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Drained Empty

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Posts posted by Drained Empty

  1. This doesn't belong in this thread but I'm absolutely fine with other Asian guys.


    There are Asian guys that I find attractive and Asian guys that I am not attracted to. I'm not going to say that I'm attracted to all or none, just like any other race.


    I do, however, find Asian guys are super nasty to other Asian guys. I don't know if it's a competition thing or what.


    And no, I haven't stopped posting on the other site -- which caters to a very specific thing. There's nothing for me to say there; if there is I'll say it. I am not looking for pity or to get a reaction with a new audience. If you look at my posts here, many have absolutely nothing to do with race.


    They guys on this board seem to be open to conversations about many topics. They also aren't judgmental. Funny how it's other Asians that are -- must be that aforementioned nastiness.


    Please message me instead of hijacking this thread any further.

  2. Another thing I also don't respond well to is passive aggressiveness, jdjd46. You claim to empathize but then act like you're better than me.


    I would love to get take out from an Asian restaurant without a white patron thinking that I work there.


    I would love to go to a Korean spa and not clear out rooms and get nasty looks just for being Asian and entering white space (yes, I know the irony).


    I would love to just offer a compliment to a guy, with no interest of pursuing anything, without getting a hand to my face, a door slammed, or an automatic block.


    I would love not to be given a fake address, drive 40 minutes to a random location in the middle of the night, and then be told that my "host" is just messing with me because "chinks are pathetic" (three different guys have actually done this to me).


    We all try to assimilate the best we can but our race belies that. You think I enjoy being treated the way that I am? The way I see other Asians treated? The way that no one bats an eye at seeing "no Asians" in dating profiles, massage ads, etc.


    We can't be someone else. You deal with it the way you do. I deal with it the way I do.

  3. Great, good for you both.


    I generally don't like rejection/offending. If I'm at the spa and a guy walks out when I enter, I avoid going into the room he's in. If I'm at the gym and inadvertently lock eyes with a guy who's not into "my type," I make sure I don't work out near him or enter the locker room while he's there lest he thinks I'm stalking him.


    Let's face it. A lot of guys aren't into Asians (Asians included). A lot of Asians don't do other Asians any favors by acting a fool or throwing themselves at white guys. I purposely don't act that way.


    I see some providers at the gym or around town. They hang out with guys that look like them and move/shoo away guys that don't. I know they're doing a job, but if a provider isn't into "my type" I don't want him to be miserable nor do I want to feel undesirable or miserable. So I don't hire them. And I always let them know my race ahead of time.


    Yes, you can tell from one look if someone is cool with you/being in their presence or not. It happens all the time. I remember one visit to Midtown (a local sex club), one white guy actual stuck his hand in my face (the way you would if someone where pointing a gun at you) and waved NO. Keep in mind I didn't know him, didn't get close to him, I was just walking in his general direction. That reaction really stayed with me and made me feel really worthless. I don't want to feel that way again so if I can avoid it I do.


    Oh and jdjd46, don't criticize me for making assumptions when you did the exact same thing.

  4. A stranger scowled in your direction from his car and so you have concluded that he isn’t into Asian guys and “grudgingly works with Asian clients”? That’s absurdly illogical to say the least.


    It was a feeling I got from reading previous entries (both those who had positive and not so positive experiences) as well as a few direct messages.


    At no point did I disparage the masseur. I even said he was polite over text.


    However, I have been on the receiving end of strangers who scowl or look you up and down as a way of telling you "I don't like you," "I don't like your kind," and/or "do not engage with me."


    You can often tell when a masseur opens a door, or you walk into a bar or spa, how people feel about you from one look.

  5. I reached out to Ben a few weeks ago via text and surprisingly got a pretty quick response.


    Unfortunately, our schedules didn't sync up but he was polite about it.


    A few days later I was at the Hudson (a bar in Weho) and had my Grindr on. He was also online and appeared very close (like less than 50 feet away). That's not uncommon in Weho where there's literally a gay dude every two feet. I didn't reach out to him (I actually never reach out to guys first for fear of rejection, and didn't want to reach out to Ben even in a "professional" capacity because he might block me before reading my message or feel awkward about talking to a client on Grindr).


    Still I was curious what he looked like. I didn't see him and was leaving the bar anyway. I ended up seeing him pull out of the driveway of the adjacent bank, scowling at me or in my direction (I gave him the right of way).


