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    + Pensant reacted to Moe in Mega Millions Jackpot at $1,600,000,000   
    I don't care if they have to announce my name. Once the money is in my account (after taxes), I will disappear. All the people I care about will get a check in the mail. I am very simple and don't want an extravagant lifestyle so it would be easy for me to remain under peoples radar. The few things I would splurge on is a couple of safaris in Africa and Australia, and a trip to my parents homeland. Oh, I would probably hire a masseur once a week since I love massages, especially foot and cranial. For the most part, I'd volunteer my time at an animal shelter and spend the rest of it working on my garden.
  2. Like
    + Pensant reacted to bigvalboy in OMG.....A night in heaven....FunNicolas   
    There are those that would say, that escorting IS a real career, and that they HAVE a regular life.
  3. Like
    + Pensant reacted to Poincare in OMG.....A night in heaven....FunNicolas   
    Hey Guys:
    I will post a full review as well, but I just had the most incredible 2 hrs. Nicolas just started escorting in NYC to make some extra cash to support his real career. He is gorgeous, beautiful body and great banana. And he knows how to use it. I don’t think I deserve such divine pleasure. Better than winnng tomorrows $1.6BB lottery. Run don’t walk to meet Nicolas. Oh yeah....and the sexiest Portuguese accent.
  4. Like
    + Pensant reacted to EZEtoGRU in What about a limit for the number of a topic a person can create a day?   
    You've completely missed the point of my response. Imagine what things would be like here if the 50-60 active users decided to open 30 new inane threads a day just to make a point. If it's acceptable for one person to do that then it is acceptable for everyone to do that. My new suggested senseless thread topics would be:
    1. Do you prefer Key West or Catalina Island?
    2. Should I buy new copper cookware?
    3. Would you rather go to Mars or Arkansas?
    4. Burial or Cremation?
    5. Is Hell more fun than Heaven?
    6. Ever put a toothbrush into your penis?
    7. I want to chew glass....should I?
    8. Is Sarah Palin a she-bot?
    9. How much would you pay to be straight?
    10. Is Blythe Danner actually a man?
    11. Who was the first transgender US President?
    12. Can a Playdoh figure be mayor of Carmel California?
    13. What if they moved Argentina into the Bering Sea?
    14. Should France ban all incoming travelers from Northern Ireland?
    15. What if penguins invaded the Taj Mahal?
    16. I think I just farted. Should I do something about it?
    17. For how many months have I been screwing over this discussion forum?
    18. Are the Munsters and Adams Family real?
    19. Will Barrow Alaska host the Summer Olympics tomorrow?
    20. Where did I leave my car keys?
    21. If I have blackhead on my nose, what should I do?
    22. I'm thinking about piercing my liver...should I?
    23. Yams or Sweet Potatoes?
    24. Sand or Diamonds?
    25. How much can aloe talk?
    26. Is shoe leather worth it?
    27. Where is Mickey Rooney when you need him?
    28. Will Forest run off the planet?
    29. What a dumb thread this is.
    30. Is Amy Winehouse back from the dead?
  5. Like
    + Pensant got a reaction from Beancounter in Eugenics Documentary on PBS’s American Experience   
    The eugenics movement was also popular in Sweden, of all places. 1920’s progressives were certainly a far different flavor of progressivism.
  6. Like
    + Pensant reacted to + sync in Descrimination within the LGBT Community   
    You know I just had to go try to find one. Thanks for the inspiration.

  7. Like
    + Pensant reacted to Sean Y in Descrimination within the LGBT Community   
    Hmmmm, I’m first gen, foreign born Asian, but grew up in the Midwest. I think I’m pretty Americanized (I mean i speak English better than I do any other languages and i probably speak English better than some of my white friends, ha ahaaa - yeah, I was the editor for our yearbook and literary review mag.)
    That said, I don’t want to be white - in HS, all my friends were white and i was the only asian in my class (it is the mid-west). TBH, I’m not sure I want to “fit in” with whites only - i didn’t bleach my hair or lighten my skin or change my eye colors. I love my Asianess - i love that I have to shave only once a month (my face, not my butt hole, ha ahaaa). Now in SF, I love my multi-culti friends - they have the best food and best music EVER!!! So no, don’t wanna be white, don’t have interested in being white and don’t want to just hang out with whites. They are welcomed to hang out with me if they want but hey, we’ll be listening to R&B or hip hop, we’ll have spicy curries and egg rolls, sushi’s and chicken feet, and ummm, they are expected to dance (and I mean hip movements and not just shuffling feet) and sing karaoke.
