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Everything posted by friendofsheila

  1. Trent Reed, even if he is twice as aold as everybody that peopele are puttin g in thhis thread.
  2. ... shop at thrift stores, use coupons, or recycle.
  3. I do haope people will update this thread as they learn more.
  4. i kind of wish there was a "gay mentor" program so older people can help ounger with info, and eventually form bonds.
  5. Or has tried marrying someone for the rrequired 1 year to pass on their social scurity. I mean so they can get help in old age before they die.
  6. I wonder if anyone has ever gone thr route of adopting someone who can be thier heir and caretaker.
  7. Thank you. "Private" and "estate planning" and "attorney" all sound like only people who earn more money than I do cann use them. I don't feel hopeful that I can afford things like this.
  8. I'ld like to hear what ou learn., or how it would work. It seems like it would be some kind of contract, maybe where the younger person gets "vested" after putting in a certain amount of time helping out?
  9. I've wondered if senior centers know of some social service that helps people who have no family or the usual support ssystem, at least looks in on them regularly. anybody heard of such a thing?
  10. I'm confused. it sounds like the OP knew that the younger man was the son of the older one, when he suggested their 3-=way. did I read it right?
  11. whenever a salesmen of any kind flirts with me I remember that they stop as soon as the check clears.
  12. isn't there an escort who went into financial mangament? if he's any good I'd call him.
  13. Maybe if we're lucky he'll get nailed down by the also divorceds James marsdden.
  14. how did you find connctions and friends s way back when you were looking for a wife? a lot fo those connections now exist for gay people, so how about looking into the "gay versions" now.
  15. I thought this thread was aabout a new drink being served in gay bars.
  16. there are men on this website right now whao are reading this and reaching for their trusty bottle of lube. :)
  17. He'll be on the market for about 5 minutes before getting nailed down.
  18. ... have to join swim teams. They just show up at swim meets, in the locker room, wearing a speedo. And soon everybody's romping and tickling and pantsing each other. In a big, tight, sweaty, hands-y crowd.
  19. when will Uber and lyft offer this ? they could charge extra.
  20. ... get dirt or grease under their fingernails. Unless they are doing a shoot for an "art photographer" who wants to show working class men who just happen to have shaved butts, and haircuts every week.
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