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Posts posted by newatthis

  1. Has anyone watched the UK series, Cucumbers? Like Queer as F**k many moons a go it is set in Manchester. A middle aged gay couple split after one partner grows weary of waiting years to do anal. Didn't find myself laughing too much with episode 1. Wondering if it's worth my time.

    Yup. Thought it was great and have been recommending it to others. Can't say the same about its companion series "Banana" however. It's available on Amazon Prime.

  2. Just happened to see on their facebook page a trailer for a documentary feature film about Johnsons coming out in the fall. Has anyone heard about this? Also, in the trailer was, "All male, All nude." First I've heard of that.

    Too lazy to double check, but I'm pretty sure "All male, all nude" is available on Amazon Prime.
  3. But going to strip clubs solo can be SO much fun :):p

    I agree. My experience is being alone attracts more dancers. Depending on the person you may like that or not.

    I'm just the opposite. Especially in Montreal, I like having a compatible friend along. It helps to pass the time if things are slow and we can dish about the dancers. My experience has been that if you're giving out a welcoming vibe, dancers are happy to approach two people sitting together. It doubles the chance of making a sale :).

  4. There is a documentary available on Amazon Prime consisting of interviews with "gay for pay" porn actors, many from Sean Cody. I thought it was very well done. The guys interviewed covered a wide spectrum of attitudes towards what they were doing. Most were self-aware and insightful. I was particularly impressed with Curtis (*see disclaimer below) who was a central character. Well worth watching. (The interviews are often accompanied by R-rated clips from films they have done.)


    *I don't know how to access my viewing history on Prime, so I can't supply the title (it may even have had "Gay for Pay" in it), nor am I 100% sure that it was Curtis who was the central SC actor.


    (Added 1/5/19: @Rangar, in post #22 below, identified the film as "I'm a Porn Star." Many thanks!)

  5. In the old form, there was something I could click on in a thread I had already read that would take me directly to the first post in the thread that I had not read. I don't see anything like that now. Am I missing it?

    Charlie -- if you log in each time you come here, you can click on "New posts" (at the top of the page), which will give you a list of all the posts you haven't read -- not sorted by forum however. Just before you log out, be sure to click on "Mark forums read" (also at the top of the page) and confirm. That will mark everything as read, so the next time you come back, you won't find among the new posts things you hadn't read because you weren't interested.

  6. I don’t know if it’s just the climate or the city where I live in. I rarely get a noshow when it comes to massage services but dear god 6 out of 10 clients for escorting don’t show up or even respond after a booking.


    I never cancel on a client, and I try hard to be punctual. I also hire guys at times for massages but I would never think “ To flake or not show up” .


    At the end of the day Massures and Escorts depend on there profession choice to have a roof over there head. We are not tools or pieces of meat that can be discarded and treated like trash. I always give the same level of respect that I am giving and would be nice of the escort / massure and client community to respect each other alot more.


    If you can’t make a booking or get cold feet just say so. We would rather know then to wait around twiddling our thumbs.


    Thank you reading my frustrations.


    Happy holidays

    In a perverse way ;), I'm glad you got frustrated enough to post -- I never knew you existed and now, thanks to @@azdr0710, you're on my SF to-do list!


    More seriously: Checking back with clients in the couple of days before should at least provide advance warning that someone is likely to flake. As client, I similarly check in once or twice before an appointment. Works 99% of the time, although once or twice guys have no-showed despite having confirmed less than 12 hours before.

  7. This is my first look at the new forum. Haven't tried any of the new bells and whistles yet, but they don't look like they would be hard to learn.


    What I instantly disliked was the blue format and the wallpaper behind the actual posts, both of which impeded my reading. I doubt that I will get used to them over time. The default style (thanks @TXDav) is much better for me. Am I misremembering that in the old forum the posts extended much more across the width of the page than they do now?

    Replying to my own post :): Like the thingamabobby which tells you instantly whether the poster is currently online, and the drop-down which tells you some basic stats about the poster.

  8. This is my first look at the new forum. Haven't tried any of the new bells and whistles yet, but they don't look like they would be hard to learn.


    What I instantly disliked was the blue format and the wallpaper behind the actual posts, both of which impeded my reading. I doubt that I will get used to them over time. The default style (thanks @TXDav) is much better for me. Am I misremembering that in the old forum the posts extended much more across the width of the page than they do now?

  9. Best thing about friendboy, IMO, is that "inscores" and "outscores" are (often) listed. That alone puts it way above any other site for me. I didn't understand earlier comments about not being able to search -- there's a prominent search box which brings up my city as soon as I type the first few letters. The profiles on FB seem generally much shorter than on RM, but the basic information and pictures are enough for me -- I always have a phone conversation before making a decision.

  10. The Politics, Religion & War Issues" forum was created because comments on those topics were cluttering up the Lounge, and it was considered a good idea to segregate them in a place where members who were not interested did not have to encounter them, ... In one form or another, those subjects will find their way back into the Lounge, and we will be back where we started from.
    I like the PR&WI -- which I almost never look at -- for the reason highlighted in Charlie's post. I sure hope y'all find a way to bring it back.
  11. Just saw this at VIFF, followed by Q&A with director/actor/writer Joel Edgerton. I loved the film and was very moved by it. Lead actor Lucas Hedges carries the film with a brilliant and nuanced performance. I hope he win an Oscar for this.
    Just read the book. Not as much sex as I fantasized there might be ;), but a glimpse into a culture that is very foreign to me. Looking forward to the movie.
  12. I live in Chicago and have had some wonderful experiences. Although I have a couple faves, I'd like to mix in some variety. I've reached out to 5 different masseurs in the last week and got zero responses. I didn't come on strong, or goofy or weird--just said their ads made me interested and asked about availability by naming days (more than one for each masseur) and time ranges. Nada! Any ideas?

    You would help others if you posted the names. Or PM me if you prefer not to do that in public.

  13. I've had my eye on Ryan North for the many years he's had an ad up, but never got around to calling. I thank everyone who posted here -- you've helped me to avoid a big mistake (although if he'd treated me the way he treated the OP, I wouldn't have made the mistake, I guess).

  14. what about the Montreal escorts? any general comments?

    There are many more escorts listing themselves in Montreal than there were, say, 10 years ago.

    When I started visiting Montreal, I could expect less than a 25% success rate in hiring dancers out of the clubs, and that often required an elaborate courtship of multiple backroom dances over days until they felt comfortable. As time has progessed, a much larger percentage of dancers seems open to escorting and they are much more open about it.

  15. Aww... That’s unfortunate you think that based on his pics. Hands down.., Clark is my go-to guy every time I’m in LA. To me, he’s super handsome and gives off a great vibe with no attitude. But as they say YMMV. He’s definitely worth a try in my humble opinion.


    Yeah. I’m sure he’s great. The forum is full of good comments. But physically he’s not my type at all. So I’ll pass. ;)


    My mileage definitely varied from what appeared to be the forum consensus.

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