    Sorry I don’t agree nor accept that the standard of beauty is just white. Buffness is not owned by whites. And being tanned is actually being less “white” .
    I think standard of beauty is changing - hopefully the gay community is adapting. Castro clones are just one type and so are the gym bunnies with with chicken size chest and skinny legs. I’m fond of the lumberjacks and the panda bears.
    And I don’t understand the stupidity of Asians being each other’s competitions - seriously are we setting each other up as completely interchangeable so the only real importance is our asianess? Why are other Asians the only competitors and not the white guy over there or the hot Latinos. there’s no limited resources of gay men to date.
    Maybe because I’m older now that I’m no longer a threat. Or maybe it’s because I have no problem showing them love: I will tell an Asian he’s hot! I have no problem telling the white dude that his Asian guy is hot! And we’ll both laughed and say, damn!!! And I’ll definitely tell Asian couples that they are so cute together!!!!
  8. Like
    + Pensant got a reaction from + quoththeraven in Descrimination within the LGBT Community   
    Re ageism. Even though guys have commented that part of my attraction is my self-confidence, I still worry that I’m too old for some guys and, consequently, shy away from pursuing non-hobby relationships. Just this past Saturday, I met a group of girls and their one gay friend at a neighborhood watering hole. I found the guy, 34ish, very cute a fun. On Tuesday night, I dropped by and he was there with one co-worker, female, who left after few minutes. We chatted for over an hour and I summoned the courage to tell him I’d like to keep in touch and he then suggested we share numbers. Outside, we hugged and went our way. The self-limiting mechanism kicked in and now I’m thinking of avoiding this place for a while. Talk about self-sabotage!
  9. Like
    + Pensant got a reaction from BabyBoomer in 411 Brock in Philly   
    So much for “photos verified”.
  10. Like
    + Pensant got a reaction from + oldNbusted in 411 Brock in Philly   
    So much for “photos verified”.
  11. Like
    + Pensant reacted to MikeBiDude in Mega Millions Jackpot at $900,000,000   
    No...I stated no political....don’t go there
  12. Like
    + Pensant reacted to MikeBiDude in Mega Millions Jackpot at $900,000,000   
    I would give away SO MUCH of it...and not to political interests of any leaning
  13. Like
    + Pensant reacted to Man Crush Morris in straight guys vs gay guys   
    No preference really as long as they do what I need done well.
    The best guy I've ever hired was very straight and he would completely wreck me, though my needs are fairly easy to satisfy.
    The guy hit a homerun every time, and he's still the only guy that always made me ejaculate.
    Very straight guy. So you never know.
  14. Like
    + Pensant got a reaction from MikeBiDude in NYC restaurants   
  15. Like
    + Pensant reacted to KeepItReal in Wierd Massage Session   
    Yes! Agree, send him a text message, thank him for the great session, tell him you really enjoyed the massage foreplay part and can he do more of it next time; you find his touch magical and can't wait to feel him rub your calves or some BS like that. Set the scene and then let it play out the next time you visit...

  16. Like
    + Pensant reacted to MartyB in An unexpectedly great ass...   
    There I was this morning at the gym after my work out. There was this guy who just came out of the shower as I was getting ready to jump in. He wasn't the hottest sexiest guy but damn what a hot ass he had! Slightly wet from the shower and how I didn't get hard was hard to believe. Moments like this are awesome. Love the gym!
  17. Like
    + Pensant reacted to Beancounter in 411 smoothchitwink   
    His RM ad has a web address in it that directs you to a GoFundMe page. It appears, in addition to escorting, he’s raising money to fund his art projects. Ahh...to be 18 again and pursue one’s dreams.
  18. Like
    + Pensant got a reaction from Gvtire in Mega Millions Jackpot at $900,000,000   
    If I won, I’d get my lawyer to create a trust to receive the proceeds, since I’d hate my name to get out there. Can you imagine the harassment? I’d have to move to some remote place, like the Carpathian Mtns or the Rhodope Mtns in the Balkans!
