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Everything posted by thedanNYC

  1. OP asked about pandemic precautions... It stands to reason that pre-pandemic there was no pandemic, and post-pandemic there will be no pandemic. So I'm not sure what point you're trying to make. But I don't think it's necessary to turn this into a "risk of COVID vs. any other risk" thread.
  2. "L.A. masseurs who are following Covid precautions?" Sure, they're the ones following CDC guidelines and staying at home not seeing any clients right now. All other masseurs pose a risk to your health, to a degree that is unknowable based on anonymous forum posts. Hope that helps.
  3. Doctor: What happened that you ripped your rectum open? Patient: Well...*plays video
  4. We're paying to get assaulted now? I guess that's capitalism for ya.
  5. Bide your time, then sell the TP on eBay at 1,000% the regular price. ?
  6. Interesting. Wildlife can manage not to jaywalk, but I somehow can't.
  7. The OP wasn't engaged in a dubious transaction in a park at 2 a.m. in Spanish Harlem. He was at a barbershop where barbers in their 50s were working (not MS-13-tatted 18-year-olds wearing blue bandanas). OP felt safe and comfortable enough at that barbershop to become a repeat customer. So I don't think pointing out "Spanish Harlem" in red is helpful or warranted at all.
  8. Just to say, he didn't leave your mask off for the entire haircut. You left your mask off. Next time, no matter the circumstances, don't take off your mask when it goes against COVID guidelines or your own judgment.
  9. Have you seen any shenanigans there?
  10. This is a classic. It was the first "gay" music video I ever watched. I somehow didn't know they were a thing before then ?
  11. NoGagReflex SplitUinHalf BeerCanD I'll stop there because I don't want to get too excited only to black out and come to a week from now having written 10,000 possible names.
  12. Herpes and HIV carry with them unfortunate and unwarranted stigma and mental suffering that most people want to avoid. So I don't think treatments are functionally equivalent to a cure when it comes to talking about those STDs. But I do agree that pointing out that there are treatments is generally helpful.
  13. I'm wondering if this hassle is worth it for your or the escorts? Doctors don't usually test for herpes unless there's an active rash, so a standard STD test wouldn't catch that STD. And, as others mentioned, there are windows within which tests for other STDs will come back negative even though the person is infected. Aside from herpes, other unwanted party favors you might leave your sex party with are treatable. Well, all other STDs except for HIV...and if you're planning to bareback without being on PrEP, then you might consider using some of your party funds to get yourself a prescription for it.
  14. Here's why this top doesn't eat ass: No go on (and getting no pleasure from): Learnings from other's cautionary tales: http://www.newnownext.com/ive-contracted-my-third-gastrointestinal-parasite-from-rimming-and-i-cant-be-the-only-gay-man-suffering/01/2018/
  15. You invoked the weight of an alleged FDA approval to legitimize Modere's products. But it turns out the FDA (again, an agency you brought up) did not approve the product, and it actually asked Modere to stop making their unsupported claims that their products work. Your reaction to that is not, "Man, I'm surprised. I really thought they were legitimate. I need to look into this for myself since I'm such a huge proponent of using supplements." No. Instead, your reaction is basically "I gave a testimonial. The products work because I say they work. Never mind what the FDA said." That's a bit odd.
  16. Some people get turned on by the feeling/process of stretching their scrotum, others just prefer the look of low hangers vs a tight scrotum.
  17. I don't see this as a vendetta against you, and @FrankR's post has nothing to do with whether companies always run clean of any accusations. You told people to do their "due diligence." You told people that when you feel like you might be getting sick you take a supplement that "is approved by the FDA made by a reputable company in North America and manufactured with the highest integrity." You then provided a link to Modere's website when asked what that FDA-approved supplement is. That claim can't simply be "scrolled past" in a thread made to recommend flu vaccination, which you've hijacked to recommend against vaccination just because you haven't "succumbed" to the flu in 12 years (apparently, you think, because you've been taking those supplements). Well, congratulations on being so persuasive. People followed your recommendation. They did their due diligence, and they looked up Modere's supplements. Unfortunately, it turns out that the FDA exposed Modere for making unsupported claims about the effectiveness of their supplements, especially when it comes to treating COVID-19. In other words, the folks at Modere are so unscrupulous that they preyed on people's fear of the coronavirus to make a buck without putting any effort into verifying that their products actually work. Anyway, back to our regular programming folks. "Supplements" from unscrupulous companies that get bitch-slapped by the FDA are not a substitute for a flu vaccine if you want to improve the odds of not getting the flu (or, if you do get the flu, of having a more manageable case than you would have had otherwise).
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