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Everything posted by friendofsheila

  1. I've never seen this before. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_DWQ4DjxbUg I'd watch more if there was more!
  2. Oooo! I'm also a Grand Master. Does that mean I get first pick of the Cater Waiters in the Green Room?
  3. Really? Nobody remembers? I'm going to have to go back and look at one of my old programs. The swimsuit portion was memorable.
  4. Does anyone remember what that guy Vincent from Dallas/FW/Austin/or something admitted to? It was something mildly scandalous (he was a sweetie generally), but I can't recall.
  5. Anyone willing to wash dishes and dust (in exchange for me doing their taxes and keeping the car tuned up)
  6. the biggest names, or wannabees, made us wait back in the day. I remember Ryan Idol and one other doing the same.
  7. I can't find a gif of John Lithgow's character in "Bombshell" saying "IT'S A VISUAL MEDIUM!!" while ogling an interviewee.
  8. "Alpha"? Is this supposed to mean macho, dominant guys? I won't believe that since 2 seconds after this photo was snapped they probably all broke into a chorus of "I'm Gonna Wash That Man Right Out of My Hair".
  9. What's a "Karen"? Is it named after that lady who lied about being accosted by an African-American man?
  10. LA? I thought he had acres and acres in Missouri or something.
  11. I remember somebody telling me once about the triangle in West Hollywood, bounded by Santa Monica Blvd, La Cienega and San Vicente (pretty much). He said that there were more male escorts there per square mile than any other place in the world. I don't know how he knew that, or if it was true. Anybody else heard this? ******No Hijacks, Please!***********
  12. That looks like the hair from the Bob's Big Boy sign.
  13. Finally, technology gives us something I'm grateful for!
  14. Anybody else remember the Supermen competitions in LA?
  15. I've fixed it for you, so it will look better in your abstract My research is currently about the ontogeny of the male anatomy and the dynamic meta-mechanics of coitus with a specific concentration on individuals with phallus and its use across available self-selected male orifices.
  16. I think Jonathan Schaech qualifies. You can't tell me you wouldn't want his poofy lips nibbling at you somewhere, sometime, can you?
  17. Depends on how many nerve endings you have in the spot. If it's a sensitive spot, it'll hurt. But if you end up looking as good as you want to, it's worth it. As one wise queen once told me: "Beauty is pain!"
  18. There was one at the grocery store recently. It had really good lift and extension, like Jane Russell in a one of those those bras she advertised. What made it unexpected was that it was on top of a pair of really long logs. Good butts don't hardly ever get that far off the ground.
  19. Hey, I've got zero warning points! I'm unrestricted! Does that mean I can walk around the forum in my underpants?
  20. And here I thought thongs were gone forever, just like the strip clubs where I used to see them. Thanks for this thread.
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