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Everything posted by friendofsheila

  1. I'll post info about my visit after I find a place to post pictures that will show up here.
  2. If I'm not too pooped after running around in SF today, I'm going to go to the show. Unless I run into him at the bus stop and he gives me a private show on the #28.
  3. ...play sports that DON'T involve other male models.
  4. ...have children who ---look average, or ---ever grow up
  5. Yeah, it's probably the sort of story that 1) everyone loves to hear 2) no one can prove because he won't tell anyone where it was
  6. Oh, poop. My experience: evening shows for "name performers" were always JAMMED, and Mr. PornStar sometimes only visits the laps of 1 or 2 people (Josh Weston did this when I went to see his show, after he became a big name).
  7. Maybe I'll go on Saturday, and do "Record Store Day" around town.
  8. Maybe I was wrong! Check out him straddling the other fellow: http://www.thegailygrind.com/2016/03/30/henry-cavill-talks-about-the-time-he-was-naked-and-locked-out-of-his-l-a-hotel-room/
  9. Should I go see Kurtis Wolfe perform on 4/15? I'm thinking "yes" but only if a) he does a show in the afternoon, and not just one in the evening b) I get some work done on my taxes by that time
  10. Their program notes were great, weren't they? They included: Adam Bomb Ludmilla Eeneemeeneemyneemova
  11. These matters never get the attention they deserve!!!
  12. I will borrow Sam's point of view: I really wish I'd paid more attention to the fellow go-go boy contestant who kept talking to me and smiling constantly while doing so, instead of trying to figure out what was happening with my standing as a result of the last round. The fellow was probably flirting with me, which is awesome because he a) looked AWESOME wearing only boots and extremely short cutoffs and b) he WON his round.
  13. Technology is raising our expectations of things like this. Is that good? I'm not seeing it (except for the technology industry, whose profit numbers are climbing the more those expectations go up).
  14. ... and especially not GAY porn. (They WILL appear in photos or videos that include other good-looking well-built men who are nude, erect, or making physical contact, but the lighting is different, so it's not gay. )
  15. ... make porn. (They WILL appear in photos or videos that include nudity, erections, or sex, but the lighting is different, so it's not porn. )
  16. If this is a reasoning for making more connectivity in more remote nature places, I would respond: Anyone who REQUIRES that amount of connectivity for serious reasons probably should be at some "connection point" attending to the matters, shouldn't they?
  17. I recall a story, heard on the radio, probably. A bunch of men were on a remote river, together for a package tour of fishing in the wilderness. One man had a satellite phone, and was using it way too often. One of the men eventually got fed up, snatched the phone away and tossed it in the river.
  18. ...THIS is the kind of thing I like hearing. This guy sounds like some 70's comedian (who? I can't remember). And he's not saying much at all, just getting our attention to his workout videos, to buy probably. BUT IT'S JUST SO MUCH FUN TO HEAR A HOT GUY TALK ABOUT BUTT, ISN'T IT?
  19. I'm a half-empty who keeps a reserve of water nearby for when I need to look full.
  20. The closest I can get is reading a few of those gushy, Gordon Merrick novels long ago. Inconsequential, but mildly fulfilling.
  21. I'll keep checking back with folks as technology advances.
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