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Everything posted by tassojunior

  1. I do have one of Atlanta's finest who just visited DC last week. 23 yr old Cuban/Australian bodybuilder with beautiful face and butt, which he uses well. I'm traveling 2 more days but will ask him if I can give info. He's worked at SR.
  2. Agree but "Unlikely" was not good enough to bring him to my house or even a hotel. Either he or another escort that night did it. They never found the other and couldn't prove which one did it. Too risky for me, even though he's drop-dead good-looking.
  3. I've had too many problems with guys from RM. "Fresh" is not a word that describes them. But two of my fav guys have listed there now too as well as Romeo. I stay in somewhat long-term affairs and enjoy them more and more as time passes. First times are usually duds for me. 100th times are amazing and just get better. So mostly my "to-do" is "do-more". And get more of my Czech friends to the US and DC. I haven't met four of these yet. https://rent.men/LukeVolta https://rent.men/AronRos_cze https://www.planetromeo.com/#/hunq/36687989 https://www.planetromeo.com/#/hunq/38688685 https://www.planetromeo.com/#/hunq/32439212 https://www.instagram.com/alecnysten/ https://www.masseurfinder.com/members/nick1993.shtml https://www.instagram.com/_brianbones/ "Aron" can't decide if he's an escort or a pro bodybuilder and doesn't seem to think the two can merge. You have to catch him in the weeks he's an escort and if lucky the times he likes bottoming (he is great at it). 100% super nice guy though. Meeting Luke in Miami tomorrow hopefully with Nick and may visit me for a week in March if LA doesn't devour him. Way too popular right now and milking it for every penny. Expect big $ for bottoming, which he hates. Still, one of my great Prague guys coming over finally. Dominik is my goal right now. Best friends with the other two friends there but somehow always missing each other. Not a word of English and I don't speak Czech. Continually communicating through another guy. EDIT-D has deleted his profile. "Patrik" is a good friend and perfect sex. We went to Sitges gay pride together and have met maybe a dozen other times. Again not a word of English and I hope he never learns the word "No". Trying hard to get him and Dominik to come visit here in DC. Both would be fine. Pavel and I have communicated for a couple years and he actually lives in Zurich now. So Zurich is a must-do soon. Dominik and Pavel do 3somes as well as Dominik and "Patrik" so there's a few possibilities. Alec is an online friend and in Australia but has started visiting NYC so hopefully DC is in the future if I can convince him. Nick is, what can I say, Perfect. Not one-in-a-million but one-of-a-kind. Blond, blue-eyed Argentine soccer player. Eyes like lighthouse beacons, smiles like morning sunshine. Perfect toned swimmer's bod. Stayed with me most of the summer and fall but he can't stand cold weather so it's my turn to commute to him. We've already been to lawyers twice about marriage. 100 times was not enough. And then there's my ex-partner Brian who's in a born-again-heterosexual phase. We'll see because 200 times was not enough. And we just brought Nick in last spring. Those two are magic. A thousand more times with just those two would be fine though that's tougher than just a phone call.
  4. I've never noticed lap dances at Piranha. I know the VIP section is not that. Do they do them on the sofas? Do the girl dancers too? God I miss Share.
  5. Google Josh Logan gay porn murder. He was working at Boardwalk week out of prison. Amazingly good looking in person. He's "To die for".
  6. Maybe the UK did go to the EU formula like was proposed. Every bottle I've gotten in the EU last year has done zero and doesn't even have a smell. Like paying $20 for a bottle of water. Shit below the crap we have in the US. (I assume shit is a level lower than crap).
  7. Pity these poor souls that will never know the thrill of an orgasm ten times normal intensity or the edging that one can do for hours. All the fake new stuff excites us because it brings back those memories. Poppers should be a gay political issue like in the UK. Poppers now ! What do people with heart trouble and fainting spells use now if not amyl? I feel some fainting spells and a doc visit coming on.
