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Posts posted by Avalon

  1. Have you talked to your landlord about this? If he's washing your sheets, he will almost certainly help you find someone to drive you over or do it himself.


    I am not physically able to walk outside to get to a car. I am barely able to walk around my apartment.

  2. That's good. But it sounds like you're hesitant to go see him. Is that just because of transportation? Can your landlord take you?


    If nothing else, one trip to your GP every 6 months will save you a lot of time and hassle in getting prescriptions from the ER.


    I'd love to be able to go see him. It's just a matter of my mobility and transportation. I can not walk far without my legs getting weak and needing to set down.

  3. Ah, @marylander1940, okay … that was funny. The folks who never go to the Politics forum won't understand, but I laughed.


    And I'll take it as an opportunity to say this to @Avalon:


    You may not get this, so here's a heads-up:


    Plenty of us who hate your politics, or have expressed other issues with your posts, would still drive over, load you into the car if we had to carry you, and get you to a (good) doctor if we knew you were anywhere near us. I understand your preference to protect your privacy (even though, in this situation, it is unhelpful to you), but, please, don't abuse the concern of a community you have asked for attention, and implicitly asked to care about you, by ignoring advice you must know is offered in your best interest.


    I appreciate everyone's concern. These forums are about my only contact with the outside world.

  4. Avalon, I'm not sure I understand your doctor situation. Are you seeing only a GP or specialist(s)? How did you find your GP? Have you found him/her to be bored and unhelpful? If so, you need a new one. A good GP will typically refer to good specialists. Check online reviews; you need to be wary of fake reviews, positive and negative, but the general gist is usually right. For specialists, remember that you can find them yourself and ask for a referral. The Castle Connolly list is a good place to start,


    I've had this doctor for maybe 30 years. He bought the practice from my previous doctor who was retiring.


    He is a GREAT doctor!!!

  5. I don't wear a wrist watch or have a cell phone. One Winter the power was off for 24 hours from 6AM to 6AM. There was a warming center at the VA Hall. I was the only person who showed up. There was no wall clock. Whenever I asked what time it was people looked at the phones.


    Over the years I've had several different thermostats in my apartment. Some I could not change. Not even my landlord nor his wife could change it. He had to call the installer to change the temp. The installer had set the heat for 68F at night and 72F during the day. Too cold for me. One week they had to put in three different thermostats. I now have a thermostat I can adjust. I have it set at 78F for both heater and a/c.

  6. Presumably you reset the time twice a year. If you can do that, I'd be willing to bet you could figure out how to play the radio.


    I'm afraid to try. I might set the alarm and not be able to unset it. One clock I bought I could not figure out how to set the time but somehow set the alarm but it was early in the morning. I thought it was the smoke detector. I was able to stop it but could not undo it. Finally I put the clock in a sack and beat it to death with a hammer and put it the trash bin behind the building.


    I had a good friend who helped me with all things mechanical but he died several years ago.

  7. There was a plan decades ago for the US to go metric. I learned the metric system in grade school. Our teachers said it was important to learn because the US would be going metric in 10 years. Never happened, obviously.


    All I know without looking it up is that a meter is about a yard.

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