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Posts posted by Avalon

  1. So then would it not be better to be that as a matter of choice rather than as a form of imprisonment?


    It is a choice. I am by nature not a social creature. The few relationships I've had they were always begun by the other person.

  2. Agreed. At this point, @Avalon, you are almost self-prescribing.

    Why do you say you are "happy at home"? Would it not be better to be more mobile and then make the choice to remain at home if that is what works best for you? Or is your phrase merely a representation of your feeling that changing your situation involves too much inconvenience?


    I have always been somewhat of a hermit. I like being alone. The internet is my human contact.

  3. My landlord does not know who my doctor is. I wrote out the names and addresses and phone numbers of my niece and cousin and taped it to a closet door. If anything happens to me to let them know.


    For LifeAlert I had to give the contact info for two people. I gave my doctor and landlord.

  4. So he offered you no help other than sending records? I would definitely find someone else. What about him is so great other than his willingness to keep prescribing meds?


    This group sounds promising, but they are unlikely to follow up with you. Call them back and speak to the specific person who told you they could help. Tell them your situation again. You may need to chase them down to get on their list, but once you're in, you're good.


    After I fell I was scared at first. But now after time has passed I'm happy at home.

  5. What was his response when you told him? Did he offer to arrange transport to his office? Suggest another provider who can visit you?


    He was sympathetic. Back after I fell I looked around for help thinking I'd need a nursing home. I heard an ad on the radio for a group that helps people in my situation but they were not in my county nevertheless they thought they could help me. But they wanted my medical records. So I called the doctor's office. When I checked back later that was the time I spoke to the doctor himself. He said the records were sent. So I called them. They said they got them and were working on it. That was months ago but they never called me back.

  6. Does he know you're housebound and can't come to him?


    I'm pretty sure you posted that he wouldn't give you more refills without a visit. Is that right?


    He knows that I'm homeboud. I've called his office several times; even spoke to him once.


    He does give me refills without seeing me. I've been taking these meds for years. I get some by mail. I called the place that provides them on 1 November (Thursday). Several were ready for refill but several needed new prescriptions from my doctor. When my landlord brought my mail the following Tuesday there was a bag of meds. Quick work!

  7. If he came to your house in 2006 why has he not done so after you being housebound for 8 months, but just keeps you overmedicated instead? Doesn't sound like such a great doctor to me.


    Because he changed medical groups. Rules changed.

  8. Our food and attitudes are definitely killing us.


    If we can be objective, its also a huge factor overlooked in over-simplified arguments about our health care system and comparisons to countries with national health systems.


    We're a society that values convenience and quantity over quantity more than any other on earth. We dont want to eat healthy, we'd rather take pills for cholesterol, GERD, sugar/diabetes, etc.... and drive thru at McDonalds.




    I was not familiar with the term.

  9. So you successfully left home weekly except for that one incident. Has your arthritis worsened since then? Or are you staying home out of concern that it might happen again?


    Both. Sometimes my knees can be very painful. Sometimes they make a noise when I walk. I can tell when they are especially bad when they feel warm.


    I have been worried about the cellulitis returning but then again my leg will be especially warm and thankfully it hasn't been.

  10. The last time you left your home, how did you do it?


    I would go out every week and start the car engine up and let it run for a few minutes. In mid April I drove and went to get my mail at the rent box. The next week I went out and started up the car. The week after when I went out I fell in the parking lot. Someone saw me and called the rescue squad. I was not physically injured. They put me on the gurney and got me back inside my apartment where I have been ever since.

  11. How is my doctor GREAT? He has always been there to help me. He's taken care of cellulitis on my right leg. He helped me cope with my diabetes.


    I've been a diabetic for over 10 years.


    Regarding cellulitis - hospitalized two weeks in 1999, one week in 2006. It came back in 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 but meds and shots took care of it.


    The 2006 was especially bad. After I got out of the hospital I had to have a shot every day for 10 days. I went into his office but it is closed on the weekend. He came to my home on Easter Sunday.

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