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  1. Did anyone take the plunge?
  2. Was it just for you or something the photographer was putting together?
  3. It would be fun to have someone who would get into doing it--I look good naked--and they don't have to be a pro
  4. Posing is a turn on so ideally it would be someone who was turned on by taking the pics--it does not have to be a pro. Any ideas on how to find someone?
  5. I'm the same. I'll get naked in the gym around clothed guys and in a dressing room if I think the (male) sales person is looking or in a leather store but not where women or children or cops might be watching
  6. I explained in a diff thread--but he refused to wear a mask during covid and was hostile about it so I left before starting
  7. Thx. I had a bad experience with him, so he's not the dude for me.
  8. Any recs for providers that also massage the prostate in NYC?
  9. Maybe keep your conspiracy theories to your QAnon meetups. And say hello to Elvis for me
  10. I had a bad experience with him during the pandemic. Pre-vaccines, I asked if he would wear a mask. He said he would. When I got to his apartment he wasn't wearing a mask and said he'd just open the window. When I said I wasn't comfortable with that he became hostile and started berating me--I was half undressed at that point. I told him he agreed to it before i came over. That made him angrier so I left. It was the only time I've ever felt unsafe with a provider. FYI
  11. Could you DM deets about how interactive he gets?
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