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Everything posted by KrisParr

  1. Crap - mine showed up. I’ve had the same # for many years. Yep, that’s what burners are for. I’ve never used my “real” phone for playtime. But I still don‘t like this. Aaargh ....
  2. Hmmmm. I wonder how one gets removed, if possibl, from the list?
  3. A few years ago, I was in a chat room (which I hadn’t done in years) and met a guy. After some private chat, it turned out that he had a “stable” of college-age athletes who were gay-for-pay if I had any interest. Did I ever! It took quite a while to get through all the hoops of setting up the first date, but was well worth it. The first “jock” was experienced but had limitations - he was open to accepting oral and that was it. The second hottie was more inclined to versatility shall we say, but shy. The third, and final date, was by far the best - fantasy come true - the dude was model quality and very skilled. Found out later that he had made a couple of soft-porn videos. Alas, I moved away and within a year or so, the “stable” entrepreneur vanished. Great memories. I’m sure there are others out there, it’s just a matter of finding them.
  4. My grandpa once said, “wives and mattresses are the same - when you get tired of one side, just flip ‘em over”. Oh grandpa, if you’d only lived long enough for me to come out.
  5. Pre-COVID, every 3 weeks or so. But it’s been a long, long dry spell.
  6. My college roommate drove a van for the Avon cosmetics company part time. All his deliveries were to mostly housewives at home during the daytime. He was quite handsome and told many stories of getting laid. Pre-COVID, there was a UPS driver I would have gladly invited in for a beer - amazing legs and arms.
  7. Excellent points. Which is why several times I’ve planned a meet and greet just to be sure. And so far, it’s worked out fine. But, ya’ never know.
  8. And then there was Michael, who advertised as an “escort of distinction” - I started seeing him every 3-4 weeks. Back in the day, his service was 150 which was a little steep for the area and it was the 90s. Anyhow, after a few encounters, it started with needing an extra 20 for gas. Then, hey let’s get pizza and beer on my dime. Next it was his car that needed a new battery, he needed some dental work, and on and on. Granted, he was a gorgeous hunk and the sex was incredible- and he knew it, and he knew that I knew it. The gravy train just kept rolling on and the “needs” became demands. I finally woke up, several thousand dollars later. He dumped me eventually; apparently some other customer had a bigger wallet. I ran across him a few years ago on social media. He was running a gym and advertising personal training and massage. The thick blonde hair had disappeared along with the pecs and abs. Karma, we adore thee.
  9. And then there’s that awkward moment when you arrive for your date with the escort, and he’s sporting a beard, or has cut/shaved his hair or has a new tattoo, etc., things that were never in any of the photos. My one experience was the dude with quite a bushy beard and a major brand new tattoo across his abdomen that he politely asked me to be careful of. It was not a good session at all. Surprise!
  10. About $300+ / hotel rental, booze, misc., all because of a last-minute no-show; not a pleasant memory by any stretch and this was 10+ years ago.
  11. Did those of you who are posting negative reviews watch the 30-minute ending “extra” with the author? He passed away about 6 months ago. Well worth watching - he explains a lot of why he wrote it, what the world was like 50 yers ago.
  12. The final season of Schitt‘s Creek just showed up on Netflix - omg
  13. Yes, but the picture of him in the gray sweatpants ... sigh
  14. I absolutely cannot stand to have mine touched. My whole life - just freaks me out - one time my doc placed his stethoscope about a half inch away and I almost lost it. Even I can’t touch them - must be some weird wiring deficiency or nerve issue. OTOH, I could suck/lick/chew on a hot guy’s for hours. I made a guy cum one time just by sucking on them. Interesting topic.
  15. It happened one time with a regular provider (as in a couple times a month for years) and when it occurred, he was very apologetic - almost made me feel bad. He went above and beyond to make sure I was “satisfied” and tried to give back most of the “contribution”. Of course I refused because I had taken his time - it’s a no-brainer. But it does depend on the circumstances.
  16. Me: winter=boxer-briefs; summer=bikini briefs Him: jock or thong or a smile
  17. A few years ago, in a large midwestern city, a long-time-platonic friend and I attended Zoobilation, “the” annual fund raising event for the local zoo. Lots of fun, music, food, and a chance to show off a bit, mostly for the City’s upper class movers and shakers. About half way through the evening, we encountered a city-council member who my friend knew from his business. As I was being introduced, his “date” came around the corner to catch up. The councilman said, “And this is ’Dave’ “ ... and everything went into slow motion as “Dave” and I locked eyes. Sure enough, about a week earlier, I had the pleasure of Dave’s manhood all to myself, having hired him for an evening of debauchery. Small world. My acting skills for the next few minutes were Oscar-worthy. Anyone else have a story?
  18. Impressive appendage.
  19. Netflix - Jim Parsons is fucking amazing in The Boys in the Band - stick around for the 30 minute after-show with the author who passed away back in March, I believe.
  20. Would Geofit like to come to ‘Merica and uh, um, er, perhaps go into “business”? I‘d sign up in a NY minute. Woof.
  21. Thanks for posting - he almost looks too perfect. Those abs ...
  22. Yeah, but those nipples ... sigh
  23. This pushes so many of my buttons: backwards cap, sandy-color hair, amazing jaw line, wide shoulders, great leg spread, and he’s got a football, that bull-neck, the muscled calves, the bit of ‘stache growing out ... can’t type any more ... my boner is getting in the way ... hot damn
  24. Somewhere in the jungle of ye old rentboy, m4rentnow, and other sites, this gem just showed up.
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