  8. Escape was closed down by police for trafficing in young boys. I think the owner is facing a long prison. When you only hire emaciated little guys that look like they're 13, one of them is going to turn out to be 13. Probably more to it. Shame their prices were so sky-high there, I know the owner made a huge profit. And those poor little 80 pound guys are going to have to find jobs. Which will be hard since most were Ukranian. Temple/Pinnochio is now called Up and Down bars. Since Escape closed they have a little more customers I hearMore and more of the best Prague guys don't work in Prague when hime. Several have moved to Zurich. Switzerland has the highest cost of living and per capita income in Europe and one of world's highest. Very expensive, especially hotels and escorts. My semi-partner whatever works Ft. Lauderdale mostly but works here at my place half-time in warm weather. Will be first time I've seen him in a month so....Incredibly perfect young blond blue-eyed Argentine soccer player. Luke Volta's visiting Miami from Prague and we "may" get a 3 some. He's like top 10 in porn now so he's busy busy and expensive. I'll end up at Boardwalk.
  9. Me too but currently a lot of Prague guys don't work Prague ....only Zurich. And if you're lucky enough to catch one working in Prague they will want closer to Zurich prices ($250 vs $150). The standard rate in Prague is now 3000 CK, ($150), up from 2500 a year ago. I always go for two weeks in May but I'm thinking of splitting the trip with Zurich to catch all my guys. Up and Down (old Temple) is the only hustler bar there now. Very hit or miss, usually miss. All of Germany is much cheaper. Hustlers (Bahnhofjunge) are part of German culture. 70E ($100) is base rate. Hustler bars are everywhere (they look down on the Bahnhof boys who have disappeared anyway). Unfortunately all the hustler bars in Berlin and Hamburg are now all rough Romanians. Last year I stopped there for a week and was pickpocketed inside Pinocicco. The little bar behind Pinocchio a block (forget name) is quiet and safe. Boytoy across the street is more safe and BlueBoy is safe. Internet is better. I'll be in FLL tomorrow 2/6 and 2/7. My friend works there and Luke Volta will be in Miami. I'll hit Boardwalk and may hit Johnsons and leBoy. Last month I was there and Johnsons had a number of skinny fem twinks and a very few nice looking normal guys. FLL doesn't need 2 leBoys and I'm sure they will figure that out. I'll report although weekends are much better. My friends who work at my guest house when visiting never set foot in a bar. I have to beg them to go with me for a couple hours to Secrets. One used to work at Boardwalk and hates that work....so much work for so much less $. He only does incalls and gets several a day. The best guys really get used to filling their evenings with incalls from like 5 to 10. Their internet ad is answered by an agent who sets their dates for them so they can keep working. It is 90% internet now everywhere. Sorry if some of this is known already. Just trying to help visitors. The definitive thread is "Such cute boys in Prague" over at Boytoy, 1000 posts, dozens of reviews and photos.
  10. Wow amazingly ignorant and obnoxious. I don't see in law degree in your past. Federal tax returns are available to any other federal agency, especially by court order in a criminal case, and of course you're arrested if you admit income from an illegal activity. It's a signed confession. The law that says you have to declare income from even illegal businesses is a catch 22 trap. If you're arrested for a crime and have not paid tax on it's proceeds they can also charge you with that so they have double charges. That is the sole purpose of that law. People who are arrested declare and pay so they won't get double charges. Scarey that there are actually people in this world who think you declare and pay tax on illegal activities. http://money.cnn.com/2013/02/28/news/economy/illegal-income-tax/index.html
  11. wish I could hook up with a doc to get the real thing.
  12. Hopefully no one is dumb enough to declare income from an illegal business. It would be like a drug dealer declaring income from selling cocaine. Not a bright move. I doubt many people have much motivation to declare income to pay tax on anyway if it isn't traceable. When escorts become deductible as business expenses for 1099's let me know! I'm in.
