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Everything posted by friendofsheila

  1. Fear not, Princess, for we shall protect you!
  2. The time I enjoyed it was when I went there so I could look at the expensive men paid to dance on the boxes, and the porn talent that were in the advertisements.
  3. I felt like I should have been there with other people. Because people would only talk to their own friends.
  4. Why can't I find a picture of his butt?
  5. I remember the dvd extras of Zack and Miri Make a Porno talking about Dutch Rudders. That involved movement, but no Direct Penis Involvement.
  6. I hope they also hire someone to keep the bedsprings oiled.
  7. I also meant that your Speedo-wearing days are not over yet. :)
  8. My fingers are crossed. It's a wonderful place.
  9. Having to eat the same crappy food that everyone else loves.
  10. I heard him on the Chuck Holmes documentary. He was smoking away on camera, his voice rattling like Jack Nicholson.
  11. My "Reputation" is only 1.4k. How long is it going to take me to get to even 1 megabyte?
  12. They make it, we buy it, no questions asked.
  13. Tops who Bottom are the best at both!
  14. If any admit to being in a fraternity, you can bet all of our brains will be spinning fantasies!
  15. I'm surprised anybody here can count past 11.
  16. There's a little bit of skin here: https://youtu.be/hVCVHmVDEYc?t=724 And a whole lot of tight pants here: https://youtu.be/hVCVHmVDEYc?t=480 I wonder if young men in the 1950's watched dance on TV so they could get some homomedia?
  17. I remember one guy who was really nice about it, so I didn't have a problem. He was nice about everything up to that point, so I was okay with it.
  18. Another one! In the frozen crap aisle, I think I spot what looks like a pair of modest but excellent pecs. It turns out I was right, and they were set off by a trim waist. But, I wasn't ready for what happened next. His jeans were a little loose but when he walked away he flashed a little bit of excellent butt, too. I made sure I needed to shop in whatever aisle he was going to next so I could enjoy all of it a little longer. Yes, I'm liking my grocery store more now!
  19. I'd take all those guys I made fun of, in the "Gay Alphas" thread. They do nothing but work out, so I'd consider them athletes.
  20. Mark Mason. From ages ago.....
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