    Based on this experience and reading others, I have a feeling he isn't into Asian guys and grudgingly works with Asian clients. Which is fine, I get it. Btw, I never told him I was Asian during our text exchanges, but now wouldn't be surprised if he stopped replying if I did divulge.

  6. Nathan's technical score was astounding, and that was with the hand down on the second quad flip.


    He has the potential to score even higher if he tries a quad loop (very taxing on the hips) or upgrades his combinations to include harder jumps.


    His second mark isn't there yet -- he doesn't have the skating skills of Patrick Chan not the performance ability or Yuzuru Hanyu or Javier Fernandez. Let's see how Worlds goes.

  7. This is a true story.


    I really get turned on by the thought of an encounter at a public restroom. But I'm not super hung and usually do a quick piss and zip.


    So I was recently at this corporate retreat with many other executives (I'm the youngest at my company). It was one of those secluded resorts in the middle of a forest.


    We had been there for a few days already and always ended the night at the resort bar. On the final night, I was a little buzzed from dinner. I went to the bar but didn't really feel like drinking. I did need to take a piss though so I went to the nearby restroom.


    I ended up at the urinal next to one of the cute Latino staffers (I could tell he worked there because he had a uniform on). We both were there longer than a normal piss would be. And we gave each other glances.


    His coworker came in and they started chatting so I zipped up. I couldn't shake the feeling so I sat outside on the coach. The coworker exited but the guy hadn't. I waited another minute or two and the guy still hadn't come out yet.


    So I went back in to see where he was. Unfortunately he was at the mirror checking out his teeth. So I was bummed out but went into the stall because I didn't want to look like a creep.


    Then I realized he moved back to urinals. I peeked out of the stall and he was stroking his dick. I motioned him over and we started stroking.


    My building was just one over so I told him to meet me at my room. I took the outside path and he took the hallway. I sucked his 7" cock to completion in my room. He was young -- maybe 21 or 22 -- and had braces (which why he was checking out his teeth). We decided it was best that he not suck me off lol. I wish it wasn't the last night.

  8. I find Adam's looks and skating unremarkable but he can be proud of his Olympic experience (which almost didn't happen had he not worked hard to come back from injury as well as a disappointing Nationals).


    I knew he would finish the lowest of the U.S. men because of his base content value (let's be honest, the triple Axels were a bit sketchy).


    Like his BFF Ashley Wagner, he knows how to play the media game and positioned himself as a new gay icon. I would personally prefer to listen to Johnny than Adam.

  9. Nathan won the freeskate and pulled up from 17th to fifth, and just a fraction away from fourth. Very impressive. However, I fear his body cannot take the pounding for another four years.

  10. Kobe has been on my watch list for awhile but the photos do change frequently.


    They are always of lean muscled black men, sometimes hairy, sometimes not (of course he can shave) but the complexions vary (could be lighting).


    However he continues to use the "stretch" pic with a face but others without which seems to be a red flag.

  11. He stands up from the captures scene below and shows off quite a bit of his very fine assets. He has gotten buff.


    As I said, I saw him two weeks ago and he is very, very thin right now. Almost unrecognizable.

  12. Since you’re Asian it won’t be as big a deal for you, but others should be aware

    the Japan can still be a very xenophobic society at times. It’s not unusual if a

    Westerner enters a small gay bar and 1/2 (or all) the customers quietly leave.

    I’ve had the same thing happen in onsens


    Or, in other words, how white guys treat Asian guys at Korean spas in the States. But I doubt that's xenophobia.


    Back on topic, Kyoto is beautiful!

  13. I love Surya but she would've been hosed in program components, specifically skating skills. She would not win titles without those.


    Just wait til you see her countryman, Guillame Cizeron, in his sleeveless shirt tomorrow.


    I think Nathan is handsomer than Adam, who looks like any generic Wehovian. Alex Shibutani is also another handsome Asian American skater.


    Other lookers are the aforementioned Javier Fernandez, Canada's Eric Radford (openly gay), Matteo Guarise (male model) and Morgan Cipres.

  14. I'd love to see a review where the reviewer explains his standards because otherwise they're low.


    No need to chastise others and say they have "low standards" if you had one (or in this case two) below average experiences.


    Standards vary per person and as you can see, YMMV.


    And this is coming from a fan of Clark's but probably wouldn't see Anthony again, and I'm a legit poster.


    Judging by the requirements you've posted in another thread, seems you already have the massage unicorn who is good at everything, is into you, manages time impeccably and charges a reasonable price. Of course you're not going to find another easily.

  15. What spa is known for outrageously hot guys?


    You can DM me but most guys know about it. It can get out hand and there have been reports of cops there.