  13. While it was meant as a comical comment, of course it's true. You get a mug shot for almost any crime, including some traffic stuff. Rentmen has what 2000 US ads tops? There are escorts there but also massuerfinder and many other sites plus bar escorts, etc. I'm sure the number from Rentmen and all the other sites plus other escorts who have had mug shots is a higher number than 2000.
  14. Unlike Czech Republic where my friends do file taxes because of the benefits that affords and prostitution being a legal profession, it is illegal in the US so I doubt many declare income and file taxes. Possibly if they could characterize the income as some other service like massage or personal training. But that would run into licensing laws for those professions and lead to more trouble. I can't fathom anyone declaring income from "escorting" or prostitution. It would actually be nice if some amount of income can be funneled into a legal income to secure quarters of Social Security coverage including disability coverage, unemployment insurance, and satisfy the new requirements for Medicaid. Of course many may have another legal job that provides those.
  15. What about the English real a.n. poppers?? I thought they vetoed the prohibition bill last year. I haven't for a couple years but there were sites to order real stuff from the UK. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/so-what-exactly-are-poppers-a7052141.html
  16. No. The issue is how do escorts plan for life after escorting. For some paying a mortgage off on a house is a decent plan. My partner here and 2 friends in Prague are doing that. For others accumulating a chunk of cash for a future business makes sense. For those with visa problems accumulating cash to get a visa as a business investor makes sense. I personally think personal training is a great gradually-out plan. Generally saving for starting a business you're good at is great. Escorts need ideas for future planning. Unique to escorts is that there is no Social Security coverage either for retirement or disability. No unemployment insurance. And many states are requiring proof of employment for even Medicaid now. To prolong escorting as a career good dental is essential. It's important for escorts to stash away for these things in cash or figure out how to get on someone's plan. Also escorts can't show proof-of-employment for any type of loans. My friend assumed a mortgage directly from an owner with an agreement with the owner, not the bank. Indeed, I'm old enough to remember when escorts were hustlers who hung in sleazy bars or in front of bus stations and had 1000 problems. Just as it's been in Prague for a while, it's a standard profession now and good escorts need to treat it as a business and make good business plans for their future. But there are more escorts on mug shots than on Rentmen. Don't be overconfident.
  17. et's hear bank balances, real estate ,LEven that ! OK great. Let's hear bank balances , real estate, retirement plans. How can one do a start-up? I've got one bi with a house in Virginia almost paid for and 2 bi 23 year olds with bank balances after two years between 100 and 200 thousand. Those are great examples I think.
  18. I never said "therefore I know that all escorts are". I said based on several hundred observations what I have seen... Huge difference. And I certainly hope that rod is correct that I have an oversample of bi and GFP. I mentioned that the GFP's seem to do the worst. I'm gay; I hope gay escorts do better. But by all means lets heard the successful examples so other escorts can copy it!
  19. Then, by all means, lets hear the experiences of others who have left escorting and become successful. No one would love to hear of those examples more than me ! Isn't that what this thread was supposed to be?
  20. "Based on my past several hundred experiences" is not a generalization, it's an observation.
