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Everything posted by thedanNYC

  1. That's just a linking issue. When that happens, and the URL is clear from the text of the link, you can just copy/paste the link into your browser. That should work. But maybe clicking on this works now too: https://rentmasseur.com/Fighter
  2. Wasted their time and money on a silly party, and the only reveal they ended up having is that mama likes to strike her kids in public. Tsk. Tsk.
  3. Did you end up paying him the agreed rate minus $20? I think some masseurs get a-hole-ish because they feel like it won't end up hurting their wallets.
  4. Can you post a link to his profile?
  5. Damn. I'd need another massage right after that trip.
  6. Just to clarify, I agree that mask wearing, social distancing, and cleanliness are effective and important. I've said that in this forum repeatedly. But, to be effective, it is important that masks remain dry. That's not possible in a steam room and unlikely in a hot sauna. So having people wear masks in steam rooms and saunas (and having extra staff enforce that requirement) will very likely not do much more than create the illusion of safety. In other words, we're talking about a marketing tactic no doubt intended to help make people feel more comfortable with the idea of booking services now. If BW actually cared about safety, they would keep those amenities closed or limit their use to vaccinated people.
  7. I believe there's one of these belts near the door, and you just grab the masseur you like from it:
  8. So they're stuffing more people than usual into an enclosed space to enforce ineffective measures. Love it.
  9. That, plus I'm sure a low percentage of Karens complaining about wearing masks because breathing in CO2 that gets trapped in there would kill them.
  10. As if wearing a mask inside a steam room will protect anyone from the virus. That's just silly.
  11. I'd suggest listing the masseurs' cities to make the lists more useful.
  12. Was that because he lost you at some point?
  13. I've had 2-hour massages with an excellent masseur. I can't imagine being on a table for longer than that.
  14. In NY, there's MMX. They do j/o meets every so often. I've also been to NY Jacks parties, and those were fun. There were plenty of guys there, so there was plenty of j/o to be done and to watch. I'd recommend going to one of their j/o parties if you're in NYC at the right time.
  15. Just to say it, that distinction is not very relevant outside the US.
  16. I don't think there's any difference at all here. Appearance is an essential criteria of the kind of hiring decisions most people discuss here. In other words, we look at photos to learn a masseur's identity and looks. I know it, you know it, and he knows it. That's why he used photos that don't accurately show what he looks like (15-year-old photos in your case, which only got the identity criteria right but not the looks)...because he expects those photos to attract business that he wouldn't have otherwise earned. That is not puffery. That's called a scam, fraud. His personality might be great, except for the scamming tendencies, but that still doesn't make what he did acceptable. That, of course, assumes that you're not willing to let yourself be scammed so brazenly when all you would have to do to avoid it is walk away. What's interesting to me is that you went in there knowing you were being scammed. You were "prepared" for it. I'm not sure why one would do that, given how many excellent and honest masseurs there are out there. But to each his own. I realize this might read as if I'm coming for you hard, but I'm not. This is isn't personal. My vendetta is against those who run scams in an industry where there are so many people working hard and honestly to try to make a living. So what I'm coming for is your rationalization of the fact that your masseur is running a scam.
  17. I'm not sure why everyone assumes masseurs who are tapping away are just texting. I'd assume he might be taking photos/videos and, at the very least, end the session.
  18. ?‍♂️You recruiting? I'm a great friend!
  19. There's a thread on this topic already. As you might expect, answers vary.
  20. Dog (à la Bird Box movie) -- the pandemic is out of control and the world might be ending, so you don't want to get too attached.
  21. Right, this policy is only meant to benefit sex workers. People who hire sex workers may still be prosecuted.
  22. In 99% of cases, run-of-the-mill prostitution (the picking up someone off the streets variety) is not a federal-law issue. So local decisions to stop prosecuting prostitution is all that's needed to keep ordinary sex workers from going to jail. The new policy is clearly going to benefit a lot of people, given that the DA is seeking the dismissal of >5,000 cases involving charges of prostitution or of loitering for the purpose of prostitution.
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