  19. Like
    + Pensant reacted to + E.T.Bass in Descrimination within the LGBT Community   
    It's a double standard to expect everyone in the community to be perfect.
    Remember, it's their shit. Just move on to some more pleasant folks.
  20. Like
    + Pensant reacted to + sync in Descrimination within the LGBT Community   
    Your writing(s) sadden me with the tone of low self-esteem expressed. Even the name you have chosen for yourself "Drained Empty" suggests low self-esteem. One's own race and skin color are not options that can be changed. From my own life experience I can declare bigots are everywhere, but they are not everybody. With respect to Asians, I have known many non-Asian gay men who are absolutely enamored with Asian men. There once was a bar in NYC named "The Web" on East 58th Street that was owned and operated by Asians. There were Asian patrons/dancers/bartenders, and believe me, that bar was packed all the time with non-Asians looking for Asians. If you can, begin to train yourself to stop looking into your detractors but to look past them. You might begin by considering another more positive forum name for yourself.
  21. Like
    + Pensant got a reaction from Boy4 in Mega Millions Jackpot at $900,000,000   
    If I won, I’d get my lawyer to create a trust to receive the proceeds, since I’d hate my name to get out there. Can you imagine the harassment? I’d have to move to some remote place, like the Carpathian Mtns or the Rhodope Mtns in the Balkans!
  22. Like
    + Pensant got a reaction from Chelo in Descrimination within the LGBT Community   
    Re ageism. Even though guys have commented that part of my attraction is my self-confidence, I still worry that I’m too old for some guys and, consequently, shy away from pursuing non-hobby relationships. Just this past Saturday, I met a group of girls and their one gay friend at a neighborhood watering hole. I found the guy, 34ish, very cute a fun. On Tuesday night, I dropped by and he was there with one co-worker, female, who left after few minutes. We chatted for over an hour and I summoned the courage to tell him I’d like to keep in touch and he then suggested we share numbers. Outside, we hugged and went our way. The self-limiting mechanism kicked in and now I’m thinking of avoiding this place for a while. Talk about self-sabotage!
  23. Like
    + Pensant got a reaction from bigvalboy in Descrimination within the LGBT Community   
    Re ageism. Even though guys have commented that part of my attraction is my self-confidence, I still worry that I’m too old for some guys and, consequently, shy away from pursuing non-hobby relationships. Just this past Saturday, I met a group of girls and their one gay friend at a neighborhood watering hole. I found the guy, 34ish, very cute a fun. On Tuesday night, I dropped by and he was there with one co-worker, female, who left after few minutes. We chatted for over an hour and I summoned the courage to tell him I’d like to keep in touch and he then suggested we share numbers. Outside, we hugged and went our way. The self-limiting mechanism kicked in and now I’m thinking of avoiding this place for a while. Talk about self-sabotage!
  24. Like
    + Pensant reacted to wklucas in BFriendforyou   
    whatever it means to have reached "journeyman" status for posting it surely means being expected to at least know enough to include a link as a matter of both ease & courtesy
  25. Like
    + Pensant reacted to mike carey in What Is Homosexuality?   
    Words do not mean 'what we choose them to mean, nothing more nothing less'. You can't use a word to mean whatever you want, nor can you pretend that one of the accepted meanings of a word does not exist just because you don't like it. You also cannot refuse to accept that some words have come to be offensive in certain contexts. Gay, queer and homosexual are perfectly valid words to reference certain sexual identities and patterns of attraction. People may have their preference for how to describe themselves, and each word has its own nuances of meaning. To my ear, homosexual works if it is used in an academic or sociological sense but has become insulting and even pathologising if used to refer to a particular individual in a social context, or to refer to a community. Another issue to consider is that some offensive words can be appropriated and even become acceptable within the group towards which they were used as slurs. Thus the N word and faggot have been 'owned' by PoC and some gay people. That does not make it acceptable for people outside those groups to use them, and no, that is not hypocrisy. Language moves and grows continually, and English ebbs and flows in different ways in the different Englishes. To refuse to understand the way the language has changed is to refuse to understand the world.
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