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Posts posted by Avalon

  1. On the radio someone was saying that "military brat" only refers to the children of officers and not to those of the enlisted.


    I know there are some here of a military background; maybe they can confirm that?

  2. You'd be creating a tax on the owners of that painting that had vision to buy it before the artist got famous.


    You sound like a liberal with this new regulation...


    Just sharing the profits from each new sale; maybe 10%; no taxes involved.


    A person buys a painting for $100,000. $90,000 goes to the seller and $10,000 to the artist.

  3. Why changing the law?


    Would like to change it also for houses and everything else. Once you sale X for X what would make you entitled to more money if the price changes 40 years later? Where does it end?




    Just for art. I don't believe in government financing of the arts. But I think this might encourage artists. The old joke goes an artist can't be famous until after they're dead.and stories about starving artists.

  4. Such tragedies with fires and hurricanes.


    Many years ago I was under mandatory evacuation because of possible flooding. I went to my father's. His place was just past the evacuation boundary. I was there for several days. My step-mother went to stay with one of her children. Once we tried to drive back into town but the police were blocking the road.


    Thankfully the flood didn't happen.

  5. But can a woman rape a man? Or are men the only gender that can commit rape? In the news there are stories of female teachers having sex with male underage students, which is different, that may count as rape, but what about a grown man?


    There was a story years ago on L&O:SVU where some women had a party and invited a male stripper. They tied him down on the bed and rode him. Stabler did not think that a male could be raped by a woman.

  6. As the old expression says "When in Rome do as the Romans do".


    My sister was 11 years older than I was. When I was a young teen she once invited me to visit for a few days. My father reminded me that I would have no control over the tv set. That was enough for me; I declined!


    When I used to visit friends in southern California (10x 1988-1997) they controlled the tv set. One was Latino and everytime I entered the room he would switch the channel from a Spanish language channel to an English language one.

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