  21. MikeBiDude- How old are you and how many escorts have you hired or friended over the years? I'm 68 and have hired hundreds many of whom I was very good friends with and some I still am. I've had a dozen long-term live-in situations and am currently partners with one and have a half dozen escort friends here and a half dozen in Prague I help with their work and lives. Obviously, since you know so much more about it than me you must be what 100 and hired or managed a couple thousand ? I'm sorry I assumed to have more experience with escort lives than someone of your advanced years and experience. And gay men have a right to discuss potential dangers to them on a gay site. That's not just emotional and financial aspects but also how to avoid scams and fakes and how to conduct themselves safely. Gay men for too long have been victims and need to be free to discuss these concerns among themselves. If an escort is legit they have nothing to fear from these discussions and should encourage them to weed out the trouble-causing ones. Escorts generally go into the business because of a troubled past, especially the GFP's. They rarely have health care coverage much less dental and believe me, rotten teeth are the fastest way to be exiting the business. And hemorrhoids are an occupational hazard that puts one out. Neither do they have social security coverage for disabilities or addictions, much less retirement. I would love to run across an escort contributing well into a 501(k). I never have. Encouraging escorts who think they're movie stars because guys pay them to suck dick to get healthcare, dental, housing, off addictions, and planning for their future after escorting is not easy. Most clients could care less. The guys I deal with and help are all at the peak of the game. The best-looking ones. But even they are difficult to get to think about health and future security. I remember one who was one of the top porn stars in the US and top escorts telling me when he got too old (his teeth were already bad) he would just move to California, marry a single mom in public housing and get on CalFare. That is so sad after all the money he had gone through for so long that he didn't think to use it wisely. I'm proud of my current guy because he's bought a house for him and his 2 kids and is using his earnings to pay it off in full soon. I got him on my dental insurance as a partner as he's 35. Two other friends who visit and work here are very young (23) and very popular but amazingly save at least half what they make and have bank accounts $100K to $200K in under two years. That's great. Money talks. But for all these gems I know there are dozens with many problems and no plans. And there are a number who are just plain bad and evil and are dangerous to gay men. And they certainly hurt the income of the good guys because they make gay men wary of hiring at all. Clients need to know how to screen and avoid fakes and troubled ones. But being attacked for joking there are probably more escorts in mug shots than Rentmen on a gay site is homophobic. That's a truth that's a joke we gays have a right to make. And the interest in all the murders by famous escorts is healthy for gay clients who are too damn naive. If it happens to even the richest by the top ones what about the rest. Escorting, especially online, needs to be a hell of a lot more honest and safer for many reasons., including escorts. But I'll never back off my observation from many many experiences that life after for GFP escorts especially is not usually easy.
  22. If you'd stayed and finished high school you could google better for yourself. Hint: you can start with Sean Cody's Addison in prison for murdering a client, Josh Logan just out on a technicality for murdering a client, Sean Cody's Jarek in prison for blackmailing a client, Sebastian Young awaiting sentencing for attacking police who were investigating another of his wife/child beating incidents, and David Meza just found guilty in San Diego for murdering his rich client thinking he would inherit. These are just the most famous cases of the most high-class escorts that any gay man who reads much has heard of . Sorry if it doesn't fit your assumption that GFP escorts are so virtuous but in a forum like this challenging someone to source every detail and further shouting He's Still Waiting is juvenile behavior that doesn't get anywhere. Gay men have a right to be concerned about escorts who may be violent and discuss it even if some of the gay sites that show all the porn star/escort mug shots may be just prurient (I assume you can look that word up for yourself).
  23. I miss that Swinging Richards in Pompano closed. They did have a way of bringing in extremely prime meat on a regular basis. leBoy from time to time shows signs of attracting good-looking normal guys. No one knows what Johnson's is yet. They seem to want a mix of twinks and muscles but tend more toward the twinks so far. Not sure what their privates policy is yet while leBoy has the guys' rates on the wall. Boardwalk can be feast or famine on any day but it's still my go-to in FLL. A homely feel of sleaze. It used to be packed on weekends with stars and I've met Ryan Rose and Josh Logan in the past few months cruising for dates there. I've also met an incredible blond Argentine and a fantastic Hungarian bodybuilder. But I've also been approached by dozens of sub-par guys. Out of a dozen guys working there on a night I am lucky to see one at least semi-hot one. But at least Boardwalk has a rapid turnover and constantly new guys coming through. I'll be in FLL this week to see the blond Argentine and a friend from Prague so I'm sure I'll be in Boardwalk a couple weekdays at least. I think these type clubs have been hurt mostly by most of the guys working online now instead. FLL is rare in having 3 of them.
  24. If someone hasn't been under a rock the past few years they've read in gay publications of so many of the top guys being charged with murder. Google it yourself. I think there are gay sites that collect it and plenty of gay sites regularly have the stories
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