    As for local sex clubs, I've been adventurous and tried a few. I rarely have any luck -- too unattractive for most I guess.


    Funnily enough, I was unemployed for awhile and went to Roman Holiday Venice regularly to kill time and have some human contact. Would rarely ever get any action from anyone (the clientele runs older there but there are also younger guys).


    I would be there for hours, be polite (to all in general, and not rude if someone wasnt my type), and get no action. Maybe I give off an unapproachable vibe. I'd joke with the attendant and say "no luck" when leaving. Visit after visit.


    Then one day he pulled me aside and was like, "what kind of guys do you like, I'll help you get them." To which I laughed and described a few of the types I liked and he said he'd help me out. He joked and even called me the "crown jewel" because no one comes close to me but I thought he was being too kind and nice after all the money I sunk into the place. He never did follow through lol...


    Anyway, anyone in LA fan DM me if they want my impressions or advice.

  16. I think people are being too cavalier about this guy’s misfortune. I’m not saying I think he should kill himself. But the majority of everyone out there saying -“Just accept it and go on” had probably never had to deal with having a small penis. I’m not saying those people might not have ‘crosses’ of their own to bear. But I came to the conclusion a long time ago that we all have different tolerance levels. This kind of thing strikes at the heart of what we feel we are as men. Should it-obviously not. But when it is such a fundamental part of being human. And to know you don’t measure up to even average ... I shudder to think how much rejection this guy has gone thru and will continue to go thru for the rest of his life.




    Thank you for this.


    I think some people's reactions are cavalier because they realize there's nothing that can really be done to increase one's size (although losing weight actually can help one's dick look bigger and being fit often translates into stronger erections).


    I would say I'm modestly endowed (unlucky in the gene pool). I would say 95% of dicks I've seen (and I've seen a lot) are bigger than mine.


    I would also say the majority of people prefer a larger cock. I have been places where guys can be unattractive but very endowed and that's all that matters. Time after time.


    My size bothers me. I'm self conscious at urinals, in the locker room, in the spa. If I allow it to preocuppy me, it can be debilitating. Like unable to get out of bed debilitating (although I admittedly have many image issues).


    One of my earliest "relationships" was with a so-called "straight" guy (I use quotes because I was shamed in another thread for using the term). He was beautiful, above average endowed, and would compliment me on my "big cock." I think he was sincere and trying to be nice but it actually made me even more self-conscious. All I could think was this guy hasn't been with other guys so he has no idea how small I am.


    Ob the flip side I have a very well endowed guy I see somewhat regularly. He likes dirty talk. But one time, during sex, he said, "your small cock." That was an immediate mood killer and I didn't want to see him for awhile after that. Telling a guy they're small is like telling them they're losing their hair. They already know. You don't have to point it out.


    I felt a little bit better a few weeks back. A chatty masseur I was with was telling me how he was turned off by small dicks. So I apologized for my size and he told me that I wasn't small at all. But then again, this guy also told me one of his clients has a 16" penis so I don't know what to believe lol.


    Hung guys are like attractive guys. You're genetically #blessed, will never know the shame and depression associated with being small or unattractive, and of course are confident because of that and can say things like "just accept it." It's knowing we will never be you and feel that confidence that is sometimes the harshest of all realities.

  17. I suppose YMMV, as they say.


    Anthony was nice, super chatty (basically ran down his entire acting career during my massage with him), very perfunctory and detached finish.


    Guess I wasn't his type physically because there was none of the interactivity that others have described in this thread or others. Nice guy, nice room (rest of the place was kinda messy), nice massage. Everything was just nice.


    Rod Hagen never returned my messages so I never tried him.

  18. I must be the biggest idiot on the planet because I even tip bad encounters. I haven't had many, admittedly.


    One guy showed up, didn't engage in oral or topping (told me very late in our appointment that I needed to ask in advance for that), struggled to cum, ended early, and still got a $40 tip (on top of his big city rate) for less than an hour.


    The most recent guy asked for the money upfront (it was in a bedside envelope), broke his cockring (which in general is a turn-off for me), failed to get hard, took out his phone to start watching porn, at which I told him to leave. I still paid him $100 for about ten minutes.


    I would say I pay the way I do because I've been taught to be polite, nice, and professional (even though I will never see either again) but deep down I think they're disgusted with me (I suffer from self esteem issues and race issues) and feel obligated to pay them for having to "deal with me."


    This thread has been very enlightening though. I think I need to stick to massages lol.

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