I doubt you’d see any difference. Grabbing the photo from Vanson was so much easier.
  3. Excellent point. Prior to hiring, I would go through all sorts of gyrations to find someone to date. And so, it would usually take a few encounters to meet someone, then the expense of dating, and the amount of time spent until you “scored” so to speak. Direct hiring from a catalog just brings the result sooner, possibly less expensive and much better chance of finding what you started out seeking in the first place. The downside is that it’s a business transaction.
  4. Long time ago, during the summer fresh out of college, I worked at a hotel in a large Midwest city. The pool “manager” was a hot guy, early 20s, golden tan, you get the picture. The innkeeper was a MILF before I knew what the term meant, and he spent a lot of time in her office, obviously discussing chemicals, cleaning, etc. What gave it away several times was the lipstick smeared on his chiseled cheeks and the shit-eating grin. Damn, I wanted him so bad.
  5. Re: the bottom photo —- Now THESE are some serious pits - yum!
  6. Only here and plan to keep it that way. A couple of friends (we are all out to each other) have ‘fessed up to hiring, but usually after a few beers. It’s really a don’t kiss-n-tell issue, and some things are better left private. It’s a challenge to keep the personal life separate because there’s always a chance it could negatively impact my business career.
  7. Any idea the source? Is this a video? Wowza ...
  8. With football season starting, here‘s a classic:
  9. Watched the first episode of HBO’s “The Vow” - more interesting than the Trumpet concert.
  10. He also is on Facebook - sigh ...
  11. His name is Eric and here’s his website if you care to continue lusting. Uh, your tongue is hanging out. https://www.factiontraining.com/about
  12. I found an excellent temporary tattoo that I “wore” a few years ago. It looked amazingly real, but over the 10 days or so that it lasted, I was glad it came off. I was 46 at the time. Nothing ages a man more than attempting to align with the younger crowd.
  13. Great post. Interesting that in the mid 90s, for several years, was a similar “service“ advertised in the Indianapolis “The Word” paper. The ad was simple with a phone number. It also was a guy who managed a stable of hotties. He always had 4-5 available and would provide a general description. So you picked one and he would give you the address of a condo and set the appointment. The provider would arrive shortly before the appointment, lead you to an upstairs bedroom where the fun would begin. Not sure who owned the condo as no one else was around for the dates. I met a number of delightful young men over several years, but oddly enough it was rare to have the same guy available more than a time or two. Terrific experience. Oh, yeah, they were all named Josh, Chris, Jason, Michael, and Justin.
  14. It was the mid-90s, on a business trip, stayed at a Hyatt in downtown Chicago. Took a taxi to a leather shop several blocks away that I found in the yellow pages (do those even exist anymore?). Bought a few items, and picked up a gay newspaper. Back at the hotel, looking through the personal ads, I found the courage to call one. “Gus” answered on the first ring. He said he wasn’t too far away and would be right over. Oh shit, this really going to happen. Took a quick shower and there was a knock at the door. College-age, cute, curly hair, scruff. The clothes came off quickly, and he was amazing. However, I had not planned very well, and within 15 minutes or so, I achieved an unwanted, but magnificent orgasm. He asked me to “keep going” so he likewise could reach satisfaction. Five minutes later, we were getting dressed. His fee was $80 and I generously gave him a hundred. That, gentlemen, is a pleasant memory that will never fade. And the start of a fun, interesting, and memorable hobby.
  15. KrisParr


    Dude, don’t. Just don’t. There are plenty of fish in the sea. I was in a very similar situation a number of years ago; my one-eyed brain got the best of me and it was a disaster. It’s spelled “infatuation”.
  16. I’m strumped; have no idea to whom thou reference.
  17. These are all great suggestions! Thank you so much.
  18. Ah, thanks! It was January 2020. I’ll do some checking!
  19. Thank you - will have to check the fine print - have no idea if they are “flex” or not. Makes me wonder how many gazillion dollars people have lost in travel getting cancelled. We also have a Viking cruise that was to set sail back on July 4th- it’s been re-booked for same date in 2021. We shall see.
  20. My friend and I bought Southwest airline tickets last January for an event that got cancelled, so we cancelled the flights. We each have a voucher that’s going to expire December 1 for about $500 per ticket. With ‘Rona still upon us, I highly doubt either of us are ready to hop back into an aluminum tube. So, gentle people, any suggestions on my options other than watch those dollars float away? Many thanks.
  21. I wish I could get past tattoos that remind me of my grandmother‘s floral draperies. A few tasteful ones here and there, but when they begin to look like tapestry, I have to move on.
  22. In the Midwest, it was the gay newspaper, “The Word” - full of classified and even block ads. My favorite classified was a simple one liner: “Michael - exquisite escort of distinction” followed by a phone number. And he was.
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